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1st time indoor soil CFL grow


Looking great, is the NL auto really 90+ days? I thought all of these auto strains were faster than their photo cousins...

Reg Dixon

ICMag Donor
Looking great, is the NL auto really 90+ days? I thought all of these auto strains were faster than their photo cousins...

I'm fairly sure the grow has been considerably slowed down by excessive heat. The NL should have been finished 3 weeks ago or more.

Reg Dixon

ICMag Donor
Day 90 flower report

Day 90 flower report

Not much going on today. With the plants watered yesterday I'm not going in the cab today. Just taking care of environmentals. A/C loaded check. Door open for airflow check. Co2 bottle reloaded and in position above the A/C intake vent check.

Just as a reflection on this grow...

I have tried so many new things and most of them have failed.

The reflective cab failed. The double fan system failed. The solid food nutes failed. The 'hot with airflow' cab failed. The clotheshanger cab failed. The Swiss 'chalet' cab failed.

I have failed to control the ants. I have failed to nute the plants correctly at every stage of growth. It took me about 6 repots on the NL auto at least to get a workable soil mix going. That is 5x failures at the least there.

However I believe I have solutions to many of these problems. I feel more confident for next time. Not so confident as to step up to a HD/HPS grow yet. Subjects like ballast still scare me the heat they produce could easily push my temps over the already red line.

I'm thinking with a better grow room ie one with A/C and exhaust I can step it up to HPS and with a grow tent and a portable A/C unit I can really do some damage.

I already have a pretty good idea of what I'm going to grow next. It is just a case of executing it correctly. My thoughts are to do one more grow with CFL's except this time get it right!

NEW PICS in ALBUM - follow LINK under SIG

chief bigsmoke

Active member
Nice reflection Reg. It sounds like you had a big year of learning and that's great. It might seem like a pain in the butt, but you'll be a better grower in the end. :)

This is just some simple advice from one tender to another, don't worry about upgrading your lights yet. You're doing very well with CFL's. I advise working on your soil recipe and your nute regime. Study the organic soil thread and read anything by Microbeman. Take the time to fully read the organics for beginners and the TEA article.

Upgrading to an HPS system with more heat and light intensity will only make your plants more thirsty for the *possibly unbalanced soil recipe/nutes.

I hope this was a little helpful. I don't mean to offend in anyway. I look forward to the next evolution in your garden. maybe add some LED's to your cfls :p

happy growing Reg!

Reg Dixon

ICMag Donor
Day 91 flower report

Day 91 flower report

Nice reflection Reg. It sounds like you had a big year of learning and that's great. It might seem like a pain in the butt, but you'll be a better grower in the end. :)

This is just some simple advice from one tender to another, don't worry about upgrading your lights yet. You're doing very well with CFL's. I advise working on your soil recipe and your nute regime. Study the organic soil thread and read anything by Microbeman. Take the time to fully read the organics for beginners and the TEA article.

Upgrading to an HPS system with more heat and light intensity will only make your plants more thirsty for the *possibly unbalanced soil recipe/nutes.

I hope this was a little helpful. I don't mean to offend in anyway. I look forward to the next evolution in your garden. maybe add some LED's to your cfls :p

happy growing Reg!

Good advice I think. The LED idea is something I may just look into. Something new to learn for next grow as well which keeps it interesting. I think now I'm not lost all the time that might be a nice small step to move forward.

Today I opened up the cab for a quick check and some LST/trimming work on the Tangerine Dream. Rather than repot I have trimmed off a few more wierd looking lower 'reveg style' buds. Hope this will ease the burden on the other buds and get them going to finish again.

Pulled a few more dead leaves out of the TD. Annoying to have to handle the buds so often but it is difficult to get the dead leaves out of the buds and they do build up over time.

LST a bit more too to try and get the buds into better positions for the CFL's.

The NL auto has a lot more dead leaves sticking out. Will check it again tomorrow to see if it is any closer to being ready.

No pics today sorry.




