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AK47, Super Silver Haze, and Super Lemon Haze Homegrow

Hello All,

Time to grow again after a year-long hiatus. Picked up three clones from my trusty grow shop and looking forward to trying out these famous strains.

Light: 250W HPS
Medium: Soil
Space: 60cm x 60cm x 160cm grow tent

Updates to follow.

Peace, AF


looking a bit weak atm but im sure they will repair greatly

my white rhinos were pathetic at the start and now are perfect
You're right man, here's hoping they perk up soon. They had a cold first couple of nights, and the AK47 is looking too yellow for my taste. Got them a warmer place now, will be happy when she greens back up.
Almost two weeks later...

As you can see they've barely grown at all. I had planted them in some cheap soil I bought at a hardware store and every day they seemed to be getting yellower and yellower, not just one leaf at a time but the whole plant.

I thought it was temperature, so I moved them to a warmer spot, but they kept getting worse. Finally, I admitted my mistake to myself: I should have bought better soil.

So I went and bought better soil, washed all the old soil off of the roots and repotted the plants.

And they are better! The first 'perk' they have shown since I planted them!

Moral of story: Do NOT skimp on soil! Buy good stuff!!!
They are looking MUCH better!

I pinched the top of this guy to encourage branching.

Question - Should I remove these lower branches to encourage more top growth?

When I first got this one she had such a stretchy stem that I bent her over and held her in place with a paper clip.

Now there is lots of growth and branching in the lower part of the plant that has been exposed by the low stress training. Thanks to the pruning sticky at the top of this forum!

So, finally, after a complete waste of the first two weeks with these plants due to poor soil, they are recovering with a vengeance!

My only regret at this point is that I didn't do more thorough research on these strains. I was thinking 8-9 weeks of flowering, which was confirmed by some websites, but then I started to see more and more information pointing me in the direction of up to 11 weeks or more for the Haze varieties!! That puts me towards the end of April for harvest!


Weed Cannasaur
On the hazes I would keep the lower ones, on the AK I wouldn't.

Try to get the AK as tall as you can, it would barely stretch compared to the others, which would stretch like crazy.
Here are some images illustrating some pruning that I have done. Took the tops out of the Haze clones and removed a bottom shoot from the AK47.

Here's hoping I can start 12/12 in two weeks. I really don't want to be growing through the month of May...:smokeit:


Sativa Tamer
What sort of soil do you have them in now?

The plants don't look good now. I hope the new soil does the trick. If they don't start looking pretty fucking good in a week you have to try something else because it would mean that the new soil isn't much of an improvement, or that your grow has other major problems.

Pinecone, thanks for your message. You're completely right, they don't look good, but what I meant by my message was that they look much better after being totally yellow and nearly dying after three weeks of bad conditions. They were only repotted a week ago! What type of improvement could I reasonably expect in such a short time?


Sativa Tamer
No doubt they look better. The purple stems are bothering me though. Generally purple stems are a sign of phosphorous deficiency. I hope they continue to improve and get some regular looking green stems.

Thanks for the tip. Right now I'm using Bio-Grow 8 - 2 - 6 per label instructions every watering (3mL/L). Do they need more phosphorus?
Comparison January 11th to today, February 10th.

I realize this is nothing to brag about. The grow has not gone well from the beginning. Although they have picked up a bit, they just don't seem to be growing right.

They're green enough, but why are they still so small? My guess is that they just need more time to recover from their admittedly puny former state.

It also occurred to me that perhaps these clones were taken from plants already in flower? Could that be an idea?

Here are the conditions again:

Water/Ferts: They're getting 3mL/L of Bio-Grow mixed with lukewarm tap water every few days when the surface looks dry. I pick up the pots and if they feel light, I soak them.

Soil: They're in the same brand of garden soil I used last year which worked very well with my White Widows, C99's, and Mazars.

Temp: It's cool at night, upper 50's at lowest, surely not cold enough to impede growth like this?

Light: 250W HPS (18/6) in a grow tent, which worked quite well for my last grow.

I was wanting to start 12/12 soon, but these babies just don't look like they are ready. Any helpful advice is more than welcome.


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