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Do you guys use skin moisturiser?


Active member

Ahab knows...

Also gets the wrinkles out.
The ladies go wild for a well tended bag.

Ultra Current

Anything and everything that you put on or in your body should be organic including lotion. Read the ingridients of everything and do a search for all things so you know what they are. We are all being poisoned from all directions and the government and corporations are part of it. Only we have a responsibility to keep ourselves and our children safe.


Active member
Nope... don't use any of that junk. I also look 10 years younger than I really am. I attribute it mainly to laughing all day.

Lately I look great and I pin that almost solely on diet changes. Wow. :D

I also have lived in VERY low humidity areas for a good 3/4ths of my life.

'Course, being ultra sensitive to things doesn't help me want to put stuff like that on my skin. Chemical madness. :D

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:

p.s. When you've been torturing your hands with work and no gloves and they get chapped really bad.... bag balm is the SHIT! LOL I have used that stuff once or twice for just that reason but now I use cannabis infused olive oil.


call me crazy but if i have a dry spot. i use extra virgin olive oil. something about virgin oil

^ my wife swears by this, she keeps a bottle in her bathroom and uses it in place of body lotion. She says it reverses the effect from the sun and tanning. It's like the oldest skin care product known to man. I'd feel a little weird slathering cooking oil all over me lol.

Princess Vahall

^very true,,

i like the sound of that flouride free toothpaste,, flouride really is not needed at all in toothpaste, and actually does damage to childrens bones among other things,,

Totally with you on the flouride sea. I am a proud anti-flouridite. Bad news (and 2 flouride references in one day, how odd.)


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
Wow...no love for coco butter? I use it on my face everyday. My kids call it the chocolate lotion.

lost in a sea

humans wash too frequently, washing away the protective sebum and natural oils,, i know i do,,
its not really good or natural at all though,,, and importantly all animals have evolved with a mix of fauna on their skin mostly bacteria,, just like the bacteria in your gut that you have to keep healthy or you are more susceptable to infections there as well,,,

all this fucking spray this and that with detergent,,, deattholl "kills 99.9% of bacteria" yeah the good ones!! the ones that would out compete naturally ,through competition, the more tropical varients and leaves you with goddamn epidemic diseases like MRSA or spanish flu free to appear and have a generation of kids that have no immunity, living in environments totally over sterilised scared to touch the plunger on liquid soap dispensers! then the state will just use more and more vaccines and mess even more people up,,

let children play in the mud and stay dirty and get colds and flu's as well,,

and especially the women because you pass on your catalogue of anti viral information to your children,, thats one of the reasons women are targetted by the powers that be and retarded so much in their understanding of nature,,, because they are our species genetic reservoir,,, our most important asset and look what we are letting it become,, strength of the female in all ways should be the the most important thing to our species,, and by strength i dont mean forcing more women into a hierachical sycophantic, perverted, back stabbing work place/system..
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