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Indoor Sucks


Active member
Indoor is not really my thing, but I have some Guerilla Gold's growing to make seed and they always seem to develop this. I don't know what the fuck it is, my water ph is 7.1 and soil is 6.3-4.
I feed with bat guano. They were growing like crazy until a few days ago.

Please help


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seeker of greater knowledge
well they look really dry and if your just feeding bat guano then you might be experiencing nutrient lockout, due to the fact that your water is kinda high 7.1 is a little high for mj to thrive try to lower it to about 6.2 to 6.4 regardless if its pouring out at 6.3 ...try to stabilize your ph and maybe get a well rounded nutrient regime and you should notice the'll pick up.....good luck in your adventure....
and btw indoor dosen' suck ..once you have all your factors dialed in then indoor is a very rewarding experience....



Active member
vince514-thanks. I will try and water with a higher ph. I tested the soil directly, the top layer anyway. It was 6.3-4. I believe there is peat in the soil, also. They lookk happy this morning, but I will watch the progress of the leaf decay.

I didn't mean to knock indoor cultivation, just in my experience these plants are so hardy outside. They can take saline water, poor soil, etc. and just seem unstoppable. I bring them inside and can't believe shit like this can happen. Frustrating, you know.


Plant Whisperer
Indoor is not really my thing, but I have some Guerilla Gold's growing to make seed and they always seem to develop this. I don't know what the fuck it is, my water ph is 7.1 and soil is 6.3-4.
I feed with bat guano. They were growing like crazy until a few days ago.

Please help

When you grow outside do you grow in pots?

Do you add anything else? Like seaweed extract? If not, you should.

Bat guano alone is not enough for potted plants :tiphat:


Active member
Thanks so much to everyone viewing and posting. This is not really the way I wanted to pop my first post cherry on icmag but I really need some help and appreciate the all the advice I can get.

420247-I do not grow in pots, you think they are root bound? Guerilla Gold is picky about that. I don't add anything when I grow outdoors, just try and find good soil and let nature to the work. I water with guano if they look like they need a boost. What else so you recommend for potted plants?

wildgrow-thanks, that's what I meant. What do you recommend lowering the ph?


I like deep water culture because what ph water you use is the ph period. No playing around like dirt, also if something goes wrong with the nutrients its as easy as drain the water and replace with fresh nutrients. Consider ditching dirt for indoor. LOSS OF AIR IS DEATH IN DWC

metro mix and coco coir are fake dirt and in my opinion are a waste of time and take up space that the roots can be using.

Your not too far along, you can wash the dirt off and switch as long as you do it soon and the shock it will cause probably would be easier to deal with than fixing lockout and guessing at what nutrients the dirt has. But either way dwc will blow past dirt in growth NO MATTER WHAT
There is no fixing lockout in dwc you just use fresh nutrients, no worry if you flushed good enough, or guessing how much nutrients are left in the dirt.

To answer your question you want to use acids that the plant can use. The most common is phosphoric but some additives are acidic so know your nutrients and don't over do any of them, weed is like starving people, a little food is better than too much but just right is best.

Commercial plant ph down is generally phosphoric, it can be nitric also

I thought I sucked at growing at first, turns out my dirt's peat was screwing me. Same plants roots rinsed with water re-potted even with shock looked better than ever in less than a week.

Its your plants but i would switch 1 for use as a mom and in case your peat does what mine did and cause uncontrollable ph lowering.


There is also more than one kind of bat shit. For instance, fruit bat shit has almost no nitrogen in it.. That could make your vegging plants look like... Guano!... ;)


, The Ghost of
Since I havnt had a ph issue I cant recommend 1 product definitively. Any reputable nute companys ph lowering additive should do. Someone else can give you the names of specific products that have worked for them. good luck. cheers


Active member
Wow, thanks again for the comments. Unfortunately, it looks like the GG's have gotten a bit worse.

pip313-I'd love to switch to dwc. Until the next paycheck I'm a little strapped for cash so won't be able to switch yet, but I will look into the equipment. My water ph is fine. At least coco won't give me these probems. I've had it with natural soil inside as well. I don't know what it is, I think GG just wants to be outdoors.

nvthis-good point. I have a high N/P guano, it could be contributing to the acidity of the soil.

wildgrow-thanks for checking back. I can't really afford to get any commercial ph up/down atm but will be searching the organic forum for household alternatives. I found the thread before talking about lemon juice for ph down but I want to find something for ph up also.

jahrastafareye-I'm here posting pics of my sick plants in the Infirmary to get help, I'm not here to argue or philosophize. Smoke some indoor for me and I hope your indoor endeavors are more successful than mine. If you want any outdoor advice, lmk.


you might want to try something as simple as changing "pots" ...... roots don't like light

Double F

i do both indoor and outdoor, and both have their ups and downs, i frequently say "indoor sucks" until outdoor season when i say "outdoor sucks"...it goes back and forth..

first off you dont need bat guano in veg...thats a flowering amendment. your plants look both burned and locked out... if that makes sense. they have an overload of phosphorous but looks like they need some other things like cal mag...

those leafs also show tell tale signs of PH imbalance..

first, if you top dressed with guano, try to remove some of it. flush with plain water, then give a light dose with some calmag and veg nutes, not flower nutes..

also you absolutely need a PH meter for indoors unless you are growing with amended balanced soils...

outdoors we rarely use PH meters, indoors its a must...

also you are growing in a freakin empty water bottle! terrible draining and the light affects the roots negatively..


