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Crazy Loud, Unexplained Sounds Throughout The World.....

Princess Vahall

^^^nice job on the research krunch :)

maybe its all those coffins falling over in a FEMA wherehouse somewhere :dunno:

and the irony (or is it?) great lost - lol

I have a feeling I may have front row seats - so the evil horse at DIA is just a foreshadowing...try explaining that to visitors. (you know the artist, Luis Jimenez, was killed by said horse before completion?)


Cautiously Optimistic
pretty sure it's a hoax... can't remember where you've heard that sound before? It was War of the Worlds (Stephen Spielberg remake). Notice how even though the videos all seem disconnected (i.e. shot by random people), there is ONE thing that connects them all?...the fact that nobody is narrating. In UFO videos and such you always hear the people shooting the videos going "WTF is that shit". for some reason, no one is wondering aloud what the noises are. hmmmm.



New member
that link that krunchbubble posted has a video that clinched it for me. 3rd from the bottom. jan 19 canada. dogs reaction totally clinched it. as real as a heart attack...

lost in a sea

^^^nice job on the research krunch :)

and the irony (or is it?) great lost - lol

I have a feeling I may have front row seats - so the evil horse at DIA is just a foreshadowing...try explaining that to visitors. (you know the artist, Luis Jimenez, was killed by said horse before completion?)

yeah a fiberglass horses head managed to fall on him and kill him,, this one with the glowing red eye,, that has now been swapped for a blue one i think,, that cute looking stallion is the fourth horse of the apocalpyse the pale one called Daarth,, welcoming you to the airport,,

seems quite unlikely to me since fiberglass is light and its painted on and built up bit by bit,, he was murdered,, bit like hundreds of people that constructed some of the underground facilities under the airport,,

Denver airport is where the worlds children will be taken,, just look at those seriously dodgy murals


a couple white kids, an asian, a north african, arab and native american indian all looking at animals that are extinct whilst the forests burn and the city in the background is covered in a toxic haze,, a toxic haze that was painted several times to look more and more toxic,,

also if you look hard enough you will see a dead leopard a dead penguin,, and in the two coffins on each side there are two dead people, one is a sub saharan african imo and the other a little blond girl with a star of david round her neck,, oh and a grown native american indian in the centre coffin

check out the storm trooper with his gas mask on stabbing the dove of peace up the arse whilst more toxic haze covers the sky killing a repeating image of women and babies,, oh and the last mural where the worlds children are looking at a little bavarian boy and smiling :dunno:

denver international airport also has its runways in a pinwheel (swastika)

rainbows are occult symbolism,, they believe its how the soul connects with "lucifer" who was promethius before the catholic church did its thing,,

anyone wonder about those georgia guide stones put up by rosicrucians stating they want to cut the worlds population down to below 500 million,,


could all just be psychological in intent but i really dont think so,,
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Princess Vahall

I completely forgot about that stuff. I think there was a big stink a few years ago where Hitler was in one of the murals (the fourth one ^^) and they painted over it or something.
The great white west apparently.

lost in a sea

could be this crazy loud sound related or maybe the cause of the birds dead in Arkansas and in other spots around the wolrd??


flocks of birds and schools of fish dying on masse in different places around the world with no visible signs of what killed them in many cases,,

yes i would argue that only an electromagnetic frequency could kill them the way they have been dying,, heart attacks mostly according to the people that autopsied them with no other physical signs,,

sac beh

Denver airport is where the worlds children will be taken...

Wow, false. From the artist of the murals:

"The first part of the environmental mural is about the ways that humans destroy nature and themselves through destruction and genocide. The second part is about humanity coming together to rehabilitate nature and revive their own compassion."

