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Malawi Feminized, Green Haze Thai, and Lebanese


Hey guys, I'm putting the VB/Thai on hold to work on some Malawi and Greenhaze Thai.

For now there's not too much going on besides some beans sprouting.

I've got 6 Lebs to choose males from. I'm hoping for at least three boys.
1 Malawi fem popped up, so far.
9 GreenHaze Thai sprouts. I plan to clone/save the males for later. Maybe. Depends....
I also have all my Mekong Haze planted but have not seen any signs of life. I've also heard that peeps were having trouble cracking these, too.

The plan so far is to use the Lebs (stable for high and potency) to supply stable males. Then to watch/select/backcross for consistency in potency and sativa high.

Hope you guys enjoy the show! Feel free to comment, advise, or ask questions!


Lean Green

Operating Outside the Law
ICMag Donor
This will be awesome to watch! I hope you get to run some of the Mekongs, it's a line I really want to see grown out. Kinda wish I would have bought some a couple of years ago when they first caught my eye.
Would you tell us more about the Lebanese you are running?


Yes, I hope a few Mekongs sprout for me! If they dont I think I'll pick up some of Gypsies Thai Stick when I pick up some more Ace Malawi (with the Zamal/Malawi freebie). ;) I just have to keep watching the Boo. :D

The Lebs I'm runnin are Astur Jaya's "Nube Roja", bred in Spain/Asturia. According to their (various) literature, They are Lebanese with some Paki influence.
-They are stable for potency, type of high, structure, and smell.
-They vary in height and coloring.
-They have a strong odor. Mostly skunky, but the closer you get to 'em you notice sweeter smells and a hint of grape aroma.
-They all have a lollipop structure. Reminds me of old pics of afghan or Leb fields where a guy is next to a 6' stalk with a pompom of bud at the end of it. So, these are better for SOG or maybe topped multiple times with a longer veg time.
-Potency wise, they destroy me with any more than two hits, (not fun!) but I'm a lightwieght. My heavy smoker friends love 'em! A bowl and they feel about right.
-The high for me starts with a rush @ about 2 minutes building to 15 minutes or so. Great head high! Then the body comes on for the next hour-ish (this is where I get nauseous with too much). After that the head starts to disappear followed by the body. At this point I start to crash/fall asleep, if I make it though the crash, there's no head and very little body left just a comfortable feeling like after a massage.

Basically my plan for them is to supply maleness from a line stable for potency. I will cross/backcross to S1 tested (for potency) female Sativa cuttings. I will select against the crash and body high. I want to leave diversity in all traits except for potency, no hermaphrodites, and no crash/body high.


Me too, Govnaa!

The more I think about it, the more I wonder why I decided to run the Lebs this round. I already know they're stable. I should be using feminised breeding techniques to test for and stabilize potency in the sativas. Doh!! Whatever.... they'll get crossed and the girls sampled and cloned/revegged. Then I'll have some fun seeds for later. ;)

More fun coming up in the next few months!


ACE Seeds Breeder
Hello inquest :)

Im glad to hear you are starting a new grow/breeding project. If you are looking for good sativa mix without heavy body effect I'd try a hybrid between Vietnam Black, Thai and Haze. Malawi is very strong body effect but sometimes you can get very strong speedic effects without body heaviness crossing malawi with other pure sativas (for example Golden Tiger). I have no experience with astur jaya's genetics but hope you find them desirable for your breeding project. Good luck!


Here's an overhead view of the sprouts. A few have been topped to try and let others catch up. There's 6 Lebs, 7 GHxThai's, and 1 lone Malawi fem. Lets see if ya'll can guess which ones are which. :) Also, notice the one with yellow new leaves. It's had this trait since the very first leaves.


Wow, this pic turned out really white! Hmmm... Maybe this is what heaven looks like?! :D


One week later:

I repotted after last weeks pics and this is what I get for it! ;)



The group is much happier now! In the first pic you can see a little hole in the upper right. That's were this little guy used to reside:

Poor little runt. He made a nice addition to my compost bin, though. ;) Btw, anyone care to guess which one is two weeks younger than the other two? lol

End of this coming week should see all plants topped for clones and thrown into flower. So..... 18 to 22 weeks and counting???

Take care!


Check out the GHxT and Malawi growth over the last ten days! Very vigorous! The Lebs look pretty pathetic in comparison. :D


All have been topped and the tops taken for clones. I figure once they start to show flowers I'll remove the males to a seperate 12/12 box with filtered exhaust. That'll give the girls some breathing room. They've all got about 8 to 10 branches at the moment, but once I get some room in the cab I'll be able to prune all branches that wont have room to fully develope. Then I'll have a second chance at some clones, just incase some current ones fail to root.

Btw, I topped them all once they had 6 to 7 nodes. They grow fast and have stayed pretty bushy under the CFL's. About 45 watts per square foot.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Hello inquest and happy new year :)

Usually pure sativa hybrids like green haze thai are the most vigourous kind of hybrids, especially if you compare them with a highly inbred line with indica genes like lebanese seems to be. They all are looking very healthy and happy, they are going to explode when you re pot them to bigger pots. Good luck and thanks for the update.