Active member
In light of reading the "Commonsense Use of the Infirmary" thread I will put up some more info about my grow.

Strain Guerilla Gold #3 or 5, F6...maybe
From seed
Plants are over 1 month old, they were by the window for several weeks.
Medium-Commercial potting mix, contains peat I believe
Container/Pot size-2 liter
Transplanted 1-2 weeks ago
composition ratios-not sure exactly, some perlite, peat
Water runoff Ph-have not checked yet, top soil was 6.3-4, water is 7.1
Nutrients added-one feeding about a week ago of high N/P bat guano
Ratios of nutrients (N% P% K%) maybe 10-10- , but no longer have the box
When were they last fed/watered-yesterday
How are you determining when to feed/water (weight, wilting, etc.)-weight of the pot
Tap water, allowed to have chlorine evaporate
Ph before and after adding nutrients-not sure
Is your Ph equipment properly calibrated-yes, used calibration solution
Light intensity/Age of bulb/Wattage-45w and 55w CFL's totaling ~300w
Distance to the canopy-few inches
Temps at canopy possibly around 30, but not sure. CFL's are cool enough to touch
Temps at root zone or reservoir-should be cool, around 20-25 C
Day/Night temps (Min.-Max.)-roughly the same
Current air flow (CFM)-using 25cm fan at night
Is there air blowing directly onto plant-at night
Using CO2-no
Relative humidity-not sure but keep watering bottle open in cab to add humidity and evap chlorine
Growing technique-SOG, want to select various good parents for seed stock.
Has plant recently been pruned, clones taken, fimmed or pinched-no


Active member


Wow, I really appreciate all the feedback I am getting here. Really makes me feel more confident I will not lose these.

greenmatter-I will put some tape around the plastice bottles, but given my space restaints this size pot is what I have to work with. I just transplanted them to these bottles a week or two ago so I didn't think it would be a problem at this point but will get to it asap.

Double F- Right, outdoor is nice until mid-summer, hopefully I can get better at indoor cultivation. Yea the guano is my flower ferts, but it has good N so I thought it would be ok in veg a little. I don't plan to veg much more but will get an alternative. I didn't dress with guano, just water with some in a solution on occasion. And wtf, it is so nice not having to deal with much ph issues outdoors.

I just flushed my worst plant and tested the runoff. Can't believe what happened.

I calibrated my ph meter with the 7.0 solution that it came with and retested my water.
Flushed my sickest plant with what I thought would be the most peaty, lowest ph soil.
Look at this poor plant. It was growing fine less than a week ago.
Really what the fuck is this??? I could probably just put this plant outside right now with temps less than 10 C and it would turn around. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck.


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Skinny Leaf

Well-known member
Your soil ph is too high. From your readings your soil ph is about 7.0. MJ will start locking out immobile elements (mostly iron) around 7.1. It also looks like you are over watering.

I know you are strapped for cash. But when you can, go buy some fish emulsion. Add this at half strength to your water and don't ph it up. This should drop your water ph down in the high 5's to low 6's. Water with this a couple times and it should straighten out the soil ph. Also while you are getting the fish ferts pick up a bottle of horticultural molasses. It has sulfur in it and is great as a ph down. Use whatever amount it takes to get your water down to ph 6.3-6.5. This will be less than the recommended dosage on the bottle. The molasses will also feed the microbes in the soil which in turn helps feed the plant.

As far as the bat guano goes it tends to raise ph. I use guano in flowering but at half what is recommended. I also mix it in my water and it raises the ph of the water. This is where the molasses will lower the ph of the water/fert solution.

I would also suggest to quit using your tap water. I would have the same problems with my tap water. No matter how long you let it sit out there is still something in the tap water that sticks around to raise the soil ph. I just went through your exact situation and this is what I did to correct it. It took a couple weeks to get them straightened out.


Plant Whisperer
420247-I do not grow in pots, you think they are root bound? Guerilla Gold is picky about that. I don't add anything when I grow outdoors, just try and find good soil and let nature to the work. I water with guano if they look like they need a boost. What else so you recommend for potted plants?

I think your pH is fine... 7.0 for soil is ok :)

You need micronutrients and trace minerals... Thats why I asked if you use seaweed extract... Outside in the soil micronutrients and trace minerals are readily available, and you said you never have this problem outdoors... Get some seaweed extract and use it at 1tbsp per gallon... It will help, but will not fix the already damaged leaves :tiphat:


seeker of greater knowledge
alaska fish emlusion grow
alaska more bloom fish emlusion
liquid worm castings...
and the list goes on for organic nutrients...like 420 said you need micronutrients AND Macro nutrients
for a well rounded nutrient regime..
try and find something suits your budget and start with that..


seeker of greater knowledge
imho your ph is too high ..a ph between 6.1 & 6.4 is a good range for mj in soil I personally use a ph of 6.2 and they seem to be happy. trial and error is how i learned....best of luck with your GG's....


Active member
I watered some test subjects with 6.2 ph mix and they have really perked up and hopefully resumed full growth. Lookin fantastic. I am mixing up another batch as fast as possible, I have one hurting for some water right now. I will put up pics soon. Just got my order from the bay, too!!! Fucking great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!