Tanguma likes to keep things simple. He may be left-wing, but he says he's not a liberal intellectual. He's a Christian who thinks of his murals as painted sermons, depicting the virtues of the poor and hardworking, and warning against the evils of greed and violence. Like many painters trained in the Mexican style of mural art, Tanguma gears his work to the street and all of its elements, everyone from businessmen and college professors to people like his parents, who were all but illiterate. The last thing Tanguma wants is for viewers to mistake his meaning.

But murals of environmental destruction and war being conquered by peace sounds too simple an explanation to some. Of course, as much good art does, the murals do give a bit of a prophecy or warning about the future, but not without the resounding message of hope in the picture of the animals being protected and the children uniting above the dead soldier.

Its the story of the 20th century, dude, and its the decision we all face in the 21st. Its not a plan to use DIA as a concentration camp for children or NWO headquarters.


Had some kids around watching the 70's show Land of the Lost. The sounds are very similar to the sound they used of dinosaurs in the distance.

lost in a sea

Wow, false. From the artist of the murals:

But murals of environmental destruction and war being conquered by peace sounds too simple an explanation to some. Of course, as much good art does, the murals do give a bit of a prophecy or warning about the future, but not without the resounding message of hope in the picture of the animals being protected and the children uniting above the dead soldier.

Its the story of the 20th century, dude, and its the decision we all face in the 21st. Its not a plan to use DIA as a concentration camp for children or NWO headquarters.

well you can read into it all however you want lol,,

i never mentioned NWO to do with denver international airport but since you brought it up maybe you could give a theory on why there is a capstone in the "Grand hall" that says on it


which doesnt exist officially,,

just a big crazy coincidence,, like all the billionaires that have bought properties in the area around DIA,,

sac beh

well you can read into it all however you want lol,,

Read into it? I'm just quoting what the artist intended from the murals.

i never mentioned NWO to do with denver international airport but since you brought it up maybe you could give a theory on why there is a capstone in the "Grand hall" that says on it


just a big crazy coincidence,, like all the billionaires that have bought properties in the area around DIA,,

These questions have been asked ad nauseam by groups like yours throughout the nine-year history of this airport, and quite frankly, they are not our highest priority right now. All of this information has been discussed publicly over and over during the years, and you can select whatever explanation you choose to believe. I have asked our Art Director to find biographical information about the artist who painted the piece you questioned.

She can also provide a fact-sheet on the piece itself. She will also provide some fact sheets about the artwork in the floor. As for the "new world" designation, the New World Airport Commission was simply a group consisting of local business and political leaders who sponsored and organized a number of pre-opening events at Denver International Airport. The airport was to usher in a new era making Denver a world-class city, thus the New World name. The group has absolutely no association with the new world order. And the underground facilities are just baggage tunnels that are used every day by hundreds of airline workers to take luggage to and from the Terminal.

However, these explanations rarely satisfy people who love to believe in conspiracy theories and who are convinced that Denver International Airport is at the center of something sinister. It is important to keep in mind that this airport was the largest, most scrutinized Public Works project in American history. There were cameras and reporters here documenting every single inch of dirt ever moved.

If something strange was going on out here, hundreds of media outlets would have been all over it by now. I'm surprised it took you nine years to send this email. I will get back to you with the information you requested so that you may post it to your web site. Of course, I'm betting you will probably post this as well.

Steve Snyder
Public Affairs Office
Denver International Airport

Sorry bro. The pieces to the conspiracy puzzle aren't fitting together. If you were more familiar with Denver and the type of art at DIA, it might make more sense to you and you wouldn't have to go grasping for complicated, nefarious explanations.

