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Gas Prices Are Insane!!!!!


Active member
well the 413 wont be getting much driving. but i bought a fuel effiecent car a few years ago. only got 50k on it now. time for a tuneup. race coil and wires and platnum plugs. prob get about 34 mpg ++++ might be more is i changed the computer with a jet economy chip for better gas milage using the lowest octane
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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
the oil schmucks are going to milk this for as long as possable. The experts cant even say why the prices fluctuate so much. There all guessing what will happen in the middle east. Even if what they think might happen doesn't they still got there profits.. Right now we are all bent over waiting to get screwed

Green lung

Active member
OPEC can charge whatever they want.

They have most of the worlds supply of oil, and you cant do anything about that.

OIL sand pipeline lol

The oil we have under North America is a puny amount compared to the amount we use. WE could suck up every bit of oil we have and wouldn't put a dent in the price, is just drop in the bucket.


weed fiend
lol you cry like little babies

Try paying around 9$ a gallon like we do were I live

We pay it anyway, dragongrower. Our government subsidizes the system so we have the impression we're getting cheap gas.

It actually wasn't a bad deal until we realized it means we have to fund stupid wars for scarce resources.
OPEC can charge whatever they want.

They have most of the worlds supply of oil, and you cant do anything about that.

OIL sand pipeline lol

The oil we have under North America is a puny amount compared to the amount we use. WE could suck up every bit of oil we have and wouldn't put a dent in the price, is just drop in the bucket.
this country is not hurting for oil have you guys Heard of gul island in alaska it has somthing likr 75 percent of the worlds oil supply and the us wont use it becuz they say if they do the us will go bank rupt and crash becuz it would force gas prices so low this is all an illusion by big oil and big bamks to suck the world dry and create proverty. just think force prices of oil up thats taking food of famileys tables. they are basically making it so we all wil starve aour selves becuz everything is made from oil. thats why the prices of all oil based products are going up ie computers tvs tires even the buckets we use to grow our loved plants in are going up


this country is not hurting for oil have you guys Heard of gul island in alaska it has somthing likr 75 percent of the worlds oil supply and the us wont use it becuz they say if they do the us will go bank rupt and crash becuz it would force gas prices so low this is all an illusion by big oil and big bamks to suck the world dry and create proverty.

Do you have anything further on that? Links or something?

lost in a sea

^^ true,, and there are vast amounts left of oil out there that have been surveyed but not tapped,,

they just want to start this fracking bullshit and start making people give up their rights for oil,, and the lifestye they have got used to,,

like the caspian sea area,, that has so much oil its unbelievable,,


Active member
i live in a walkable neighborhood. within 5 minutes i can get whatever i want. bank ,groceries,post office. 10 bars or so and just about anything else i could want.. so i dont care much. 418 $ gal here in sd. price went up 7 cents overnight. at this rate it could be 5$ in a few weeks
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weed fiend
Obama's talking about gas right now. We're pumping more oil than we have in eight years. We have more rigs drilling than the rest or the world combined. We just signed an agreement with Mexico that will give us an estimated 172 million barrels of oil.

172 million barrels? What's that, a few hours worth?

We're drilling like hell but we don't have that much oil. We use 1/5 the world's supply. We can't drill our way to $2 gas. We need to utilize everything that technology makes feasible. And we need to do it before we run out of oil completely or it'll be so expensive we'll be too broke to invest.

We need an energy policy that isn't oil and coal based.


haha krunch, when i read the title of your thread (Gs Prices Are Insane!) i thought it was gonna be about the outrageous price of GirlScout herbs/clones

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Obama's talking about gas right now. We're pumping more oil than we have in eight years. We have more rigs drilling than the rest or the world combined. We just signed an agreement with Mexico that will give us an estimated 172 million barrels of oil.

172 million barrels? What's that, a few hours worth?

We're drilling like hell but we don't have that much oil. We use 1/5 the world's supply. We can't drill our way to $2 gas. We need to utilize everything that technology makes feasible. And we need to do it before we run out of oil completely or it'll be so expensive we'll be too broke to invest.

We need an energy policy that isn't oil and coal based.

We just need to trick the rest of the world into using green energy and drive down demand. China is using way more oil and coal than they have in the past because they are going through their industrial revolution.

Then let them develop Green energy and we can come in later after it is already mass produced, buy it cheap and then make better versions and sell it back to them.


Active member
We pay it anyway, dragongrower. Our government subsidizes the system so we have the impression we're getting cheap gas.

It actually wasn't a bad deal until we realized it means we have to fund stupid wars for scarce resources.

yeah, perhaps you even end up paying a lot more, with those wars you guys have running.. ;)


yeah, perhaps you even end up paying a lot more, with those wars you guys have running.. ;)

gas is around $10 a us gallon in the uk. pretty sure we have some of the lowest prices in the first world.

heres a hypothetical?:
if george bush had gotten on TV and said "look, these arabs are loaded with oil...approve my attack on iraq and we will take all that black gold and POUR it into the USA. 50 cent gas, my fellow americans! thats what i am talking about here! "LETS GO GIT THAT OIL BOYS!"

ya think we could have skipped all the misdirection?


yeah, perhaps you even end up paying a lot more, with those wars you guys have running.. ;)

Exactly, nobody ever brings up how many millions of gallons of gas are wasted on senseless wars every year.

We'll be paying out the ass at the pump but no shortage of oil and gas for running their gas guzzling war machines.

The dollar used to be the only currency you could buy oil with, but lately china and india want to pay for oil in gold. When the dollar gets dumped as the reserve currency we'll be out of oil and our money will be toilet paper.


weed fiend
Exactly, nobody ever brings up how many millions of gallons of gas are wasted on senseless wars every year.

We'll be paying out the ass at the pump but no shortage of oil and gas for running their gas guzzling war machines.

The dollar used to be the only currency you could buy oil with, but lately china and india want to pay for oil in gold. When the dollar gets dumped as the reserve currency we'll be out of oil and our money will be toilet paper.

Oil can be purchased in any denomination. It's just priced by the dollar then calculated for various currencies. The dollar might be the standard but it isn't necessarily the strongest economically, given the circumstances.

Not sure any country has anywhere near the gold reserves necessary to purchase their oil in gold. In fact, I'd bet fiat currency on that one.


yeah what yourcorpse said. all the way to the GASSTATION. It' just an acceptable form of price gouging basically.Like cows that need herding or so they think. I can change for my benefit, my reliability on fuels. I pulled a bicycle out of the garage last week for a reason.I live ina small community=short rides to work.I'm Done firehound


The only thing affecting oil prices right now is speculation.
I have not read a single article that suggests anything
other than speculation is responsible for the latest surge in price.

The only way the "fiat" money supply applies is possibly the
practice of allowing leveraged positions in the commodity market.
This allows some of the larger speculators to essentially
ensure the market moves in the direction they want due
to the size of the futures being traded.Just another way for
the wealthy to skim money in a fixed game while essentially contributing nothing to the economy.

The Keystone pipeline would do absolutely nothing for this
problem either.
No matter where the oil is produced it is still sold at market price.
Even if the US produced 100% of the oil needed for its own
consumption there would be no insulating effect from high oil prices.The US doesn't own that oil,the Oil companies do and they
would continue to price it at market rates,price swings and all.

BTW-I am very glad I no longer commute 600 miles a week.