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Why all the cliques and shunning?

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my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
yeah man if you really want to meet acquaintances on here you can't be a quote un-quote nobody, start a thread and expect all the coolest people in the community to come find you... you have to go explore threads that you find interesting on strains you like and the such and there will be people there who are there for the same reasons.

and if you really need help you find a current thread that has to deal with a similar issue and ask someone in there to assist you.

I've never given or received anything from anyone here but under other handles I've made several "friends" not all of them did i add or they add me but thats not why we're here in the first place, its to learn, enjoy, and spread the love of cannabis and i bet if you focus on that good people will eventually gravitate towards you.... but this isn't Facebook yah know so dont' trip on status and such i mean thats high school stuff.

ralax and enjoy


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
never complained.
it was the some same people who slammed me in the cookie thread for making a joke.
some of the same people i was told i don't grow or know what og is.

but once the legend came out i was in like flynn.

i'm outta here. you sweeten it up all you want.
it is what it is.

Okay see you, if you're going to get your feelings hurt because some people make fun of you in one thread then you probably shouldn't be here. Maybe not even on the internet, that's pretty thin skinned of you and pretty short sited of you to judge hundred of members based on the conduct of a few in one thread. The world is a big place and not everyone is going to act the way you want or think they should. The sooner you come to terms with that the better off you'll be.


never complained.
it was the some same people who slammed me in the cookie thread for making a joke.
some of the same people i was told i don't grow or know what og is.

but once the legend came out i was in like flynn.

i'm outta here. you sweeten it up all you want.
it is what it is.
Jeeze dude that cookies thread is/was a free for all. Don't take it personal.


Active member
lol cravenmore (well, now im craving more funny pics :))

but hempkat is right.

put 100 people in a room and more often than not, you have at least 2 assholes :) (or a dick and a asshole :)) (and alot of pussies lol)


as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
i really should'nt say anything as i just recently made what i consider to be good friends here.very grateful to have met them to..
but it's hard here,i think, to get any answers to questions about anything imvho. i've been trying to find other people with my growing style for a long time just to compare notes with. i know that's my fault keeping to myself but not many reach out to me either even after i reach to them..
i can see his point to a degree..fitting in around here has and is still very hard.
i know for a fact, if i had anything to offer i'd be puffin' some fine og seeing firsthand what the fuss is about..
there is a rank n file here and very hard to even get a toe in...
.i feel bad bcuz i know where he's coming from..i was and am still kinda there. alone somewhat.
being a grower, if you have no friends outside icmag can devastating to one's psyche.i know firsthand.after moving 3 yrs. ago i still don't know anyone in my not so new town.
not like you can just have a bunch of people over.


I don't have time to waste on such a dumb thread. It is just not cool enough for me. :)


Active member
i really should'nt say anything as i just recently made what i consider to be good friends here.very grateful to have met them to..
but it's hard here,i think, to get any answers to questions about anything imvho. i've been trying to find other people with my growing style for a long time just to compare notes with. i know that's my fault keeping to myself but not many reach out to me either even after i reach to them..
i can see his point to a degree..fitting in around here has and is still very hard.
i know for a fact, if i had anything to offer i'd be puffin' some fine og seeing firsthand what the fuss is about..
there is a rank n file here and very hard to even get a toe in...
.i feel bad bcuz i know where he's coming from..i was and am still kinda there. alone somewhat.
being a grower, if you have no friends outside icmag can devastating to one's psyche.i know firsthand.after moving 3 yrs. ago i still don't know anyone in my not so new town.
not like you can just have a bunch of people over.

kinda curious, what do you consider reaching out?


Well-known member
.. the way to get friends, is to partake in discussions like this, in the tokeden

commenting on journals, starting your own journal.

partaking in society..


hoarding clones?

This site is about knowledge thats it. If your using it as a networking tool of course its going to come off cliquish or whatever.

You either contribute or you dont.. (be it knowledge or just sayin' howdy)
If you've got nothing to contribute you either absorb the knowledge or you dont..

I'm not sure what your expecting to get out of this site besides the above. If your trying to build real life relationships here your asking for trouble.

