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New Toy worlds most powerful handheld laser


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
www.wickedlasers.com the model i got was the krypton this 1500mw green laser beam travels 86 miles

surprised this thing made it thru customs.

it says not to shine at stars because if you hit a satellite it can fuck up the sensors. and it can also blind pilots. real dangerous but lots of fun!

well worth $1000 check out the youtube videos on it.


is this the one that cuts through plastic and pops balloons ??


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
but you would have to do it with your eyes closed. i accidently hit a street sign 1/4mile away and the reflection nearly blinded me no joke!! shit is INSANE

came with these glasses to block the harmfull rays, problem is the glasses block ALL THE RAYS lol i can see shit with them on so i just wear some regular sun glasses... you can literally see the beam 86miles we tried the other night i shot it from 1 island to another and my boy could see the beam about 20miles from mountain top to mountain top

heres the official video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Tx02Up-ovw


Active member
haha, damn, thats pretty cool!

you said you paid 1000 dollars in your first post? is this right? cause it says 300 on the site :)

just curious! enjoy your bad ass laser


Can a lower powered laser that isn't so dangerous/difficult to use also light a bowl?


Active member
there have been several cases here in so cal of kids shining them on copter pilots. they busted one kid for it

lost in a sea

looks like the 300mw model is $300,, if you select the 1 watt model its 900,,

crazy shit,,

people need to stop wasting their time shining normal laser pens at the pigs and get one of these,,,

pork crackling anyone ? :biglaugh:


Very cool. Doesn't seem like the governments of the world would like this available to civilians. Have fun with that cool toy!


weed fiend
I remember when FBI agents were looking for Eric Rudolph. A man and his son were in the woods and the man flashed his son's toy-laser at an overhead helicopter. The man was arrested on or near the spot and roughed up in front of his kid. A lawyer successfully defended the man's actions as non-violent, earning himself $50k.


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
yea the 1000mw model is 900 but it actually says 1500mw on the laser. trust me i didnt get ripped off i just had to have the most powerful one or should i say the brightest one. 8000x brighter then the sun
this should be moved to the security section,
as a canadian with difficulty to obtain a firearm,
I'll just shine this shit in peoples eyes if they try to break in


let me know the next time your out shining this thing around, I should be able to see it from somewhere around here!
sounds like an incredible toy. siiick.