Be careful what you believe without proof, and always vet your sources. :tiphat:

lost in a sea

"pieces of the conspiracy puzzle" lol

i didnt say i believe anything about this really just presenting an interesting arguement about a place i find suspicious for several reasons,,

it seems to be important to you that it isnt true,, but you have no compelling evidence at all apart from a couple quotes,,

you talk in absolutes to protect yourself and cant entertain the possibility that the people that built the airport may have done it with alterior reasons,,

i dont trust masons and freemasons etc if im being honest,, so when i see something constructed by them (or using it as a guise for how something was funded) i tend to think something dodgy is going on,,

there are alot of other strange things about that airport that i could mention as well, but trust me when i say that i dont care that much to have an arguement about it lol,,

just showing people a place that i think is shrouded in odd symbolism,,

like i said maybe its all just psychological in intent,, that is for people individually to decide,, not for you to present some crap quotes and just say the pieces dont fit together (for you),,

personally i cant believe you think those quotes are conclusive of anything whatsoever,,

wtf would you expect "Steve Snyder" of the "Public Affairs Office" at "Denver International Airport" to say ??

do you think he would admit anything for one second ??????? :bashhead:
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sac beh

i didnt say i believe anything about this really just presenting an interesting arguement about a place i find suspicious for several reasons,,

That's fine. But maybe it seems so suspicious to you because you've looked at it through the wrong eyes? Sometimes the intended meaning behind something is pretty boring, so we look for meanings that create a more fantastic story.

The problem is that fanciful interpretations can trap all your energy in dead ends and false gods--energy that could have been directed towards more positive projects, like taking actions to prevent the destructive story of the 20th century (presented in the DIA art) from becoming the story of the 21st, or carrying the message of hope presented in the resilience of the indigenous people and animals and the uniting of children against death and war.

i dont trust masons and freemasons etc if im being honest,, so when i see something constructed by them (or using it as a guise for how something was funded) i tend to think something dodgy is going on,,

Its your right not to trust masons. But they didn't construct the airport. They just donated the capstone, which is something they do for building projects in many communities.

just showing people a place that i think is shrouded in odd symbolism,,

It does have a lot of symbolism, which is open to interpretation as any symbolism. I just wanted to point out what some of the intended meanings were as it seemed you had developed some very odd and harmful conclusions, like that "Denver airport is where the worlds children will be taken".


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
Wow, false. From the artist of the murals:

But murals of environmental destruction and war being conquered by peace sounds too simple an explanation to some. Of course, as much good art does, the murals do give a bit of a prophecy or warning about the future, but not without the resounding message of hope in the picture of the animals being protected and the children uniting above the dead soldier.

Its the story of the 20th century, dude, and its the decision we all face in the 21st. Its not a plan to use DIA as a concentration camp for children or NWO headquarters.

before you make any comments like that i uege you to actually research what you are talking about before you come and spout off things you feel with no realy evidence to back it up. Everyone thats in on it all has a story of why and how. Doesnt make it true becuase they said it. you talk to artist in the old church days when the illuminit started.. they created works for the illuminiti and hid them all over rome in plain site. Hiding in plain site is there model.. it allows others to not believe it becuase it right there while showing the beileiver how much power they have or just another stone in the wall of the empire.. bernini(sp) was one of the most famous sculptures the church ever known. He put up thousand of sculptures all with hidden symbolism to the ones in the know.

if you asked him what it was hed have a different explanation for ya of course.

the most sinister thing about the denver airport is the razor wire all around it with guard towers... the fuck up thing is the guard towers are on the OUTSIDE of the razor wire... meaning its meant to keep people in NOT out. theres a million other things wrong with the denver airport.. read first.

lost in a sea

It does have a lot of symbolism, which is open to interpretation as any symbolism. I just wanted to point out what some of the intended meanings were as it seemed you had developed some very odd and harmful conclusions, like that "Denver airport is where the worlds children will be taken".

no what you did was repeat what a few people affiliated with the airport intended you to hear,,

the whole point of symbolism is that it doesnt have one intended meaning,, it speaks through allegory so the interpretation is open,,

and say what you want but its also fairly likely(obvious) that the people that funded the airport were members of mystic schools,,

speaking of symbolism i notice you didnt offer any theory behind the horse ?

anyway there are alot more dodgy things when you look more at it,, including the fact that the airport wasnt even needed in the first place,,
