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How to build every Ultra Current (RDWC) system from 250 watts - 4000 watts, tutorial!


Can It All Be So Simple!
Yeah dude i really need this log.the 4k one cause I'm definitely not getting the yeilds i want with soil
But if not oh well... I'm not in a Med state either so i keep posting to a minimum basically i just come here when i need info about strains and growing not to just hang out and show off my wares... As much as i like to its very tempting... III actually had to get rid of my camera so i would stop taking pics


Hell UC, I am looking forward to learning from this thread. I can't grow because of my situation but when I do...soon as I move into a med state, I want to use the UC method myself...I read KB's whole deal and am on yours now. Some of these kids don't throw kudos and respect but I do...thanks man...may you path be blessed for you and yours...and you fucking kids shut the fuck up before you queer the info deal for us all!


I don't see what all the fuss is all about. Like UC said, with a little research you can figure it out yourself, not that hard. I've read teks of similar setups so with the few pics UC gave us should allow anyone who really wants to build this the know-how. As for the unfinished thread (maybe, hopefully not), shit happens. I doubt any info the complainers have to share with us is worth jail for them either. It sucks, but it happens.

Good luck to you bro and don't sweat the small stuff....this is small.

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
take your time bro and finish at your own leisure.
it's not like icmag is sending you a paycheck to draw up tutorials


Great Thread UC. Hoping to see it finished soon. im looking to build a similar system to yours although probably using a tote of some sort for the reservoir instead of just another 5 Gallon.

Ultra Current

I havn't forgot about you guys and I will continue progress here this week. When I started this thread it was more fun but if I feel pressures then it turns into a job that I dont enjoy. I have to take pictures of the finished manifolds which I have but everything is in the first post that you need to start this now for those who are ready. The only thing i really didn't describe is the lines to the pump and into the epicenter or controller. Most inline pumps up to 700 gallons per hour come in 1/2" and for those who have the 3 row systems will want to go with bigger pumps that have a 3/4". For the 3 row ones, the 3/4" Y-filter that is screwed into the shut off at the manifold, you will attatch a 1/2 pvc line to a Y splitter that has 2 x 1/2" lines that go to 3/4" to the 3/4" pump then the other side of the pump will return to the controller with 3/4" pvc. For the 2 row systems all you need is 1/2" PVC and some fittings and 1/2" pump. It is all very simple so look at my pictures and put pieces together and dont over think it.


New member
I havn't forgot about you guys and I will continue progress here this week. When I started this thread it was more fun but if I feel pressures then it turns into a job that I dont enjoy. I have to take pictures of the finished manifolds which I have but everything is in the first post that you need to start this now for those who are ready. The only thing i really didn't describe is the lines to the pump and into the epicenter or controller. Most inline pumps up to 700 gallons per hour come in 1/2" and for those who have the 3 row systems will want to go with bigger pumps that have a 3/4". For the 3 row ones, the 3/4" Y-filter that is screwed into the shut off at the manifold, you will attatch a 1/2 pvc line to a Y splitter that has 2 x 1/2" lines that go to 3/4" to the 3/4" pump then the other side of the pump will return to the controller with 3/4" pvc. For the 2 row systems all you need is 1/2" PVC and some fittings and 1/2" pump. It is all very simple so look at my pictures and put pieces together and dont over think it.

Take your time this is hella knowledge you are dropping, I appreciate it!!

Ultra Current

Thanks for waiting patiently fellow growers. Ill have pics of the manifolds up tomorrow and then the tutorial should be completed by Valentines Day. I really didnt expect it to take this long so I apologize to everyone for the wait.

Oh yeah heres some advise. If your floor isnt level then make sure that the side of the system that houses the manifold sits on the lower end of the slant. Ill go into more detail when i finish editing the first page.


Active member
This sounds very interesting. Hope to see the tutorial in full when you get the chance. Always find people's builds interesting, but they don't usually have thorough explanations of how they were built, so always appreciated when people go that extra mile and takes pics / explain what goes where and why etc.
:laughing: :laughing:
Very good information here!!
i was a ble to pick up 90% of the pieces for the 2k 2 row 12 bucket
system today.. cant wait to get this baby hummin' SOON!!:dance013:

Ultra Current

:laughing: :laughing:
Very good information here!!
i was a ble to pick up 90% of the pieces for the 2k 2 row 12 bucket
system today.. cant wait to get this baby hummin' SOON!!:dance013:

Nice! Just dont start anything yet. I want to make sure you do it right so you dont have to rebuy anything. Ill PM you in a few days. I have a couple of more days of work to complete and then my focus goes to you. Welcome to the future!
UC, or anyone for that matter.

Right now i am running 8 buckets in a 4x4 tent with a 600 hung vertically
that would look like this (O= a bucket and the X= the light


I am getting about an LB every run giver or take but the problem i am having is that the plants in the corners are being choked out a bit by the ones that end up being closest to the light.

I am putting together a list to price out a home made UC with 4 buckets right now
but before i go spending any cash i was hoping someone might have a bit of experience with a setup like the one i am thinking of doing.

