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New member
The two (2) most important questions of human existence:

1) Is consciousness merely a by-product of biochemical reactions in the brain, or is there more to it?

2) Whether or not to purposely end consciousness by ablation of the brain?

Ponder carefully and act in accordance.

avant gardener

I'm surprised no one said they'd prefer taking bong hits IN the lamborghini. :)
sure, but only if it's a stolen lambo. spending a quarter million dollars on a new sports car demonstrates a tragic lack of creativity.

maybe i should just hoot and holler after doing keg stands and getting dry boned by coke feined titty dancers. mabey thats the answer
nah dog. fuck em wet and treat em like the pigs they are. just don't let em know where you live. and remember to wrap your shit up. herpes is nothing nice.

i posted this after watching a documentary of a cave in france that had the oldest known paintings by man.
werner herzog huh? that's what watching european movies will do to you. stay away from handguns until you're feeling better dude.

now here's a picture of something that makes no goddamned sense at all.
concentrate on it with all your might.

when you figure out what it means, all your questions will be answered.


The Mad Monk
random thoughts of a nihilist. do those of you at the end have any insights to share? anything that might be overlooked by a person who takes everything for granted?

You're responsible for giving your own life meaning. It doesn't have to be taken for granted but it can. It's up to you.

Making no choice is still a choice. Existential nihilism is bullshit, frankly. An excuse to mail it in. You're gonna keep showing up until time's up regardless. Might as well make something of it while you're here.
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so who's experienced a natural high in the act of watching someone die? how aware were you? was it like time had stopped? what did the dying person DO at the moment of her/his death?

natural death, I mean. (not some psycho getting his/her rocks off watching their victim die. hah! as if you'd admit to THAT one.)


ICMag Donor
so who's experienced a natural high in the act of watching someone die? how aware were you? was it like time had stopped? what did the dying person DO at the moment of her/his death?

natural death, I mean. (not some psycho getting his/her rocks off watching their victim die. hah! as if you'd admit to THAT one.)

Well i don't think i really got a high from it.But i'd imagine its probably similar to seeing a baby born.Last year I sat thier with my father and watched my mother die,from ovarian cancer.She was up and walking around the days before,but we knew it was going to happen...

It was just like very similar to seeing one of the characters on the "Dawn of the Dead" .The face turns gaunt,the eyes sink in.The person looks just like a zombie from those movies. We both held her hand at times.And he told me that she had ,told him earlier before i had arrived that she was scared.Shit i can believe that.

Her breathing became very labored ,he said loudly to her that i was their.She sat up abruptly and said "Hi blank" <--my name..To let me know she new i was their.

Then after awhile her organs ,began to shut down.And her face dispplayed unhappy frustration,of having to go through this.She was pretty doped up so i don't think their was too much pain.

After awhile it was just labored breathing,and her eylids half closed.It was clear she was breathing but not their,i left the house .And a short time later ,so did my father...She was their with hospice lady ..When he came back later ,,,that was it and it was over.....As hard as it was to watch ,i wouldn't have wanted to miss it.....Thats all you can really do ,is let the person know your their,,,its really quite an experience.....:tiphat:


Well-known member
death kush. death is all around. i am constantly reminded that minutes are passing and flesh is decaying. who knows if we are in the middle of a life cycle or the end. to say we are at the begining is wishfull thinking.

i do not anticipate a deity conversing with me in the darkness of infinity. i do not even concider infinity. what ocupys my mind is how i live my life, and the absurdity of it all. there will be no schollors scraping the resin from my artifacts, or critiquing my brush strokes. what is left behind and how do i live my life purposefully?

those who live there life in pursuite of money, have at it. a bong hit makes me happy more than a lamborgini could. it seems as though there is no point to anything and that anything we do has no real significance in the greater scope. death kush. take a big hit.

random thoughts of a nihilist. do those of you at the end have any insights to share? anything that might be overlooked by a person who takes everything for granted?

After many years in this old world, age has taught me a few things in matters regarding life & death:

(1) An optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds, and a pessimist fears this is true.

(2) Life is as pleasant. Death is Peaceful. It's just the transition that's troublesome, and can be a bitch.

(3) When ones youthful dreams wither and die with age, only then does one realize how quickly the sands of time run-out of the hour-glass of life.

