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Single cola plants? controlling height?


Got two plants ( 12/12 grow ) from seed under 180w of CFL
planted about a month ago, alot of leaves now

What should i do about the growth? theirs a lot of leaves so shud i literally ' cut ' all the lower leaves / branches?

Also DrBudGreenes he said he ' broke ' the plants to control height, how does that work?


New member
Yeah you can twist and bend em around until the stem goes soft.
Then just bend it where you want it to be.
It'll recover and start to point upwards in a day or two, if in hydro.
If in soil, might take a bit longer?
be careful tryin to bend them as the tops will snap off if u are not careful. if im not mistaken its called supercroping but with only 1 top. thats more high stress training then just bending it over wich is low stress and will take more time for the plant to recover from being broke.

supercroping is when u pinch the stem where you want the bend, rotate the plant 45degress and pinch the stem again and it should fall over or you may have to use somthing to hold it down. let me add that if done right and nothing "snaps" growth wont slow down and wont need time to recover.


ghost in training
Pinch and bend!!! Dont just bend that will break the stem. Try it on a fan leaf if Ur scared. Practice makes permanent;)


i just bent them over, and tired them down with something. but have in the past at various points done the pinch method, get the stem soft, just kinda squeezing it on all angles with your fingers and then your good,

el bee

If the stem breaks over too much?...it will usually heal.

I SCROG and once put (forced) my screen on late in the veg cycle causing a harder main stem to split.....oh s**t.....BUT squeezed it together and taped it. Sure enough it healed.

Control Height?
Bend and tie, scrog, or top and just push them down or flatten them everyday by hand.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
The best strain to grow that does not stretch is Deep Chunk. Low yield but exceptional smoke. I would do a sog wit hall the plants lollipopped. Plant wont get any larger then 3' max


Wuddup Growfam,

Cody Wite & Waveform is right on point with tha pinch method.

I also remember the great Doc Bud also said he does not butcher his Kind either, He kinda just lets them go El Natural.

As for me, Im following along his Outter linez with some UnOrthadox style.. 100% TLO W/ Rev'z 2.1 Dynamic.... Pretty interesting so far (thats my last Cycle in my Sig.) 2 plant SCROG w/ Floros T8'z. Can We get SuperNatural Wid it !!!!.

Check my work in my photos from my last run & you could see Rev'z Dynamic in action(Trichz all Ova), Along with Subcoolz SS in the next fridge w/ 150w Hps..(Both are Super Tasty) That last 150 fridge run was Pollin Tapped w/ some X-Rated Nor Cal Genetics & Platinum Bubba were tha Men for tha Ladyz in tha Grotto..YeeePeee..

Were Just finishing up the butter from the last 2 fridge cycle also folkz... 8 sticks of Organic Unsalted Budder along with Organic Herb... Cant Loose using it all !! Then I turn around & put the leaf matter baack in the Vermicomposter... Jah Mon....

Wuddup Roll,
Come back ova to tha Pad so you can see hw this mini DrBud is forming Bruh.

Keep Ya Thumbz In Tha Greenz,



IMO You're better off saving the supercropping for outdoor plants. Some simple LST will provide results on the same level as supercropping; without the excess stress. Cut some bottom branches that aren't getting much light, tie the rest down. Think cup shape - open the center of the plant up.
IMO You're better off saving the supercropping for outdoor plants. Some simple LST will provide results on the same level as supercropping; without the excess stress. Cut some bottom branches that aren't getting much light, tie the rest down. Think cup shape - open the center of the plant up.

supercroping doesnt stress the plants. it is the same as lst if done right. but if it snaps or breaks it will take a day or 2 to heal itself. also he stated single cola plants, that means only 1 cola and no need to tie any other branches down into a cup shape wich would most likly need to be topped early on and would still need to supercrop or lst to control the height later on in flower during the strech.

i have snapped a few branches clean off tryin to just bend them. lastest was the main top of my current grow when i tried to pull it back threw the screen (from the bottom) with hardly any pressure at all it snapped in half with only a fiber holding it to the plant. you can snap a branch 3/4 of the way threw and it will heal itself on its own without taping or splinting.


Active member
I do this quiet a bit if my plants stretch to much. Just pinch the stems between your finger untill you feel them "collaps" and then just bend them over and they will just keep on growing. I was a little scared the first time I did this but have realized that MJ is a pretty hardy plant and can take quite a bit of "stress" and still grow nicely

willy bibbit

ICMag Donor
double bending

double bending


i tried a double bending to keep them low.
it gives a lot of stress for the plants
but i dont mind .



willy :thank you:


Wow, that's fantastic! ^^ What's the recovery time? How long in flower do you do this?


^^^Something new to try; I should have a sacrificial lamb sometime soon!