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My dreams, hopes, and plans thread :)

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Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
I first heard about Cob houses a few years ago. Forget how i stumbled across the idea, but i was searching for something. I looked the few articles up that i could find, and watched the few video clips that i found.
And of course i talked with my family and friends about it. They laughed at me, and scoffed at the notion of doing such a thing. And as the months went by i kinda left it go, only thinking about it every so often.
Recently though a member of ICM went off the grid and mentioned working with Cob. Then i was drinking beers with a buddy and the subject came up. I decided to start looking for more information on the subject, and to my surprise the knowledge base has exploded !!
I ordered a book, and have almost read the entire thing in two days. LINK to the book i am reading.

I have been watching youtube videos. Here are just a few of many many good ones.



LINK to info on the rocket mass heater i plan to build, second link is a video on how to get radiant heat throughout the floor using the same concept.


Here are a few pictures fro off the net :)

Ancient cob building in Devon, England. The date plate reads 1539. So, yes if built correctly they can last a long long time. Considering the average life or a "normal" house is about 50 years.


Inside view, you can see the rocket mass heater on the very left, chimney goes through the bench.


A big one, i would build mine much smaller.


Now on to more the style that i like.







I am planning to go to a workshop to learn more this summer. And continuing to learn and practice with smaller models until i am ready to build my own house. The plan is to have it done before the next five years is up. My family and friends will help me sshoulder a bit of the work. But i plan to do most of it myself.

I am tired of living the way i do, tired of a lot of things for a long time now actually. Tired of consuming, and buying, and debt and money. So this is what i feel is needed to find the balance in my life that has been missing.
My wife hates it, but in reality i don't think she will be living there when it's built. Tonight she is going to find out i am leaving for the west coast for two months this summer to learn this craft. Still need to contact the people though. I am planning to make the call tomorrow.

Purpose of this thread ? Well it would be nice to find like minded individuals to discuss this. It would be great if more people could learn about this and perhaps try it themselves. A little encouragement perhaps. I dunno. But if this topic catches your interest please post up and join in the conversation.


The Mad Monk
Glad to see ya post about this, Bear. I feel ya, I've been tired of this system and all it entails for most of my life. At least since I was old enough to realize what it was that was going on. I'm a simple man and have simple needs, working slavishly to acquire shit I don't want to impress people I don't know has never been a priority of mine.

Saw a guy out in Arizona with a home he built like this that really got the gears spinning. And a friend recently moved north and has built a cob house in a very strategic location, I was impressed when he finally had people up to visit. I've been interested in getting off the grid for a while so I'm always trying to consider new ideas and options to assist the transition. Like you, I get some rolled eyes and odd comments but it's to be expected. Change isn't something most people welcome with open arms.

I'll be tuning in to see how things develop for ya.

Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
Well your a step ahead of me already seeing and being in one. Thanks for posting up, i sure will keep the thread updated as things happen.


Cob or cobb or clom (in Wales) is a building material consisting of clay, sand, straw, water, and earth, similar to adobe. Cob is fireproof, resistant to seismic activity,[2] and inexpensive. It can be used to create artistic, sculptural forms and has been revived in recent years by the natural building and sustainability movements.
for those who are wondering what cob is

thanks for sharing brotherbear

unfortunately, we have winter here so a cob house is a no go

Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
My friend, you need to read up on Oregon cob :)

In winter cob absorbs the energy of the sun during the day and radiates it back into the building at night, keeping the inside warm and cozy.

A LINK on FAQ :yes:


Those are some nice houses. I live in a conventional house right now but would love to live in an earth friendly house in the middle of no where someday.

Straw houses are pretty cool and are supposed to be extremely efficient.