In the vert section aerohead is running something similar to mine, just in a bigger space with more buckets.

Any merit to my ideas, or would you stick with the UC and a lamp and reflector hung horizontally?

Thanks for this info UC, this is valuable info for those that want to get their hands "dirty" by making their own setup. I noticed one thing that was missing from the front page and that was the avg. cost of this setup. Do you know what the ballpark cost of these setups cost including all the material and tools (excluding the light/ballast/hood/etc. cost). If there is a significant savings over the commercially available setups this would look that much more attractive. Looking forward to seeing the finished results but kudos and thanks for sharing

Ultra Current

UC, or anyone for that matter.

Right now i am running 8 buckets in a 4x4 tent with a 600 hung vertically
that would look like this (O= a bucket and the X= the light


I am getting about an LB every run giver or take but the problem i am having is that the plants in the corners are being choked out a bit by the ones that end up being closest to the light.

I am putting together a list to price out a home made UC with 4 buckets right now
but before i go spending any cash i was hoping someone might have a bit of experience with a setup like the one i am thinking of doing.

In the vert section aerohead is running something similar to mine, just in a bigger space with more buckets.

Any merit to my ideas, or would you stick with the UC and a lamp and reflector hung horizontally?

Hey, That's my secret Poo Poo Platter system you got there. I was talking to RedBudDuckFoot about that problem a couple of months back. Yeah those corners would do that. I have a design for what you are trying to do but I won't be able to post it up for a few weeks. Stay tuned...

Thanks for this info UC, this is valuable info for those that want to get their hands "dirty" by making their own setup. I noticed one thing that was missing from the front page and that was the avg. cost of this setup. Do you know what the ballpark cost of these setups cost including all the material and tools (excluding the light/ballast/hood/etc. cost). If there is a significant savings over the commercially available setups this would look that much more attractive. Looking forward to seeing the finished results but kudos and thanks for sharing
I will add the cost for everything for you. Just to give you an average price now, a 2,000 watt system cost less than $500. That is a great price compared to alternatives and even compared to basic Ebb and Flow systems for 2000 watts. I'll add the details to the first post so everyone will know how much things will cost them.


Active member
ah yes, my secret poo poo platter, lol!! still planning on building that, just been having a hell of a time w/ finances. good to see you still have access to the internet, bro.

ah yes, my secret poo poo platter, lol!! still planning on building that, just been having a hell of a time w/ finances. good to see you still have access to the internet, bro.


Damn, I cant wait to see what you have for a poo poo platter system!

I was browsing over at one of the other canna sites and i was seeing a lot of people complaining about growing in UC and how it is so hard to manage it and the yields just arent there.

Are there really that many issues with RDWC?

I run 8 buckets that are all connected to the same res and all my roots are stark white and i havent had a problem.

Why are all of these people complaining so much about it?


Damn, I cant wait to see what you have for a poo poo platter system!

I was browsing over at one of the other canna sites and i was seeing a lot of people complaining about growing in UC and how it is so hard to manage it and the yields just arent there.

Are there really that many issues with RDWC?

I run 8 buckets that are all connected to the same res and all my roots are stark white and i havent had a problem.

Why are all of these people complaining so much about it?

DWC is its own hydroponic animal and it has a few critical areas that have to be mastered to thrive in it. One is healthy root mass, once you get a healthy mass of roots in your buckets it is really hard to mess up. I think the next critical areas is nutrient management, in these systems your roots are bathing in the nutrient 24/7 and require very low ppm's to get what they need, many people start blasting their systems with ppm's that are much to high and this leads to other problems. For new growers that don't have dialed in temps in there rooms it starts to create other problems, water temperature has to fall in a range of sixty eight to seventy two, so new growers have rooms often in the range of eighty to eighty five and their water temps in dwc are out of an accepted range to hold oxygen, then the high temps start problems in the root zone like pythium and root rot. Don't let what you read discourage you from learning dwc, once you master it you will never grow any other way.
DWC is its own hydroponic animal and it has a few critical areas that have to be mastered to thrive in it. One is healthy root mass, once you get a healthy mass of roots in your buckets it is really hard to mess up. I think the next critical areas is nutrient management, in these systems your roots are bathing in the nutrient 24/7 and require very low ppm's to get what they need, many people start blasting their systems with ppm's that are much to high and this leads to other problems. For new growers that don't have dialed in temps in there rooms it starts to create other problems, water temperature has to fall in a range of sixty eight to seventy two, so new growers have rooms often in the range of eighty to eighty five and their water temps in dwc are out of an accepted range to hold oxygen, then the high temps start problems in the root zone like pythium and root rot. Don't let what you read discourage you from learning dwc, once you master it you will never grow any other way.
That eases my fears quite a bit. I wont say i have anything mastered as i know my environment leaves a lot to be desired (such as a RH that is entirely too low during the winter and sometimes it creeps up too high during the summer) but in general my temps are pretty good (sometimes a little low during the winter)

Is it possible that so long as my res temp is in check i will do away with most of the issues that these guys are complaining about?

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