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Internet activity 'to be monitored' under new laws UK

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Yes rightt-BUT-then some starting to use software to things-thats also can make interest for you..because why some wanna encrypt something and than you can encrypt,some also can decrypt..software to things,to hide and so-are market as Hacker tools and who will know-if some starting to find out-who takes those prg down-and following you,without your knowledge of course.I would newer trust anything send over the internet-thats the best secure.A prg as Camerashy-is also a prg,to hide things in it-but-it had also make to much interest,from goverments..Because-some can send things and nope-newer trust the internet at all--so many using the internet for many things-dont tell me-some following it,without our knowledge-it can be dangerous to trust a prg-no mater how secure it,s are..key..s-codes can be breaked.if good enough-.those who work with those-IF-they doing those,for the goverments and so-are not dropped behind a car..
Just my opinion-if what you are doing are so secret,so it,s better dont talk about over internet.
In my country-police are starting to listening to peoples phones,lots more than they have done before...and it,s only what we knows public-they doing-so there is all,what we dont know about..and thats it,s the dangerous.
The fight against errorist had bringning it,into a higher securelewel,not because of us...
But they also can find prg to hide-dont tell me-and so you are secure...and im not paranoid at all-but if 100 safe-dont talk over the net-about folsom things-if you will be secure and know-you are secure.

I disagree I think the more we let them into our lives the worse things have already gotten. Enough is enough already WTF?
if ppl don't stop these guys things like this happen:

Assange was a hacker-activist in his youth, before becoming a computer programmer and then becoming internationally renowned for his work with WikiLeaks.[11] He has lived in several countries and has made public appearances in many parts of the world to speak about freedom of the press, censorship, and investigative journalism. He has received numerous awards and nominations, including the 2009 Amnesty International Media Award, Readers' Choice for TIME magazine's 2010 Person of the Year, the 2011 Sydney Peace Foundation gold medal and the 2011 Martha Gellhorn Prize for Journalism.[12] Snorre Valen, a Norwegian parliamentarian, nominated him for the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize.[13]

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headband 707:tiphat:

Skinny Leaf

Well-known member
Something tells me that sooner or later I will be turning the computer off or at least limiting it's use to very mundane surfing and emails.
Hell, I went through the first 40 years of my life with no computer and it wouldn't be much of a problem for me to just throw the thing off the end of the dock and never go online again.

That's the best option on the market and its free.


TrueCanna Genetics - Selection is art
ICMag Donor
Im gonna send an extra 100 emails a day to give them something to monitor, i suggest everyone does the same to keep them nice and busy.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
I saw one chap on the Guardian, he suggested that everybody should isert random buzzwords into every email ie,
Morning, bob, how are you,
Semtex jihad
I hope you had a good weekend
How are the kids
Mother of satan

in order to overload their system


Active member
Boy, here we go. Even if this is shot down , the people who want it (megalomaniacs, power hungry dorks, etc.) will just keep putting the "need" forward until people just get sick of hearing it and acquiesce. My kids have always said, "Dad, you're just a paranoid old fart. Nobody would ever do that". That's because they were brought up in a "nerfed" and sheltered world. Orwell's 1984 was required reading when I was sophomore in high-school. We had school assemblies where they showed the movie "Fahrenheit 451".

I disabled both my built-in camera and microphone. Not because I'm afraid I'll get busted, but because my business is my business, absolutely no-one else's. When I want to talk to someone, I just enable them.

I read my ISP TOU. It states they must provide information to LEO or any government agency that requests it. That pretty much means anyone. As it stands now, no-one has any idea when or who has been provided what information that ISP has given anybody. I think, as minimum, ISPs should be required to notify user when requests have been made.

Lastly, while I'm on my rant, I think most Americans don't know that we have in prison a greater percentage of he population than ANY other country. Something is very, very wrong with that. You think the framers had any idea the government would ever do that? Something is very wrong in this picture. Can you see it? :tumbleweed:


ICMag Donor
Posted this on an unsecured wifi from a s/h netbook , dont see anything recorded that could tie it to me , unless im missing something.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Posted this on an unsecured wifi from a s/h netbook , dont see anything recorded that could tie it to me , unless im missing something.