Interesting.... I'm not sold yet, but I like the concept!
Kudos to you for making the commitment and taking this next step in your life, don't let anyone try and talk you out of it or bring you down, I'll be looking forward to following this thread and hearing your thoughts when it's a reality! Good luck!

lost in a sea

and they are very cool in summer and warm in winter,,

i see em all the time as im a quaint middle britain marsh dweller from the old country lol,, some places near me look like bilbo baggins should be inside,,

eco friendly, beautiful and if you make it its bespoke and uniquely you,,

fuck the consensus bullshit of a house has to be a box with a pyramid on top, or some glass cage with geometric metal all around it, thats not natural,,, who says a table has to have any legs? why square windows ? square doors? that shits boring and conformist,,

the whole world is boring and conformist,, a grey smudge with no colour no life,,

i think its a great idea and not silly at all,, not in europe and the uk anyway,, live and be happy,,

its really easy and simple as well :)


so can you do this all by yourself ?

I read up that it's done in groups (of hippies ? lol)

so you mix : clay, sand, straw, water, and earth

and that's it ?

I am curious how much that can cost


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

that rocket mass heater is a mad concept.......

living in northern minnesota means doing what you can to reduce heating costs over a 5+ month long winter.

Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
Iron_Lion - I also like them straw bale houses, but i cannot ever live in one. Three little pigs story keeps popping in my head
And there is something about heavy thick mud walls that attracts me to the Cob procedure.

JustDoIt - Thanks for the positive vibes

lost in a sea - You sure get it mang !!

longearedfriend - Yes i plan to do the majority of the work by myself. My kids will also be living on site and helping as much as they can. And i am sure that throughout the building friends and family will stop by to help do what they can.

I live in a naturally clay rich area, so that is free since i can dig it up to use it. Probably even be able to use the very ground i dig out for the foundation. The bulk of the mix is sand though.

A ton of sand costs less than $50. And straw is also very cheap, probably even cheaper out here in farm country where i live.

BornToBeWild -

Stoner4Life - There are many many pictures and videos of them around. It looks like a really great idea to me. The time and energy i could save by not needing as much wood could be put towards working in the garden, or spending time teaching my children.

============================== =============

Well my wife has refused to take the time off from work to allow me to go apprentice for this. No surprise. Time to get creative.

No one in my family has ever been asked to watch my kids except for a very few and far in between couple hours. I think now is the time to call in some favors. My mother and mother-in-law have each agreed to a week of the kids so far. Hard for a stay at home father to get that much time away.

Organic joe

Brother bear if you like those cob houses you should look into earthship houses the cob houses are nice but if I were to personally do it if go for the earthship
On another note good luck with your build and your learning journey hope it all works out very well for you


My wife and I along with some friends lived in a tipi while we built our cabin in the wilderness 30 years ago. We were shocked one day early on when the building official (we had no idea there were any rules or supervision) wandered up and told us we needed a building permit for the tipi, and a wastewater plan for our outhouse, along with plans for a septic system based on the square footage and number of bathrooms in the cabin. I love alternative housing, but you would have a hard time building anything like these houses in my little town and surrounding countryside. I know several folks who wanted to build straw and had to get lots of engineering to support it. Don't just think you can buy remote land and do what you want, although I wish you could. Otherwise dream on, I already did that, raised my kids, my own food, had solar panels , goats, chickens in the yard and can assure you it is a rewarding path to take if you are strong and determined. Good luck.


Conventional home, no plans to do much more than improve insulation envelope. Already went solar this last summer, but need to improve that envelope. However! My real plan has been, had been until I hurt myself, to get our property better developed for an edible landscape, permaculture-stylee. Thing with permaculture is the focus is off annuals, which comprises the vast majority of vegetables we eat, and on perennials, which are primarily fruits. I need mah veggies, so I'll be marrying some different concepts.

Mostly, I want us to be able to feed ourselves, organically, cleanly.


Active member
Great thread!

I have been eyeing an earthship for years.

Untill then I am using every square inch to grow as many of my own organic fruits and vegetables.

Inch by inch the lawn will go.
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