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Why does she always make me hold her purse?



Seems there's a lot more at work here than a disagreement over who carries the purse.


Well-known member
high huligan! a question bro: are you yummybuds older brother? or in any form related to him? whats next? your girl trading you for a pack of cigarettes on tha corner and you tellin us you ain't sure if that's cool?
dude, man the fuq up and get rid of this drama...

ps.: how is natasha doin by the way?


Professor Organic Psychology
high huligan! a question bro: are you yummybuds older brother? or in any form related to him? whats next? your girl trading you for a pack of cigarettes on tha corner and you tellin us you ain't sure if that's cool?
dude, man the fuq up and get rid of this drama...

ps.: how is natasha doin by the way?

PM I am not someone you called me or even know who that is, but your disrespect is very obvious still. I come to the toker dens to talk about stuff like everyone else do and all have a good time talking. You come on here complaining about me and the thread and I wonder why you even read it? You must be a angry and lonely little man that just goes around passing negative vibes. Look at yourself before judging others is all I can say. This forum is to talk shit, but no reason for personal attack.


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
My girl friend has a close relative that I see a lot. He is always at her father's house and the guy gives me the creeps. He went to school to be a doctor and dropped out two years shy. Now he is just a bum and I think a meth addict. Seems everyone his age is doing that shit. I hope he gets his shit together one day and goes back to med school, but I would never want this creepy fuck to be my doctor.

He always runs off with my phone for the length of time we are visiting my girl's father (we do this about 5 times a week, close family). I have to run him down to make a phone call and he is always in some dark corner either playing on the internet or talking to this girl he has a freaky relationship with. I think he calls drug dealers too. I get these strange calls in the middle of the night from Mexican that say they are returning a call from my number. So there is that.. and now today I go on the internet with my phone and it was on a porn site for these gross fat women in thongs and stuff. Totally disgusting.

So I have to address this to my girl right away. I have to tell her that guy went to these sites so that she don't think I have some fat chick fetish.

She says, "I know Jorge, you like your women to weigh 100lbs soaking wet. If you were looking at porn it would be the petite kind." But here is the thing, I just never know when I have to announce this kind of thing to her or not.

"fat bitches need love too, Craig!!"

el dub

huligan: yummy bud was a fellow who couldn't ever seal the deal with women's. So I'm guessing that was just pm's way of saying you shouldn't be a pussy and give in to the girl's silly request.

LOL The only problem I have with your story is how you explained in another thread that you are too tall, dark and handsome to be confused for being gay, even while holding a purse. :blowbubbles:



1 Corinthians 13:4-8 New International Version (NIV) said:
4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Something to think about. I try and always take everything my wife does in good faith and she does the same for me.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Jaja everything gets twisted in here.

Yeah well it kind of goes with the territory since most of the time the majority of people on here are stoned out of their gourds on high quality home grown marijuana.


Professor Organic Psychology
huligan: yummy bud was a fellow who couldn't ever seal the deal with women's. So I'm guessing that was just pm's way of saying you shouldn't be a pussy and give in to the girl's silly request.

LOL The only problem I have with your story is how you explained in another thread that you are too tall, dark and handsome to be confused for being gay, even while holding a purse. :blowbubbles:


I never said I was handsome, but thank you and @wink

I am pretty athletic though, so without giving away too much of myself I come to USA to play baseball for school. I was saying that if someone confronted me they should be dedicated and certain of themselves.

I know everyone here is high. That is why I laugh too.


Active member
I'll hold the damn purse but I draw the line at modeling her underwear for her...

Satin makes the boys sweat.
In case you don't already know I am Latin. I was born in Colombia and spent a great part of my life in South and Central America. While going to college I went to USC in California and so I spent a lot of my time within the Latino culture even in the USA.

The problem is that I have a Blond American woman for a girl friend. She has been trying to train me to be some kind of thing... She wants me to hold her purse whenever we are apart. She has to always go to the bathroom where ever we go and she just hands me the purse.

I did it a couple of times without complaining, but I feel funny holding an expensive coach purse in a mall or restaurant. I see other Latinos and they think I am gay or something.

Is she doing this so I look like I am taken?

Maybe she doing it because she actually trusts you.


You know, you could just embrace the whole experience and become a metrosexual.



Registered Med User
I held my wifes purse once, made sure to hold it like a sack lunch and not by the handles like a purse tho. Actually I probly held it about 3 times... But we been together for bout 9 years.
I would say its a yummbud thread, but the only purse yummy holding for a woman would be his moms... AAAAHAAHAHHAHAAHAHAHAAA!!!! .....yummybud...


Active member
i was thinking about yu earlier and i asked a random woman i didn't know about the purse thing and she told me that if a man holds a woman's purse he is a bitch. that's just one woman's opinion but i thought you'd like to know as i always though it was some sort of sign for other women to know you're taken.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
i was thinking about yu earlier and i asked a random woman i didn't know about the purse thing and she told me that if a man holds a woman's purse he is a bitch. that's just one woman's opinion but i thought you'd like to know as i always though it was some sort of sign for other women to know you're taken.

Perhaps it means both things? :)

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