I have tried so many new things and most of them have failed.
failures are great. there what you learn from.
so think of all you've learned over this grow :)

you grew,
you produced smokable buds
you cured the buds
you smoked the weed
you got stoned

in my book thats a complete success :good:

Reg Dixon

ICMag Donor
Day 92 flower report

Day 92 flower report

failures are great. there what you learn from.
so think of all you've learned over this grow :)

you grew,
you produced smokable buds
you cured the buds
you smoked the weed
you got stoned

in my book thats a complete success :good:

Many thanks for the positive input. You are right. Failure is a great teacher. Also even though a lot of things failed a few things worked and the buds do get me stoned:biggrin:

Today went into the cab to trim dead leaves off all 3 plants. The Northern Lights auto looks close to being done. A lot of the Tric's are cloudy maybe 30% and even the odd one is turning amber.

The Blue Widow I chopped 3 more buds off it today. The buds that looked ready with red pistils as opposed to orange and where the pistils had begun to shrink into the buds.

The rest of the buds still have white hairs sticking out the top. I think I'll let them turn before chopping the rest of the plant.

The Tangerine Dream needed water so I gave it some with a little molasses and re LST'ed it again as well as pulling off a lot of dead leaves stuck in the buds.

TD now has Trics forming all over and the plant has a resinous feel to it when handled. I got a shock when I saw the occasional amber tric here and there on the plant even mostly it is clear still.

Today will also be putting my NL auto test buds into their cure.

A quick note on curing. The buds in the Bell jar are curing nicely while the other type of jars I have used have been less successful. My advice - stick to bell jars.

PICS! plus new pics in album later.

Pic 1 - NL auto tops

Pic 2 - Blue Widow or rather what is left of it.

Pic 3 - Tangerine Dream freshly LST'ed.

Pic 4 - BW buds chopped today

Pic 5 - TD top. (one of 4)


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Reg Dixon

ICMag Donor
New pics are up on the album -follow link under sig under this post.

Just a few quick mental reminders. All but 1 of the buds currently hanging are Blue Widow.
BW - trim and dry begun today.
TD - one TD bud on hanger.
NL auto - Started it's test cure today.

Reg Dixon

ICMag Donor
Day 94 flower - Blue Widow final chop.

Day 94 flower - Blue Widow final chop.

Today was busy in the grow room. Decided to chop the remiander of the Blue Widow. Trimmed the buds before hanging. Wel I say hanging but actually I'm trying a wire screen instead this time. The buds are layed on the screen then the screen is rolled up loosely and wedged between a wall and a box about 4 feet above the floor.

The Northern Lights auto needed water so I gave it plain water as it seems to be getting quite close to being ready. The Tric's are clouding in places but no amber yet.

The Tangerine Dream got a real flush today. I put 3 gallons through the pot. Just plain water from now on for the TD till it finishes.
Tons of dead leaves need pulling off and there was a lot of burnt crispy leaves at the ends that were still alive at the stem.

Not sure if it is nute burn or too much/too close light. Also even the smaller buds are now getting so heavy that they are bending at the stem and dying on the vine as it were. So now I have to have a LST session with it again to help them through.

The cab got another redesign today as I begun to reduce the cab area as there are less plants now. Down to two!

The Blue Widow I might have a go at revegging as it has been such a pleasure to grow but I'm a little hesitant as it a 'stinker' that needs active smell management. The other 3 produce very little smell in comparison.

Some pics of the chop today.

Pic 1 - Blue Widow 'skeleton'

Pic 2 - Before trim

Pic 3 - After trim.


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Reg Dixon

ICMag Donor
Not much going on in the cab today. Just the usual heat and Co2 maintainence.

Took the damaged TD bud that has been drying for a week and put it in a small jar. Just another experiment. The jar is a dark color with a screwtight plastic lid. Not sure it is seals. Might have to put a layer of clingfilm under the lid.

