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Found the love of my life in a directory!



I don't like my wife to have friends, so if I was her husband, and you came around snooping,
you would find yourself fed to these guys


just kidding :)
go get her boy, you know you want to


Active member
Well i wrote a small neat letter.

Paid 20 quid for 192 membership...

There is only one problem, 192 is not the hard physical address of people, no, it is electoral memos, and they have her living at this address since, hear this - from 2006 till 2007, for only 2 years.

Well, there can only be one Miss classmate, her actual name living with the same name at this little town, so i am pretty sure it is ... was her actual address.

Gonna send a letter anyway, with a cover, asking if she does not live there at present, to forward the note to her :)


Andinismo Hierbatero
Hubble, come on man, are you trying to pull a Yummy on us? you know you cannot compete with the king Yums.


Andinismo Hierbatero
but I thought you had already found the love of your life? plus I'm already taken, but thanks for the offer, well, it is a creepy offer, but gotta be polite, right?


Andinismo Hierbatero
oh thank goodness. so how did you mean it? you want to actually transform me into a female dog? that sounds scary and I dunno if I'd want; I could be a very annoying female dog too, barking all day and night and shit like that, destroying couches, and I could potentially ruin your new hard-wood floors with my paws. think about it :yoinks:

edit: didn't catch your edit there... I'm a good bong cleaner and a good trimmer, you'll have to pay me good though, and you'd have to re-locate to my location too.


Andinismo Hierbatero
oh yeah, darn, you got me there, lousy memory sometimes.

btw, are non-slip vinyl surfaces made out of old vinyl records of abba or any other sort of disco music?

how would that interfere with communications with the cherubims if so?


Andinismo Hierbatero
walt, and one bottle out of the case should be half-empty, with a note attached to it that reads: thinking of you :)