Hello all! :wave: It's about 7 weeks now. I pulled the Lebs from the cab. All of the lebanese were males, some of them were susceptible to some kind of bug brought in on my strawberries and were culled. This leaves two big males two play around with. :) The two males almost caught up to the sativas during their stretch, but now they're done with that and the sat's are still going strong. :D

This leaves 8 sat's in the cab. Three GHxT's and the Malawi are showing tons of vigor and had to be bent around to even out the canopy. A few of the sat's have shown sex, all girls :jump:. Still waiting to see if I get some males from the GHxT's...

Here's a side view of the canopy.

And an overhead view.

Sorry to disappoint ya LeanGreen, none of the MeKongs lived. :( One sprouted then failed to grow, the rest..... never popped up. Damn! I really wanted to run these, too!! I hope my Luang Prabangs grow once I get around to them. :frown:


Oh yeah, forgot to mention that I saw a few of those bugs on one or two of the sativas. Although, the numbers are very low and have not impacted growth, unlike the affected Lebs. I'll see if I can find or take a pic of the critters. I dont really care too much what they are or the damage they cause, though.... Call it a stress-test. ;) I dont plan to use any susceptible plant, unless it is something very special in regards to another trait. Then, those seeds will need to kept and explored separately. :)


OK, Here's that weird ass bug.


Not the best pic. They're not causing any problems, though. I also found out that my strawberries brought in "The Borg". Lol, good thing this is just a seed run.... They also dont seem to be causing too much of a problem. Thought you might like to know that, Dubi. ;)

Well, all seven GHxThai's have shown pistils and the Malawi Fem.... yup, it's a girl, too! So I'm chucking just the Lebanese pollen this round. I plan to keep/clone/reveg the best girls of the bunch to do some backcrosses, as well as, cross to maybe the VietBlacks or I'll have to get a few packs of OTH, Malawi, etc. to search out some sativa males.

I'll get some more pics of the girls this weekend. They're really starting to fill up the box!!! I cant wait to see what's in there in three months!!!


Well I got a crappy pic of the mites I found. There aren't very many that I can find nor much leaf damage to be seen. I also dont see any spider/mite webs in there.... Maybe they're a different type of mite?? I'm no expert...

Now for some fun stuff! :) All have shown to be females and have been getting daily doses of pollen. I'll be expecting a fair amount of seed to play with!! :jump:
It's becoming a real jungle in there. :)

See ya in a week or so! :wave:


Well guys, they're starting to look a lot better. :D The buds are swelling up nicely with seed.

The Malaw is much faster about budset, and much more resinous ATM. Her smell is very nice! It's very light compared to the VeitBlacks. I have no odor control running by the way. When you open the box your greeted with a faint.... chocolate smell? It's not strong at all, so it's really hard to tell/describe what it smells like! Rub against a bud and your fingers now smell incredibly sweet and still impossible to describe. :dunno:

The Haze/Thais are MUCH more vigorous! They just keep growing and growing!! High RH is now a bit of a concern as they fill the box up with foliage. Any leaf that looks to be on it's way out sprouts white fuzz a day or two later. And from the mites there were plenty of lost leaves the past few weeks! :cuss: But, just in case any one here plans on not smoking their delicious, resin encrusted buds, Raid flea and tick spray will kick the shit out of those mites! One application and not a single mite to be seen in 2.5 weeks. Hope this trend continues!! Sooooo, basically, now I get to sample the harvest for effect and then toss it in the trash...... Guess i'm back to buyin bud. On the up side, I dont have mites anymore, it looks like the Malawi and a few GH/Thais have rooted, and I should be able to reveg the keepers. :dance013:




Man, some of those leaves look pretty beat up! Bastard mites!

Thinking that I may take a bit of a break from growing for a vaca, and just a break from running an illegal garden, I thought I should prolly crack my Luang Prabangs and make fresh seed. The plan is just that; make seed. No selection. Mutants, hermis, whatever, just making something to look into later.

So far, 20 planted, 16 came up. It'll be my luck they're all girls!!! Fast growers, though. They've been up for four days. ;)



ACE Seeds Breeder
Crazy indoor sativa garden hehehehe :)

Be careful with the spider mites cos the hazes and tropical sativas are very sensible to this plague. They are not used to them in their origin, and the long flowering cycles usually help the mites to hurt the harvest even more. Be sure you avoid them before real flowering, you can use abamectine to completly eliminate the mites, is not organic but if there are no flowers yet, then you can spray it safely .

The malawi has better mite resistance and is faster to flower. Both strains are very vigorous but the haze thai will still stretch a lot in the first 2 months while the malawi will stop to stretch first in flowering stage.

Im glad to see you are popping some lao luang prabang from gypsy. I'm very interested in your grow diary. Thanks for sharing!


Hey! It's been about three weeks or so since my last update. At this point there's not much goin on in there. The resin is slowly coming on. There are more fresh pistils coming in on the Hazes. The Malawi is just chillin, more resin but no more pistils.

Over this last week I sampled a small bud from each. All of them have a great sativa head high. The Malawi is pretty strong, it's no slouch! It does have a nice body massage as well. The Hazes vary a bit in potency atm. All have a great head high. Two seem to produce a cold pressure in my forehead and a little bit of pulsing colors when I close my eyes and relax. I'm very excited to see how these two shape up over the next 6-8wks.




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