The BW buds continue to dry on the hanger. The TD buds I chopped and trimmed last night are hanging on a chain next to the hanger and finally the last portion of the BW continues to dry on a mesh screen in the corner. I've suspended the mesh a foot above the floor in a dark area of the room that gets decent airflow.

Probably should snap a few pics of the buds hanging. Maybe later.

Reg Dixon

ICMag Donor
Day 96 flower report.

Day 96 flower report.

Today had the cab open briefly to check Tric's and pot weight. Took a few snaps as well.

The NL auto is getting pretty close. Many of the tric's have turned cloudy and a few are amber. It will need water tomorrow or the next day at which point I'll flush 2 gallons on water through then let dry and chop.
I'll chop it all at the same time too.

The Tangerine Dream is becoming a nightmare. It just keeps on adding weight and the leaves all over the place continue to crisp up. Mostly clear Tric's are evident. No idea what is happening with it. Will just keep flushing plain water through it now until chop.

pics -

Pic 1 and 2 NL auto.

Pics 3,4,5 - Tangerine Dream


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Reg Dixon

ICMag Donor
Drying notes.

Drying notes.

BW on hanger day 4 dry.

BW on screen day 2 dry.

TD on chain day 2 dry

Pics of BW final chop drying on screen.


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Reg Dixon

ICMag Donor
Curing notes

Curing notes

Blue Widow ball jar cure - started day 84

NL auto cure started day 93

TD mini cure started day 95
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The NL auto is getting pretty close. Many of the tric's have turned cloudy and a few are amber. It will need water tomorrow or the next day at which point I'll flush 2 gallons on water through then let dry and chop.
I'll chop it all at the same time too.
NL auto cure started day 88
umm Reg could you explain what you mean, please.

i'm a bit confused about how you can be flushing and curing apparently at the same time.:thinking:

Reg Dixon

ICMag Donor
umm Reg could you explain what you mean, please.

i'm a bit confused about how you can be flushing and curing apparently at the same time.:thinking:

I chopped some NL auto test buds a while back to see how close the plant was and to try a test dry/cure before the main one.
If you read back to around day 88 post on this thread I mentioned it then.

Reg Dixon

ICMag Donor
Day 97 flower report.

Day 97 flower report.

Flower day 97

Today took down the 2nd last batch of the BW and put the buds into a Mason's Ball Jar. Think they dried about 6 days.

Masons Ball Jar = winner for curing.

Checked NL auto yesterday. Mostly cloudy tric's now with some amber and clear mixed in. Time to chop soon. Also it has begun to smell. Finally. Nice smell when I flushed her.

Flushed over 3 gallons of water through her. Now it is just a case of waiting for it to dry out before chop, trim and hang.

Tried some of the BW that had been curing around 2 weeks in a joint. WOW - what a great smoke. Real blueberry taste, very smooth and nice stone that wears off and is followed by a long lasting functional high.

Quite excited about the NL auto chop as I will be doing the whole plant all in one go.

No pics today. None until NL auto chop day prolly.

Reg Dixon

ICMag Donor
My first grow - Wrap up

My first grow - Wrap up

So, shortly after my last post I realised my plants had begun to hermie some time before. Especially the TD.

I immediately chopped them all and soldiered on with the dry/trim/cure despite having serious misgivings about how it would turn out.

As expected the weed was not great. Maybe the TD was 1/10th of what it could be if grown well. It was still strong enough but the taste just was not there.

The BW turned out the best although I did not like it much as a smoke. Especially its effects. Good for those who need to eat more. I need to eat less and have self control about what I eat or quite simply I will die. So - no good for me.

The NL auto was a disaster but it got smoked too and it got me high quite nicely.

The best success I had was making iso hash with the trim. The stuff was dynamite and really pepped up the NL auto when smoked together.

All in all it was a good learning experience but I think it taught me more about life and the world than about growing and I think I learned a lot about growing too.

Thanks for reading and the encouragement. I don't think I will be posting any more grow logs though as quite frankly it did not help.

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