The proposals will allow them to access your viewing history realtime, recording the web addys you type in, every single one.
They will be sick off the sight of the words on the list,
Guess the porn world needs code for anal teenage bondage bukkake milfs


Active member
I disagree I think the more we let them into our lives the worse things have already gotten. Enough is enough already WTF?
if ppl don't stop these guys things like this happen:

Assange was a hacker-activist in his youth, before becoming a computer programmer and then becoming internationally renowned for his work with WikiLeaks.[11] He has lived in several countries and has made public appearances in many parts of the world to speak about freedom of the press, censorship, and investigative journalism. He has received numerous awards and nominations, including the 2009 Amnesty International Media Award, Readers' Choice for TIME magazine's 2010 Person of the Year, the 2011 Sydney Peace Foundation gold medal and the 2011 Martha Gellhorn Prize for Journalism.[12] Snorre Valen, a Norwegian parliamentarian, nominated him for the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize.[13]
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Recentism.svgView Image
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headband 707:tiphat:

hmm : ) HB ! we dont let them in-thats the "point"-WE should could wrote PM,s-without be looking over the shoulder-and without act stealth.and you and i cant stop them.And i dont think hacking is much better,in the long term-but some people-groups have give the politicians "argument" for following and monitoring and so-we can espacilly,say thanks for those argument,they have give them.Dont think i like it either,but we can came under obsservation because of that-and IF,it could be stopped,those owerwieving-they could do it anyways.The crine,in my country is falling,but they listening to ppl,s phones,more than they have did ever.It,s what our politicians knows-those undercowercops-dont need to tell everything,they doing-because,of our nations security.
what hell should we could do ?

Reg Dixon

ICMag Donor
Does this mean that a new industry might spring up to secure computer connections from government spying?

Could an opportunity for some....

headband 707

Plant whisperer
hmm : ) HB ! we dont let them in-thats the "point"-WE should could wrote PM,s-without be looking over the shoulder-and without act stealth.and you and i cant stop them.And i dont think hacking is much better,in the long term-but some people-groups have give the politicians "argument" for following and monitoring and so-we can espacilly,say thanks for those argument,they have give them.Dont think i like it either,but we can came under obsservation because of that-and IF,it could be stopped,those owerwieving-they could do it anyways.The crine,in my country is falling,but they listening to ppl,s phones,more than they have did ever.It,s what our politicians knows-those undercowercops-dont need to tell everything,they doing-because,of our nations security.
what hell should we could do ?

Well I'm all for security and looking after the ppl etc. What I'm not for is turning ppl that smoke cannabis into criminals or treating them like criminals/gangs etc. I do not appreciate this one bit.
Our Govs expects, no demands that we hold ourselves to their "TRUTH".
Now we bring them our "TRUTH" about cannabis and instead of listening to the argument like real adults they choose to continue to lock ppl up and treat us like they can't hear what we are saying. They tell us that one Gov is fighting another and there is nothing they can do about this and all along someone somwhere is making money. We stop locking ppl up for cannabis as of today and get everyone that has been put in jail for cannabis out TODAY!!!! Anyone who has put a person in jail for cannabis should go to jail for the exact same amount of time imvho,,,Headband 707:tiphat:
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Jon 54

When this takes effect in Great Britain it's only a matter of time before our lying son of a bitch that is our president will break our privacy laws and start similar bull-shit over here in the US. !!! What a screwed up supposedly free world we live in. Jon 54 :tumbleweed::tumbleweed:


Active member
When this takes effect in Great Britain it's only a matter of time before our lying son of a bitch that is our president will break our privacy laws and start similar bull-shit over here in the US. !!! What a screwed up supposedly free world we live in. Jon 54 :tumbleweed::tumbleweed:

What dimensional plane have you been on. Whatever the heck it is it must be illegal, I mean you grow right?
we do illegal, so they are justified. It's just that We don't make the rules.
Those Twits in the legislature do. Threaten those asswipes with the end of careers and they see those PAC $$$ disappearing.
Hurry before sending an e-mail or letter doing so will be regarded as 'Disturbance of Goobermint Business'.
When this takes effect in Great Britain it's only a matter of time before our lying son of a bitch that is our president will break our privacy laws and start similar bull-shit over here in the US. !!! What a screwed up supposedly free world we live in. Jon 54 :tumbleweed::tumbleweed:

Ahhh, someone with the correct handle on zerobama. Eliminate the free internet & the only news we'll get is the news he wants us to hear:tumbleweed:


Active member
well, its progress,

in the old days, they wouldave just monitored your behavior and then one day there was a knock on the door and you were never heard from again

(unless they needed it to be public to scare others into complying)


Active member
Google has all your shit now kids, them and Apple. Somebody once said knowledge is power. They have the power.

roll it large

This is fucked up

What the hell happened to privacy

So they can see that my most online activity is icmag which they could use to bring me down or bust my ass

This is all we need
