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Dig For Victory - 2012


Active member
2 bad outside seasons behind me but hopefully something learned each season.

Time to get started with the preparations for this years outdoor.
Pot*Freja F2 that I made with a special mango/tangerine pheno have been germinated. Today I repotted them into 13cm pots. The plan is to flower these out under hps when they're big enough to yield a few clones - then raise mothers from the clones. By the end of february these should be put in flower. By the end of March the clones should have rooted and be on their way to be nice clone mothers around mid April.
I should perhaps have given these some more attention or perhaps started them in another way but anyway I'm sure they will start growing fast soon.


Active member
Nice, I just put some cuts in Rapid Rooters 4 days ago for some outdoor. Glad to see somebody else thinking early this year, good luck.


in the thick of it
I thought I was a little premature too, becase we have 4 that are newly rooted and destined to go outside in the spring. I hope we get 6 more over the next 2 weeks for the outdoor run. Glad to se others ahead of the game. Best wishes to you all in the upcoming season!


Active member
Thanks for stopping by everybody. I have to start early with these because I want to get some fat mommas going by April. Also I want to see these plants flowered out to select dank females and perhaps also do a small seedrun.

Al Botross

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ICMag Donor
I'm planning to run a small spring run and get them in/out before the end of may. running all strains with a 55 day harvest window. got the 3rd dimension which sub claims as his fastest and is an Apollo 13 cross so we'll see. Taking a big gamble that the weather this year is so mild here that I believe I can pull it off -- 2' er's out in march and harvested by mid May.

my only real concern is the impact on my work load if i also run a summer crop. it could have me hoping during june and july.


Active member
I'll be sticking with a couple of medium-late flowerers that I like to grow. For earliness a few autoflowerers will do. I think it's feasible to start auto seeds around end of april and put them out in mid May depending on weather. When they're harvested in early July it's time to run outdoor sogs with clones. Could be fun and I'm sure it would work.


Nice start bro, i'll definitely keep an eye on your thread. Aside from the mums ( I go from seeds only this year) I use a similar strategy as you with autos for early harvest. Won't start a thread until mid late March though March though. I look forwards learning from you.
Keep up the good work.


Active member
Time for a good long walk in the forest to see a couple of spots again.
This spot was used in 2009 and 2010 but in 2011 I decided to give it a break because of some trees being cut close to it. I'm itching to get back to it.

Last year they started fencing in areas and planting trees - I haven't seen this done for many years. It's very very tempting to attempt a grow in such an enclosure lol.

Even the fences won't protect the growth 100% - maybe some hares or rabbits have eaten the buds on these planted trees? I never saw any in the forest but I've seen tracks in the snow.

Will put some pot*freja fruity pheno F2 in flower soon because they're starting to branch out. Then take clones around day 7 12/12.


Active member
Never really got started on this season because of vacation plans and general lazyness... Don't have a single guerilla spot and only a few autos on my porch. They look good though and I'll show pics soon.
Last day I decided to start a bunch of seeds for a late season mini run. Around 80-100 pot*freja F2 and most have germinated. I might start some other seeds tonight - perhaps Nugg-it.


Active member
Well the seeds I started never made it to any guerilla spots. Instead I decided to erect my greenhouse and I'll be flowering them here.

They've been sitting in too small pots for too long but now that everything is repotted it should work out alright. Light night frosts should even be manageable - perhaps with a few candles if I see the forecasts in time.
Big plants in the back are mothers: C99 and Swt#3. They're gonna start their flower period in the greenhouse but will be moved indoors to finish. This pic is a few days old.

A couple of days later:


Active member
Never got any shots of the first couple of autos I harvested but here is another bunch. These pics are 5 days old and a lot has happened since. They're a multihybrid with LR, Skunk#1, Diesel and Deep Chunk genes. Smells are ranging from fruity to skunky and hard to describe because they change every day but they smell pretty damn nice:) These are not in the greenhouse but instead in a protected spot under the roof of my house. From experience this is better for mold prevention. Growth is better in a nice warm greenhouse though - they got a pretty lousy start with the cold weather through late June but picked up a lot of pace once the real summer hit in July.





Active member
Pretty good growth in the greenhouse in only a couple of days. Not all plants are sexed - especially among the small ones. I hope to be able to sex most before the end of the week. 2 males have been selected for breeding. One was the earliest of the bunch and the other almost as early and the biggest of all of the seedplants. Both mothered by the sticky, mold resistant mango/tangerine pheno last year.
Also growing some small Bok Choy seedlings - lovely vegetable for stir frying with shrimps or bacon.


Swt#3 and C99 mothers in middle:


Active member
I'm happy with the autos I got hugging the corner under the roof overhang. From my experience this is better than a humid greenhouse even though they get an occasional rain spray.




A 1 joint plant -

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