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Alkaline Water-Real Deal?


I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
Hey everyone. Wanted to ask my fellow ICMagers about alkaline water. A health store in my town has been selling this for a while, and a few people I know have been drinking it.

Supposedly this water is a lot better for you, and the store owner is very adamant about cancer being unable to survive in an alkaline environment, which is why he is selling it.

I have looked into the machines, and the legit ones are a few grand. I just wanted to know if any of you are familiar with this. Thanks for any responses.



All alkaline water should be, scientifically-speaking, is water with a high carbonate hardness level. Not difficult to achieve if it's been filtered through limestone.

I think it's bogus. I also think it's a silly notion to think that you can so significantly change your body's chemistry that way. For example, the pH levels in your stomach--they're extremely low for a couple of reasons, not the least of which is to kill pathogenic microbes. How well would you digest your food if you were really able to so significantly change the pH in a healthy stomach? What about the bloodstream?

See, I've seen a lot of aquatic organisms die what looked to be pretty painful deaths due simply to erratic pH shift, being put into water of a significantly different pH, or experiencing pH that is out of their natural range. So it makes no sense to me that you can, let alone would want, to change the pH of your insides.


To add what Sea Maiden posted- the range of blood pH is extremely narrow. The body has all kinds of enzymes and buffers to ensure it stays in that range, and if it deviates much at all, you will be dead.

The idea that certain foods or water can "alkalise" your body has no scientific basis.


Active member
Gimmick. So cancer cells can't survive in an alkaline environment? Cool, but neither can you. So what, your supposed to drink gallons so that kills cancer cells. Wow. Great. Only problem is you'd be deader than hell to. "I can cure cancer. Oh, you mean the host has to live too, damn, back to the drawing board." :blowbubbles:


Rubbing my glands together
As mentioned already the "idea" is to get your body ph up around 7. Not really higher than that cause that would cause it's own set of problems. Apparently cancer isn't supposed to live in a higher ph state where as it thrives at a lower body ph.
Juice from cabbage will also raise your body ph in a much quicker fashion that just the higher alkaline water will and IS NOT meant to be used for a long period of time. Will cause your body ph to go too high. But that's just gross.
Sugar is a bad thing to put in your body if you have cancer. Is said to help it grow.
There are also O2 drops, some better than others, you can put into your water that "oxygenates" your body, blood, organs, etc. Have seen demonstrations where the O2 levels did raise a good bit just by using these drops. So more O2 to the cancerous cells is supposed to stop and shrink the tumors/cells.
Silica drops to put silica back into your organs too.
My mother in law used these things during her bout with cancer some years ago. At 1 point, about 6 months after being re diagnosed with it her cancer was in remission the doctors couldn't explain it. So she kept using these products for another 2 years or so. Cancer was gone. So she quit using them. A year later it came back with a vengeance.
Do they do any good? Did they really help her? I don't know. But if it gives a cancer patient hope of any kind and the will to keep going another day I don't see where that's altogether a bad thing. Most just give up and die quicker because all hope is lost.


Active member
here we have Real2O its bottled alkalized water. its same price as regular water but tastes way better. it might be snake oil but its delicious snake oil. i drink like 3 glasses of water and baking soday a day for my heart burn. so i imagine im pretty alkalized.


The "kills cancer" marketing line is total BS, stop supporting this guy's business, if you like the way alkaline water tastes, great, but buy it somewhere else where they don't peddle their products with BS statements.

I grow cultures of cancer cells for laboratory studies, everyday, and we actually use media that is mildly alkaline NOT mildly acidic, because that is what the cancer cells are healthiest in! LOL, we change the media if we see that it has become acidic, so they can be happy in the fresh alkaline stuff. So I'm calling BULLSHIT on this guy big time. The kind of water you drink, alkaline, acidic, or nuetral, is pretty much irrelevent when it comes to dealing with cancer.

This is the typical, "Let me come up with the scariest scenario that this product may prevent and see who I can scare into buy this shit" approach that many sales people adopt. BOOOO, CAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNCEEEEEEERR, BOOOOO, CAAANNNCEER'LL GETCHA UNLESS YOU DRINK THE ALKALINE WATA!


The worst thing about this are the people who are in the midst of a losing battle with cancer. My neighbor, just saw her last Sunday. If I could undo her decades of poor diet, smoking, and just generally unhealthy living, I would do it. But get her to spend the last of her hard-earned on shit like alkaline water? No, I'd rather get myself into trouble giving her good weed to soothe her way.


pollen dabber
ICMag Donor
i drink like 3 glasses of water and baking soday a day for my heart burn.

seriously check out aloe vera juice, drink a shot of that before every meal and you will be fine in no time.
my throat was burning like wildfire till i started using it, within 1 week things started to get back to normal.


Hey everyone. Wanted to ask my fellow ICMagers about alkaline water. A health store in my town has been selling this for a while, and a few people I know have been drinking it.

Supposedly this water is a lot better for you, and the store owner is very adamant about cancer being unable to survive in an alkaline environment, which is why he is selling it.

I have looked into the machines, and the legit ones are a few grand. I just wanted to know if any of you are familiar with this. Thanks for any responses.


If you are drinking city water from the tap almost anything is better for you. In most places is city water is pure toxic swill, the fluoride they add to water is poison along with a laundry list of other delicious chemical additives.

And if you are really lucky your drinking water is recycled poop juice from everybody's toilets, that has been filtered, chemically treated but still contains traces of hormones from birth control from the women in towns pee.

I could go into great detail but I will spare you the really disgusting stuff.

Also worth mentioning, there is almost no consumer grade water filters that can fully remove fluoride.


Active member
I'd rather drown those cancer cells with cannabinoids.

I treat my soda water with Scotch. It's a dandy anti-microbial.

Health Science...
I got it covered.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Hey everyone. Wanted to ask my fellow ICMagers about alkaline water. A health store in my town has been selling this for a while, and a few people I know have been drinking it.

Supposedly this water is a lot better for you, and the store owner is very adamant about cancer being unable to survive in an alkaline environment, which is why he is selling it.

I have looked into the machines, and the legit ones are a few grand. I just wanted to know if any of you are familiar with this. Thanks for any responses.


Alkaline Water?!? DRINK Alkaline Water!!!??? Hell no!!! the cancer treatment benefit comes strictly from bathing in the shit, like the famous hot sulfur springs. drinking that Alkaline crap will surely kill you, you wouldn't drink the hot sulfur springs wouldja???.......


Actually, people do. Pretty much everywhere I been that have natural hot springs, I've seen people filling up jugs to take home. In Hot Springs Arkansas, they even have public drinking fountain type arrangements in the park.

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