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Ron Paul 2012!!! Your thoughts on who we should pick for our "Cause"?

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Active member
i think i can count on one hand the amount of other trully outspoken objective reporters.
i think ill watch the debates and caucuses but other than that im not watching any news.


weed fiend
Interesting you say that. Rachael Maddow reported tonight about Ron Paul's strategy and how he plans to secure delegates regardless of whether he wins them (by stationing would-be delegates at caucus sites) - a Republican party maneuver originally intended to help Mitt Romney secure more delegates. Maddow said the Paul camp expects to get all the delegates from 3 of the last 4 caucuses.

Rachael wanted to know whether her opinion was accurate so she asked Doug Weed. He's been on the show several times. He agreed with Rachael's opinion and they had a friendly conversation. Then Rachael invited Doug to come back when he could and Doug accepted.

I didn't understand how caucus complexities play out but Rachael and Doug had me understanding it if only momentarily. Pretty informative.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
Interesting you say that. Rachael Maddow reported tonight about Ron Paul's strategy and how he plans to secure delegates regardless of whether he wins them (by stationing would-be delegates at caucus sites) - a Republican party maneuver originally intended to help Mitt Romney secure more delegates. Maddow said the Paul camp expects to get all the delegates from 3 of the last 4 caucuses.

Rachael wanted to know whether her opinion was accurate so she asked Doug Weed. He's been on the show several times. He agreed with Rachael's opinion and they had a friendly conversation. Then Rachael invited Doug to come back when he could and Doug accepted.

I didn't understand how caucus complexities play out but Rachael and Doug had me understanding it if only momentarily. Pretty informative.

i saw that...

fucked up how politics really work in this nation...

George Jetson

New member
I've been following Ron Paul and politics in detail since the bailout of 2008. I think that the people (sheeple) are stuck on the two party system ... that they think they have to vote Republican or Democrat. But unfortunately, the leaders of the parties now have the same viewpoints. I'm definitely a libertarian leaning republican. I think its a shame for the US that four corporations control all of the mainstream media and how biased it all has become. As for Ron Paul and the caucuses ... that is how the system works. If you look at the original Republican party principles, there is only one true Republican running for nomination. People talk about the Ron Paul people taking over the party, but I think they are only taking it back. So truly, the way it works is that county parties vote for delegates to the state conventions, which in turn vote for who they want to run as the Republican nominee at the national convention.So, to make your voice heard, you have to get involved at the county level.


Rubbing my glands together
Interesting you say that. Rachael Maddow reported tonight about Ron Paul's strategy and how he plans to secure delegates regardless of whether he wins them (by stationing would-be delegates at caucus sites) - a Republican party maneuver originally intended to help Mitt Romney secure more delegates. Maddow said the Paul camp expects to get all the delegates from 3 of the last 4 caucuses.

Rachael wanted to know whether her opinion was accurate so she asked Doug Weed. He's been on the show several times. He agreed with Rachael's opinion and they had a friendly conversation. Then Rachael invited Doug to come back when he could and Doug accepted.

I didn't understand how caucus complexities play out but Rachael and Doug had me understanding it if only momentarily. Pretty informative.

Nothing new. Here in Nevada in 2008 when the state GOP convention was held they realized that Ron Paul had more delegates than any other on the ticket. In order to NOT let the delegates cast their vote for Paul, the GOP leaders shut down the convention and told the attendees that the "Hotel had just told them they needed to clear out because they needed the room for another event." The GOP leaders then, on their own, gave the nomination to Mitt Romney to carry the state.
It was total bullshit, but that's the way politics is played out here in the "Battle Born" state, lol

