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Outdoors in Carolina


Don't have any pics yet the seeds are still in the process of sprouting. I'll veg them until may and then proceed to plant, still in the process of finding the best ideal spot but will find one in the next month. Let's just say this grow is a work in progress and won't be as guerrilla as some on here they'll probably be hiding in a spot off the beaten path.

I'll only be shooting for 1-2 plants and will be training them so they blend in with their surroundings hoping for 2 pounds from my work. Did I forget to say this will be a bag seed grow and if it goes to completion like I think it will I want to become a member of the bag seed association. Looking for spots now in the country on google earth and will be doing a lot of scouting in the weeks to come.


Found my possible locations already will be getting the scouting done within the next few days.


I've noticed for those of us living east of the Appalachians that the states tend to be broken up into the mountain country, the piedmont and the tidal plains, and the growing environment depends a lot on that. What sort of terrain are you growing in down there in NC?

edit: I just realized you may have meant SC, and that makes my post a bit moot.


I thought it was less hostile in NC than SC. Didn't NC decriminalize last year?


I'm eastern NC any place where I could potentially land back in prison is a hostile environment this isn't california. Anyway 10 of 12 seeds have germinated I'll be putting them in solo cups today two to a cu, I've increased my plant numbers to anything that is female so that could be 3 that could be 8 so we'll see. I'll have a lot of surprises anyway in whether each plant is a sativa or indica so that will be fun. Have selected the two growing locations and I'll be transplanting in 3 weeks might do some more scouting might not.


Found a bag of my choice bag seed that I couldn't find before so I'm germinating 18 more with the others on there first week of growth.


Here's some pics you'll see that the five cups I started in so far have growth, I have ten additional cups in there for the new seeds as they germinate. Will be vegging for 3-4 more weeks to get ready for the great outdoors (not even the first week yet). Stems tipping a little sideways because of the fan and the fact that I removed all excess water.



If I take a couple up to the third week of flowering will they revert back after being placed outside it's for some early bud?


Active member
Yeah they'll revert at some point in may/june. takes about a month of no activity for me.

I just did this, with my mom to sex it. She only took 2 weeks to start vegging again but there is only hairs and no bud. If I woulda just put it outside, it'd finish flowering at the end of this month.

And buring the stem is always a good idea! This time my seedling stretched a lot so I had enough stem to flip the cup upside down and have the stem run up the side and back out the soil (did like a "U"). Took awhile, but my root system is massive!


So basically they'll revert back even if I hold a couple till three weeks of flowering which would put the plant outside in early june.

Here's a quick update (not much to see yet): The singled out one has the most growth.




Active member
Best of luck to you! What's you're doing is very risky but very rewarding. What's the soil like down there in NC, rich and black or what?


Thanks for both of your responses hoping everything goes as planned this year.

Rich and black for the most part alot of sand.


Power Armor rules
Good luck with your outdoor grow this year. I used to live in Eastern NC and I know how it is. Come August/September you'll see the large outdoor busts on the news.



Good luck with your outdoor grow this year. I used to live in Eastern NC and I know how it is. Come August/September you'll see the large outdoor busts on the news.


Yeah but I won't be among them doing less than 35 plants but they might consider that a big grow. Thanks for stopping in!