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No winter- La Nina or Global Warming?


Active member
I,m worried for our planet-wheather in here,is insane-totally wrong now we have nearly small hurricanes no snow at all and it,s all to warm in the sea,s around..for few years back,some kind of fisk,we did not have,mabye they came through for some month,but because the mittletemp is raised,they staying in here the hole year and not it,s will stay for ever mabye..It,s an very fine and good fish nothing there-BUT i have noticed insects,in not comming as they used to do,and it,s not just for one summer they didn,t came...

The moscitoes them none likes-had so good condition,they did eggs to times on one season.nearly no butterflies or bee,s and then small insects stay away-it,s an warning of something is wrong..we should have nearly Minus 20 Celsius in here-we have had very few nights with frozen nights or days..it,s about 5-8 Celcius instead..they should spend lots of energy and thinkings instead only of our finicial crises around..without no place to stay-no there to spend our money,s....cant understand why them-who really can do something-dont talking about hanlde to do something.....fuck man windows closed to be blowing in and trees around tilting..Holland have lots of problems to..many places it had changes..dont like it.
yeah man I here you! there were way more mosquitos than normal last year. The weather isn't just a little different, it's really weird. We finally got a snowstorm over an inch, an inch and a half to be exact, and we would normally have far more by now. Occasionally having well below normal snowfall seasons, well that is normal. But it's more than just that. 50's at night at times when it should be in the teens at night and has been as low as -20 before? And these weird events keep coming and coming. And the hurricane season keeps being a lot less impressive than the forcasters say. butterflies: well I saw a few more this year than last but overall a lot scarcer than they used to be. The warblers are also a lot scarcer and haven't seen a bluebird in a couple years. Meanwhile with all the precip I have had frogs living here in and around my birdbath when we never saw them before on top of this hill we live on! I some kind of tiny clouds of insects flying around a few days ago, insects in mid January here is crazy! I did not see dragonflies until August or september and the only common ones seem to be the pests. I saw a baby rabbit a week or so ago! They don't make babies until maybe April normally. Crazy weather, and crazy people keeping oil and other fossil fuels going while supressing environmental and clean energy progress for their own greedy purposes. If we subsidise clean energy the way they do dirty energy, it could spur new businesses and innovation and help us out of the financial mess as well. People just aren't thinking! The stimulus should have funded a nationwide infastructure change (hydrogen and biofuel filling stations, more wind and solar power plants and so on), instead of propping up weak dinosaurs. Yet if they failed it would have been even worse. Quite a mess!

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
There has been a pattern that when scientists check their models against what is observed to be occurring, their worse case predictions prove to fall short of the mark. This has happened repeatedly. Ships are now regularly sailing through the northeast passage though I was taught as a child that that route was a myth. There is a real estate scramble to acquire land for arctic sea ports. The US Navy and Coast Guard are contracting for the construction of new ships to patrol ice free waters.

A recent Russian expedition in the Arctic Ocean found innumerable gigantic boiling geysers of methane gas venting from the seabed. This is really the worse case scenario here. Melting methane hydrate on the seabed has the potential to release unimaginable amounts of a very potent greenhouse gas in an amplifying positive feedback loop. Methane heats the atmosphere which causes more methane gas to be released. This is straight out of a science fiction novel but it is real and is happening now. We are probably now past the tipping point. Our denial has condemned our grandchildren to a literal living hell.


weed fiend
Good post, CR. And there's more to methane than oceanic sequestration/release. Frozen tundra in Siberia, Canada and Alaska holds immense reserves of methane gas. As the tundra thaws, it burps methane. When it comes to greenhouse gases, Methane is far worse than C02.
yes it is, but it is co2 global warming that is freeing up the methane, or have you gone soft on me and switched to the dark side DiscoBiscuit? ;) :D


weed fiend
Nah, I'm with the science. At least as far as I understand it. You're right, man's C02 contributions exacerbate methane release.
CO2 is a very real problem, man made CO2 that is. No amount of denial or wishful thinking will change that. We must find natural sustainable alternatives. I admit hydrogen, solar, biomass and other "green" technologies are not progressing as fast as we would like but we all must do as much as we can do to stop global warming. peace
yeah I guess I am, saw the smilie and all but didn't think you were serious. Besides, time for a good ol bump of this thread! No offense we are still buddies right? :D


weed fiend
You ain't seen nuthin, Nor'Easter. Wait until revisionist historians blame regulations for blocking industry from taking their own measures to VOLUNTARILY thwart climate change. :biglaugh: I kid you not.


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
Check out this video with Jesse Ventura its all about NASA "people are to prepare for a once in a lifetime solar event" Nasa said this to the public in 2006 then again in June 2010... weather is going to get crazzy on earth
You ain't seen nuthin, Nor'Easter. Wait until revisionist historians blame regulations for blocking industry from taking their own measures to VOLUNTARILY thwart climate change. :biglaugh: I kid you not.
I would not doubt it one bit man!
that is right AG! here it was almost 50 and rain, the whole winter has been crazy warm and rainy when it should be cold and snowy. Just the needle that broke the camels back in this whole so-called debate (there never was a question in the scientific world, it was clear from the 80's or even 70's that something is wrong and we need to fix it, so let's fix it already!).


Crotchety Cabaholic
Interesting trivia via Pawn Stars: In the 1920s there were over 3000 automobile companies. Only 45 made cars that actually worked.:)

Get a job.

Watching TV, turbo-posting on IC and spewing anthropocentric liberal bs makes Disco a dull boy.

Try taking some geology classes at the local college. You'll be amazed at the diversity this planet has been through, with and without man.

We have recorded climate data for less than 0.0000002 percent of the Earth's history, yet that record speaks volumes to you.

Ignorance is bliss.


CO2 is a very real problem, man made CO2 that is. No amount of denial or wishful thinking will change that. We must find natural sustainable alternatives. I admit hydrogen, solar, biomass and other "green" technologies are not progressing as fast as we would like but we all must do as much as we can do to stop global warming. peace

they are not progressing for a reason

apparently the planet is growing

I was surprised to learn that


Huh...we had a little period of no winter, and now we've had three storms in two weeks. I'm getting tired of shoveling and plowing all of this "no winter" that's piling up.

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