Take it for what it is... me for instance. I do not try to fit in here.. I just post/read. Am I missing something?

shit, most of us don't even like other people who aren't like us.
^ I think I found your problem if your not being accepted here.


as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
kinda curious, what do you consider reaching out?
idk, found other coco growers with similar style, asked questions never recieved any answers.
i was just trying to find out after 9yrs. where i was at as a grower and if they experimented likewise.
i'm not a nosey person..just more or less curious if people are as narotic as i am about things, like always keeping unused lights off, what and if anything they found useful experimenting with different ratios, styles, nutes general crap.i never really asked for anything just more or less needed to talk.i never had that before someone to bounce shit off of or anything.

i use to think i was crazy always turnig lights off, cabs to hydro store from mcd's parking lot, slip a free bud to homeless dudes who ask for a smoke with hte pk. nice lil surprise he'll find later... idk general stuff..other people with ms or common health issues..the norm or what i consider the norm.

btw, you;ll never hear me say anything cold or negative.. if anything im too damn nice n friendly..
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Active member
ya i got rejected to join a group here. well its their loss as i had lots to contribute. ya i mean you sd potsnobs. finest cuts my ass. you aint got what i do chumps


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
i really should'nt say anything as i just recently made what i consider to be good friends here.very grateful to have met them to..
but it's hard here,i think, to get any answers to questions about anything imvho. i've been trying to find other people with my growing style for a long time just to compare notes with. i know that's my fault keeping to myself but not many reach out to me either even after i reach to them..
i can see his point to a degree..fitting in around here has and is still very hard.
i know for a fact, if i had anything to offer i'd be puffin' some fine og seeing firsthand what the fuss is about..
there is a rank n file here and very hard to even get a toe in...
.i feel bad bcuz i know where he's coming from..i was and am still kinda there. alone somewhat.
being a grower, if you have no friends outside icmag can devastating to one's psyche.i know firsthand.after moving 3 yrs. ago i still don't know anyone in my not so new town.
not like you can just have a bunch of people over.

Dude I know exactly what you mean I moved from all my friends and family 10 years ago trying to get a business started and the only people that might smoke let alone grow are either hid real well or aren't people I'd want to hang with anyway. I've been here what like 6 years and I don't have or ever had a cut of OG just a small sample from a friend I made on another site also called OG :)

Still though I don't let it bother me because that's not why I'm here. I did get some free tester seeds from the owner of this site which I've grown over the years and I have some other connections not online. I have had people offer me stuff from time to time but I typically turn it down unless it's someone I know as well as you can know someone online. I've yet to hear of anything I had to have so badly to be worth risking security. If anything is all that I'll find a way to get it from a source I know and trust eventually.

I got Cheese though and while that's kind of yesterday's news it's still a damn fine strain and as long as I got that I'm good. :)


as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
Dude I know exactly what you mean I moved from all my friends and family 10 years ago trying to get a business started and the only people that might smoke let alone grow are either hid real well or aren't people I'd want to hang with anyway. I've been here what like 6 years and I don't have or ever had a cut of OG just a small sample from a friend I made on another site also called OG :)

Still though I don't let it bother me because that's not why I'm here. I did get some free tester seeds from the owner of this site which I've grown over the years and I have some other connections not online. I have had people offer me stuff from time to time but I typically turn it down unless it's someone I know as well as you can know someone online. I've yet to hear of anything I had to have so badly to be worth risking security. If anything is all that I'll find a way to get it from a source I know and trust eventually.

I got Cheese though and while that's kind of yesterday's news it's still a damn fine strain and as long as I got that I'm good. :)
thx bro
that shit about the og's doesn't bother me at all...
i do good to handle the real important shit in life everyday...
but, i can see where someone like weed is coming from.avoid him like a lepper til they see what he has.then hit him up...that's pretty bad if it really went down that way...
i never should've said anything..but, i feel for people having a hard time, it hits deep in my core seeing people suffer.there really is no need to be a prick to people...
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i like that give a bud to a homeless dude

i wrote a story about this a couple years ago, at the beach I saw these teenagers, they had purchased a blunt were talking about weed, it was late in the day I went up to my place which is on the ocean and has balcony could see they were all out in the water and I went down and slipped a big bud into a shoe.

the best was the reaction watching when they got out of the water with binoculars from the balcony



Active member
I'm compelled to break in here and remind EVERYONE that soliciting cuts or anything illegal from another member is cause for immediate and permanent banning from this site.

This site isn't here to provide a conduit for illegal activities.

For everyone's safety, people should report every instance of being soliticited to buy or sell or trade or engage in any illegal activity. You could be getting setup for a sting.

We won't and really can't report anyone to authorities, but we sure as hell can ban their ass from endangering our members. It's not worth the risk folks...

You want to get a cut, well you better not attempt to do it thru ICmag or you'll be persona non grata here.

And I've closed this thread because you're discussing trading cuts here which is not allowed.
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