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Going to jail...

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
Cunningham is right. Pull her off of you like a T-shirt covered in ants, right now. You aren't going to jail until she sics the cops on you and they find the deadly reefer. Clean up your act now to stay out of prison. Then you can choose your next step. But you can't live with this sword hanging over your head.


Well-known member
Its complicated. I hope I am wrong. But its actually better than the other option which is leaving the state and my son and disappearing...I may go ahead and delete my account if I do then I went in. Hopefully it wouldn't be too much time but who knows hopefully it just won't happen...but my worst fears were confirmed tonight and its not as easy as just tearing down and changing spots. I am not involved in any other criminal activity...but in short I am being blackmailed thanks to my own stupidity....its my fault I am a stupid dumb fuck...but I can't change yesterday. Maybe it'll work out. I am just gonna hang in there and hopefully something good happens. But in the mean time might as well smoke'em if ya gottem boys...what the fuck else am I supposed to do? God fucking damn it I am just fucking mad...FUCK. I just don't know what to do. Like I said though 100% my fault ...all I will say is x wife. Its a pretty fucked up deal but it won't last forever. I hope I don't....but fuck.

If your X is blackmailing you, then I assume she hasn't flipped you to the police yet?

If this be the case, the fear of her doing so is causing you to much stress, and worry, therefore, tear-down ASAP and clean house before the police may try to touch you!

No evidence and it's she said he said no case!

Never underestimate what an X in rage will do to hurt you. I would assume the worst and clean house, and hope for the best. And live free to grow another day!

Good Luck & Don't allow your foolish pride to diminish logic, which we all have been guilty of at one time or another in life.


Ur Humbl Nr8tor

Well-known member
Unless the police have come into your home or grow and physically pinned you to it, then you have options. Close up shop if you believe this could happen in the near future...and I mean immediately. Better to lose a grow then to sacrifice your freedom. Anger is not going to get you through this...rational thinking will.

If you want advice, provide some more detail to the situation. Again, if you've not been pinned, then make a decision. Family (your kid) and freedom should be foremost. Getting the better of the Ex should not be your priority right now. You can do that in good time...


Well-known member
Yea.. I'm not following.

so...Your ex is likely going to roll on you..you are fortunate enough to foresee possible future events.. giving you time to get clean, yet your going to throw caution to the wind and just hope nothing happens. ??? If thats the case and you get popped its because your an idiot.

Just tear the grow down and remain free to grow another day.. you said yourself you just grow for yourself so whats the big deal about cleaning up for a bit. Doesnt matter what the bitch says.. no grow.. no trouble.


stoned agin ...
best of luck to you and dont be rash, cant say because you cant say much but maybe you're just freakin a bit right now, sounds like maybe you haven't been busted yet just someone holding it over your head. good advice above.


dump your shit get a kiln and some pots a welding ma. get a lot of welded metal so if you had high elc it covered don't be a fuck head if there kids she has more to gain than you .
so put down the dope and take care of what you need to do, are get that but read for what will happen next


Active member
ICMag Donor
I have to agree with everyone else. Don't assume you're going to prison until you know for sure. If I was in your situation, I'd get rid of everything incriminating ASAFP. Tear down the grow, destroy any physical evidence, and get rid of your computer if you've used it to post here. Back up whatever you need as long as it's not incriminating, and get rid of it. Buy another one later. If your state is as bad as you say it is, get rid of all your weed, pipes, papers, etc. You can always get new stuff later.

I thought my divorce went badly, by the way. I didn't have to deal with blackmail. I don't know what you're dealing with specifically, but it might be worth playing the game just a little until you have time to get your house and your life 100% clean. After that you can tell her to fuck off.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
You could reformat the computer and reinstall on the wiped drive. No need to destroy the computer.
And to think you chased this bitch across the states...

No More Drama, chop and rock another day...shit will work out IF YOU STAY OUTSIDE...don't be a fool


If your in California don't even trip be ready for 2-3 months MAX vacation.

I just got sentenced to a YEAR in FEBUARY(Yes the one that JUST passed)

Cali's jail/prison system is so FUCKED.
I was in on a violent crime(ex. one charge was battery.), felony, took a year, did 2 months FLAT.
biggest joke of my life. At least i got some workout time.


Well-known member
She probably got pics of him with plants and what not.


Doesn't really matter. If they cant locate the garden and a current crime in process they cant do shit. If she has pics of him in a garden then he really isn't too bright to begin with...but he could always say its a friends legal med garden from when he visited.

No prosecutor is going to pursue any charges over a picture.


Active member
ICMag Donor
You could reformat the computer and reinstall on the wiped drive. No need to destroy the computer.

Police have forensic tools that can recover evidence from a wiped hard drive, unless your software does a low level format and overwrites the whole disk several times. Even then it's not always safe. It's safer to buy a new hard drive and destroy the old one. This is a "do it yourself" project, though. If you don't know how to replace the hard drive, don't get the Geek Squad involved. Just replace the computer itself.

That wouldn't help, obviously, if there's still physical evidence in the house itself. I'd get rid of the physical evidence first before worrying about the computer, smart phone, etc.


Well-known member
I wouldn't necessarily worry about computer stuff. Obviously make sure your history/cookies are cleared and that there are no pics on the machine.

Maybe for rape, murder, and other serious crimes, but I've never heard of anyone having IT forensics done on their computer for alleged cannabis cultivation.

If one was busted (or a bust occurred with no plants) they might check the computer for obvious evidence/info, but they are not doing hard drive recovery for weed.

Better to be safe then sorry though I guess - check out dban.org for a good wipe tool and will write your drive in 1s and 0s several times over.

Rid the plants - clean the house - clean it again and rest easy. They can accuse all they/she wants at that point.