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A gift I would like to keep.


New member
back story (short)
- A friend put a seed in the ground and not only did it seed but it flowered! Having some knowledge about MJ I helped him keep an eye on it till i had a microbox set up, knowing that in time I would be taking his plant.

- I cut the top bud and started the drying cycle. In the mean time I set up a box (2'x2'x4' with the top 15" my veg section, 2x 23w 5000k, ff ocean forest)

- I just put this little lady in (05/12/12 10p) she has two small buds between the fan leaves.

So now on to the question(s)
- what light cycle should I go with, seeing as its my only female plant out of the 20 bag seeds that I'm currently trying to germinate. I would like to take the plant to a veg. state so that I can clone her, cause who knows when it comes to bag seed.

- when should I water with distilled water?




Active member
Mr. 7,
Distilled water? What I would do is to give it 18 hours/day. If it hasn't been flushed, do so, then feed with 1/2 strength grow nutes. When you see new growth, it has made the turnaround. Re-veg success is a strain related thing. Some are easier to re-veg than others. Good luck. -granger


New member
Distilled because from what i have read it has the lowest ppm vs. tap, brita filter water.

since re-veg is strain related would one suggest just putting it in the flowering chamber 12/12 and clone from that?

thanks for the advice granger.


for revegging plants - i have allways used 24h light cycle. also i would give a dose of veg-nutes.


Water when it get dry and light

Poke some drainage holes in that bottle if you haven't.

24 hours of light

Is this already rooted and you potted? Or you took cut and are trying to root and reveg now?


New member
Got a fair bit of nursing to get that thing pumping again. Good luck with it all. Keep those lights on 24/7 and see how she goes.


New member
well.............................................she died.

at least I have a new sprout to care for.

Thank you guys so much for the help!

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