Here' the article From the LV Review Journal

GOP Convention Is Cut Short--by Molly Ball, posted 4/27/08
RENO -- The state Republican convention was called off Saturday evening without electing national delegates, prompting protests from a record crowd that included many supporters of presidential candidate Ron Paul.
State Sen. Bob Beers, R-Las Vegas, the convention chairman, announced that the convention would recess indefinitely about 6 p.m., saying the party's contract with the Peppermill Hotel Casino had expired and the gathering would reconvene at a later date.
"We simply had hours and hours of work left to do," he said in an interview afterward.
It was the sudden and frustrating culmination of a long day that had pitted the party establishment that supports presumptive nominee Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., against the insurgent Paul supporters.
Up to that point, the convention had appeared to be proceeding slowly but smoothly after a rules change powered by Paul supporters required a lengthier process than was originally planned for voting on delegates to the Republican National Convention in St. Paul, Minn., in September.
"They hijacked the party away from the people," Paul supporter Chloie Leavitt, a 44-year-old Overton resident, said as she left. "We were winning and they shut it down."
Paul supporters appeared to be a large share of the 1,347 state convention delegates. After Beers left the building, some attendees initially refused to leave and tried to restart the convention, but they failed to reach a quorum.
"Unfortunately, with the rule changes implemented this morning, we did not have time to complete the process," Nevada Republican Party Chairwoman Sue Lowden said in a statement. "Our contract for the meeting space had expired, as had our budget, and ballots were unable to be physically produced by the nominations committee. We had to temporarily recess the convention."
She said the party would ask to use the Thomas & Mack Center in Las Vegas, which was provided free to the Clark County Democratic Party by UNLV for use in their do-over convention earlier this month after they botched their convention on Feb. 23.
Paul's supporters succeeded in overturning party rules that would have allowed only pre-approved delegate slates to be elected to the national convention.
They argued anyone present ought to be able to run for national delegate. Their move to change the rules succeeded by a wide margin.
Once that change was made, Paul campaigners were prepared for an intensive conventioneering effort, passing out their own suggested delegate slates for their people to vote on in hastily assembled delegate elections.
The McCain campaign hadn't prepared for this contingency, having assumed the pre-approved delegate slates would be pushed through, a source with the campaign said.
The improvised delegate election process was begun, with votes cast for the nine of 31 delegates who are elected by congressional district.
But after hours of counting, and with voting not started for the other 22 at-large delegates, Beers announced the recess. Officials said the ballot boxes from the delegate elections had been secured.
Lowden said in an interview that the party didn't anticipate the rules change. She said the slates of national delegates had been prepared through a fair and open process of the nominations committee and the party thought the convention would accept them.
She denied any anti-Paul bias, saying the re-convention would allow everyone to be heard fairly under the new rules.
"I'm the only chairman in the entire country that allowed him (Paul) to speak at the convention," she said. "He campaigned here in Nevada very hard and he touched a lot of people here in Nevada. I want people to be included in the Republican Party, not just one kind of Republican but all kinds of Republicans."
Jeff Greenspan, regional coordinator for the Paul campaign, said Paul supporters had the ability to finish the voting before the convention was suddenly recessed without consulting them.
"This is highly irregular," he said. "We could have finished business tonight. I've never seen anything like it."
Many Paul supporters believed the party establishment was exerting its power to shut them out.
"The idea that the party leaders would have a completely different agenda that goes against the people just blows me away," said 33-year-old Marco Ritzo of Las Vegas.
McCain supporters and other party regulars, however, had similar words for the Paul people. "The Ron Paul contingent constantly nitpicks and delays things on purpose so that all the old people leave and they can take over," said Eric Tolkien of Reno.
Paul had spoken to the convention to raucous cheers Saturday afternoon.
A former Libertarian Party nominee whose anti-war, pro-liberty message has sparked a youth movement, Paul has little hope of winning the nomination but continues to campaign, saying he wants to restore the party's ideals.
"The campaign continues," he told the crowd. "There was a time when there were 11 of us. Now there are two, so things are doing OK. ... We are going to continue to spread this message around this country."
The state convention, a biennial event that brings the party together before each national election, was intended to rally the party faithful around McCain.
Mitt Romney, the former Massachusetts governor and one-time presidential candidate who won the Nevada caucuses before dropping out of the race, spoke on McCain's behalf.
Romney, in his speech, called McCain "a man who has been tested and proven, a man who knows how to strengthen our economy, a man who knows how to help us defeat radical jihadists and terrorists throughout the world."
Romney's name has been floated as a possible vice presidential choice. But in an interview Saturday morning, he said he was there to campaign for McCain, not to keep his own name in the mix. "I don't think it's very likely ... that I would be asked to fill that responsibility," he said of the vice presidential nomination.
Although McCain and Romney were bitter rivals before Romney left the race, Romney said the two now have a friendly relationship.
Asked about Paul's potential to continue distracting from McCain, Romney said, "I don't know that it has a significant impact on the success of Senator McCain's campaign. Senator McCain has the delegates he needs wrapped up."
Some of the Paul supporters at the convention accepted that, saying they just wanted to send a message by having a presence at the national convention. But others said they believed Paul could still win the nomination by gathering delegates in conventions like Nevada's across the country.
The loudest applause for Paul came when he discussed his opposition to the Federal Reserve System.
"We as a country, as a people, have failed the test," Paul said. "We have drifted a long way. ... We have to put our eye on the target, and the target is the limitation of government power."
Paul said he was "a very reluctant candidate" who had been buoyed by the great hunger of millions of Americans who wanted "to hear a message, a precise message of liberty."
Also speaking at the convention were Gov. Jim Gibbons and Rep. Dean Heller, R-Nev., who sought to rally the crowd with Republican talking points and emphasized the importance of November's vote.
Party business also was conducted Saturday. Las Vegas lawyer Joe Brown was re-elected as the state's Republican National Committeeman, while Beverly Willard announced her retirement as National Committeewoman. Washoe County Republican Chairwoman Heidi Smith was elected without opposition to replace Willard when her term ends after September's convention.
The party passed a 20-plank platform that stresses "a literal interpretation of the U.S. Constitution" and calls for the repeal of the Federal Reserve Act and the Patriot Act as well as withdrawal from the United Nations and North American Free Trade Agreement.


