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Why does she always make me hold her purse?


i hold my chicks purse and it doesnt bother me one bit. you guys who claim it's emasculating have some issues for sure. i mean she has to smell my farts so its a decent trade off. it doesnt mean im "on a leash", it means she trusts me to guard her valuable shit. not a big deal.
Oh man I don't know what to say, I am single and more often than not I think that is a good thing. And I keep getting reaffirmation of that time and time again in instances like these. Still if it was the right girl I would hold her purse by day if she holds mine by night. I don't know. Better to spank the weenie than be one! ;) kidding, I guess sort of, oh hell I don't even know any more! All I can say is best of luck with that mate!
she didnt go to the bathroom . your girlfriend kisses good

A girls got to get shopping money somehow.There is nothing emasculating about holding a girls purse,you both know you're hittin right anyway.
This dudes version of the story started funky with the im a brown dude getting pushed around by some white blonde chick setup.Kind of lost me after that.


not gonna read through the whole thread, just state what i know. after my frist failed marriage i decided that this time i would listen to this one and ask about things before i jump to any conclusions.

we all know that women are into shoes and bags and other things, but the bag is something a lil different.

the only way a man can associate teh holding of the purse is to relate it to the same way we feel about our wallets. i kow for me when im in a crowded area (ie: train, bus, etc.) i always give my back pocket that lil "tap check" to make sure that everything is still where i left it. ive never had my pocket picked but im not gonna be the one dumbass to hear all of the incidences and think that it could never happen to me.

women are a lil more guarded with their purses because they have/need (supposedly) alot more than we men need to carry around. also the fact that its alot easier to steal or take, especially if your dealing with a woman who has had that happen to her before. just like you wouldnt leave your wallet lying on the ground while you ate or were busy then neither would they.

once my wife and i had that convo i respected her views and realized it was the view of all if not most women, besides the bag being an accessory. and shortly after that she offered to hold certain things for me/us. my brush, hand-sanitizer, chapstick and other lil things that would look/feel bulky in my pockets.

when we go out for short lil runs, she'll just grab her wallet with cards and money and she'll ask me to hold onto it while were out and i gladly do it, its not so much a "bitch" thing that she's trying to do to you or emasculate you, its that your the one shes with and your the one she trusts so your the one that can keep her and her things, or "wallet" if you will, safe.

and if she asks you to hold it then youve gotta find a way to hold it so that you dont look like her gay friend. most single cats cant fathom that type of thing, then again most single cats arent gettin laid damn near every night no matter how much shit they talk, so fuck it dude, just do her that solid and hold it for her.

now if she asks you to walk around with it . . . well then youve gotta check her ass on that.


lost in a sea

i dont know why i missed she was your girlfriend,, thought she was just a friend,,

its stranger when they arent your girlfriend,,


Tell your friends "No it's not my purse, it's my new European shoulder bag!"

el dub

LOL Where's a fellow supposed to keep his chapstick and hand sanitizer? Maybe wrap it in a spare maxi pad and stuff it in your pocket if your purse is too full, dude.



In case you don't already know I am Latin. I was born in Colombia and spent a great part of my life in South and Central America. While going to college I went to USC in California and so I spent a lot of my time within the Latino culture even in the USA.

The problem is that I have a Blond American woman for a girl friend. She has been trying to train me to be some kind of thing... She wants me to hold her purse whenever we are apart. She has to always go to the bathroom where ever we go and she just hands me the purse.

I did it a couple of times without complaining, but I feel funny holding an expensive coach purse in a mall or restaurant. I see other Latinos and they think I am gay or something.

Is she doing this so I look like I am taken?
Put your foot down , if you give her an inch shee'l take a mile . She will lose respect for you , & then youll catch her with another man.


Professor Organic Psychology
I am still here and reading all. Too funny and so many comments. I must not be the only one.


I am still here and reading all. Too funny and so many comments. I must not be the only one.

Ahahaha, yeah, been there man. Not for a long time though, I think my wife saw me standing there with my skin crawling enough times that she took pity on me. It's just not right!