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SOG 1kw - 4X4 Grow - 49 GDP Week 6

one Q

Short! can you post start height and end height? those plants look small and dense


Active member
How'd you get your clones so uniform if I may ask? Also, how long did it take to root them, did you root them in a ez cloner and then put them in rockwool?? Sorry I am new to hydro and I am going to attempt to do a SOG myself.....And obviously still seeking answers.
BUT one thing you definitely have displayed to me is that if I want to do a SOG in hydro, rockwool cubes is the medium of choice!


Thanks guys.

gtgio, I didn't get any before the flip.

One, they were about 6" & now are all about 12-13"

wdcf, I keep a couple mothers & when cloning just try to cut them all the same size. They take at least 2 weeks for me & I usually let them root for another week after. I just dip in clone gel & on to 1.5" rockwool cubes. I see alot of people also do SOG with rockwool in a layer of hydroton. Its all personal preference but with previous experience with hydroton I would recommend stay away from it & jsut stick to rockwool. Hydroton is a heavy & a pain in the ass to clean.


I use those pre cut sheets they sell at hydro shops. I only use them from about week 1 to 5-6 then stop because its a pain in the ass to take them off & put back on when I water. Plus after week 5-6 theres enough foliage to help prevent algae from covering everything. I dont mind algae I just want to prevent the whole top of the block & everything else getting caked up with it.
I do the same, I SOG Super Lemon Haze. 64 plants in a 4x4... Its a MESS lol
but I get good results.

:) After this grow.. Im canning SLH and going to flower.. my 4 ft mothers... Its going to be madness! Im going to grow Super Bud.. I cant deal with the height anymore some of my slh got to 3.5 ft this round... FROM CLONE!
Redic... THey gained about a ft this grow.. I added CO2..


large member
ICMag Donor
Nice work! Don't seem to see too many SOG's thesedays?!

I love the speed and yield of a good SOG, I do mine from seed (Autoflowers) currently 36 in a 4x4, but I'd like to try 49 or 64 in the same space soon.

More pics would be appreciated when you've got the time.., keep up the good work.


Thanks guys.

Krypt, 4ft mothers don't sound bad. Ya when I do my more sativa strain that thing gets about 3ft but I also end up with colas the size of my fist.

Mitch, I'm chopping sometime in they next few days so I be sure to take more pics. Ya, from I see on here people are still doing lots of plants but just bigger & bushier.


Active member
Last question for a while I swear... do you root in a ez cloner? I am thinking about buying a few(I want to flower around 300 plants at a time) and I believe it would make things less labor intensive for me, do you agree or should I use another method?



Don't sweat it, ask away. I don't use ez cloners. I have been thinking about building one from the DIY on here. It sure will make it a little easier on me since I use rockwool & sometimes forget to spray them & one or two may die from drying out. The only reason why I have not used aeroponic style cloning is because I dont have AC. Summers get very hot & rockwool I have found to be more forgiving in the hot temps. If you got AC or a water chiller to control the res from getting too hot than I say go for the ez cloners as it will make your life a lil easier.


Its all really the same. I personally use the 1.5" rockwool cubes, come 45 or so a pack. Once roots start popping out & don't need to flower them yet I just place them on a layer of perlite.


Active member
Do you think Vermiculite might work better because it retains moisture when perlite doesn't?


Active member
so let me get this down.....

3 weeks of rooting, and when roots start popping out of your cube, you place the clones on a level of perlite(or possibly vermiculite)

Then after the 3 weeks of rooting you place them inside your 4'' rockwool cubes, and then do you immediately flower? or do you root/veg for a bit longer?



I never really used Vermiculite so can't give you my opinion on it but have seen others on here use it the same as I would with perlite so it should work. In the past I would use a layer of COCO instead but it was more work than I asked for. For 2 weeks I just leave em in the trays with humidity domes. After that once a couple roots show I put them on a layer of perlite for another week to root out even more without a dome. From then on whenever I'm ready I just place them into the 4" cubes straight to flower.


Active member
So would it be more intelligent for me to just keep them in the ez cloner for 3 weeks?
Or just 2 weeks and then take them out for 1 week and place them on a level of vermiculite?

Thanks again