Enormous Member
Interesting you say that. Rachael Maddow reported tonight about Ron Paul's strategy and how he plans to secure delegates regardless of whether he wins them (by stationing would-be delegates at caucus sites) - a Republican party maneuver originally intended to help Mitt Romney secure more delegates. Maddow said the Paul camp expects to get all the delegates from 3 of the last 4 caucuses.

Rachael wanted to know whether her opinion was accurate so she asked Doug Weed. He's been on the show several times. He agreed with Rachael's opinion and they had a friendly conversation. Then Rachael invited Doug to come back when he could and Doug accepted.

I didn't understand how caucus complexities play out but Rachael and Doug had me understanding it if only momentarily. Pretty informative.

Thanks for the post. Very imformative!


It's funny, the video pissed me off until Doug Wead came on to set things straight.

Anyone else think the party nomination process is non-sensical?


Active member
its a bit confusing,im still learning myself ,but 1st on the checklist is register republican,then stay after the primaries or caucus,and either ask to be a deligate or nominate a RP deligate to go to a county convention then the proccess happens again at the state level and again at the RNC.
correct me if ive got it wrong.

Networking with local RP supporters is key : http://www.facebook.com/RonPaulDelegates2012

now this is crucial to learn roberts rules of order if your gonna be a deligate, im not looking foward to this myself but its gotta be done.

This is our cause we must take real action and not sit home and hope everything turns out ok,do everything in your power to support the cause for liberty and cannabis.


weed fiend
Thanks for the post. Very imformative!


It's funny, the video pissed me off until Doug Wead came on to set things straight.

Anyone else think the party nomination process is non-sensical?

You don't consider they were in agreement? That's the impression I got.

IMO, the only remotely disparaging thing RM stated was that a couple counties in Nevada appeared to be the justification for aspirations of victory in three of the latest 4 caucus states. If DW agreed (and he appeared to, right there on tape) RM stated a fact.

Caucuses are a little confusing. I guess Maddow might appear to be insinuating Paul's exuberance is unfounded but then she explains why it's tactically possible.


Getting harder and harder for even CNN to ignore Ron Paul!

Getting harder and harder for even CNN to ignore Ron Paul!

Headline at the top of CNN:
Romney, Paul set to clash in Maine

Even with their news black out, it is becoming harder and harder to ignore Ron Paul. When there are only two candidates left in the race it will be impossible.



Active member
its a bit confusing,im still learning myself ,but 1st on the checklist is register republican,then stay after the primaries or caucus,and either ask to be a deligate or nominate a RP deligate to go to a county convention then the proccess happens again at the state level and again at the RNC.
Yee Haw...That's all I can say. We are going to cause a ruckus PEACEFULLY!


Enormous Member
You don't consider they were in agreement? That's the impression I got.

IMO, the only remotely disparaging thing RM stated was that a couple counties in Nevada appeared to be the justification for aspirations of victory in three of the latest 4 caucus states. If DW agreed (and he appeared to, right there on tape) RM stated a fact.

Caucuses are a little confusing. I guess Maddow might appear to be insinuating Paul's exuberance is unfounded but then she explains why it's tactically possible.

I felt that she was insuating that RP was gaming the system against the spirit of the nomination process. The way she described it made it seem to be an underhanded way of handling things. If it wasn't for the lack of interruptions and cut-offs, I'd definitely say they had opposing opinions. As it is, I'd say it's hard to tell the reporter's opinion on the subject, which I guess is the way it should be...




weed fiend
I felt that she was insuating that RP was gaming the system against the spirit of the nomination process. The way she described it made it seem to be an underhanded way of handling things. If it wasn't for the lack of interruptions and cut-offs, I'd definitely say they had opposing opinions. As it is, I'd say it's hard to tell the reporter's opinion on the subject, which I guess is the way it should be...

IMO, it sounds kinda weird to caucus for candidate A yet candidate A isn't necessary awarded the delegate. That said, I didn't get the impression that RM was insinuating nefarious activity on the part of Ron Paul's operation.

It just sounds like where you can't pick up the biscuit you pick up the crumbs. Oh wait, you picked up the biscuit too? Carry on.

Plus, DW said RM was exactly right and said she restored his faith in journalism. I misspoke earlier when I said DW accepted RM's invite to a future show, but she did extend the invitation.


Active member
the way i understand how a caucus works is the voting is, in reality, a straw poll.

then registered voters stay and elect delegates. these delegates do not have to vote according to the results of the 'straw poll'.


Enormous Member
the way i understand how a caucus works is the voting is, in reality, a straw poll.

then registered voters stay and elect delegates. these delegates do not have to vote according to the results of the 'straw poll'.

Who thought up of such a brilliant system, where the votes don't actually count. I guess the real question is why do all of the news media outlets report so hard on the caucus results, when it's the delegates that matter? Isn't that where the misrepresentation begins? Actually, it begins at the polls. Party politics breeds this kind of monster. F'd up, man!
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