Therefore, my best advice to young people, is dedicate your life to what makes you happy, and each day try to be the best at whatever it is you choose as a career. I don't care if your life goal is to pump gas, music, sweep streets, or become a CEO of a major corporation. Be the best damn gas-pumper in the world!!!

And as you go through life, the more people you try to help get to the top of the hill, you'll find the closer you get yourself!



as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
i think this might apply to the OP..

"Her dreams, once her only solace, had also begun to darken. As if there was some grand conflict between her conscious and subconscious mind; the former engaged in an increasingly frenzied attempt to maintain supremacy. Jessica knew that if Aisha surrendered to the past, then her mind could very well become her prison—and her body would atrophy until there was nothing left but a withering shell of despair." — from The Pair of Grim.
cheer up bro..enjoy the little things in life and quit thinking so much..


New member
I've only gotten to watch one human die thus far. He had been driving after consuming a great deal of beer. The jeep he was operating flipped and, from his appearance, he slid down the asphalt on the top of his head. When I rounded the curve the dust was still in the air, beer cans everywhere, and he laid there, intact from the eyes down. Apparently his brain stem was still working, as he had a pulse and was breathing. However, this behaviour ceased shortly after a grand mal seizure took place. The paramedics did arrive with a helicopter and took his corpse away after hooking up a few apparati to his body, in order to keep his organs viable for harvest upon arrival to hospital.

The hundreds, if not thousands, of animals I've killed within an arm's length exhibited different behaviour depending on the technique used to end life. If you have ever used a guillotine you can appreciate the term 'living head'. Gas chambers (which are easily constructed from a plastic storage box, tubing, caulk, and the desired gas in a tank) are especially interesting.

All that's happening in any case of death is the shutting down of the nervous system.
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Feeding the ducks with a bun.
Last time I got shot I was expecting to die. I was shot in the head and blood was spurting a good foot and a half out. Compared to the other two times when I knew after a couple minutes, despite the pain, that I would live ,I didnt freak or worry. Preparations have been made... Everyone will be OK without me... The thoughts go through your head if you are given the time.
My buddy dumped a pack of quick clot on the hole and gouge in my head, wrapped it up with a bandage and a shirt while he pushed and pinned me on the ground. I was kinda trying to sit up but the ground was spinning and the blood was hot and sticky running down my back and chest clots on my lap and a pool of blood on the ground everything was loud and echoing and smelled like shit and dust and then I blacked out. Near instant shock. But you still think about the things that mean the most to you if you have time.
Anyhow. I think death is probably pretty easy and peaceful and in a lot of cases a relief. Im not afraid of going to the other side anymore.


Death? Not worried about it.

Life? Fucking enjoy it with a smile on your face - there's always someone out there that's in a worse position than you are. Take what you have, no matter how 'significant', and appreciate it.


New member
Last time I got shot I was expecting to die. I was shot in the head and blood was spurting a good foot and a half out. Compared to the other two times when I knew after a couple minutes, despite the pain, that I would live ,I didnt freak or worry. Preparations have been made... Everyone will be OK without me... The thoughts go through your head if you are given the time.
My buddy dumped a pack of quick clot on the hole and gouge in my head, wrapped it up with a bandage and a shirt while he pushed and pinned me on the ground. I was kinda trying to sit up but the ground was spinning and the blood was hot and sticky running down my back and chest clots on my lap and a pool of blood on the ground everything was loud and echoing and smelled like shit and dust and then I blacked out. Near instant shock. But you still think about the things that mean the most to you if you have time.
Anyhow. I think death is probably pretty easy and peaceful and in a lot of cases a relief. Im not afraid of going to the other side anymore.

How is it you keep getting shot?


,,,its really quite an experience.....:tiphat:

it certainly is! I wouldn't have missed it for the world. the death was my Mother's too. may god bless her black heart.

altho smacked-out she was alert to the end. she hadn't sat up for weeks but in the seconds before she died she suddenly sat up, looked around her as if looking at scenery, appeared as if gob-smacked ... like her jaw dropped with surprise at what she saw ... then she lay back and died.

I wonder what she saw? I wonder if I will too!


Active member
I'm looking forward to Death...

So many people I'd like to drive shithouse when I haunt them...
I hope I can get a poltergeist merit badge and toss shit around.

Imagine sitting on the can and the toilet paper starts unrolling by itself?

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