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Humboldts Own Gravity/ AN bud Blood


Active member
Anyone ever used Gravity by Humboltds own Nuts. sounds good but havent read much or anything about it on here. Also i got a free sample of AN bud blood like 2 years ago i never used it because i always did organic. this run i decided to try non-organic soil, so i was thinkin about trying it. seems like you need a very little bit, but does it work? is it worth trying? is it too old? any opnions are appreciated.


well bro I have humbolts purple maxx snow and gravity and i love them both... they work wonderfull but u dont need very much at all as well as you only use it in the last 3 weeks of flowering... never used the other stuff but its 2 yrs old and it was a sanmple then i wouldnt use it but its up to you.. GL

Haha I got the full humboldt line as samples... thats odd. Some people swear by the stuff and some people hate it. I have people that tell me it will instantly, like overnight, start filling out nugs. Once you apply the gravity it instantly gives it a huge nutrient uptake, causing the filling out. After you use it you have to flush the soil or whatever medium you are using to get it out cause it will continue massively uptaking nutes until it burns itself to death. When I used it in a recirc DWC thats what happened to me. Lesson learned.



End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
thought gravity was for foliar feed and not directly in soil or res.


nope you can add it to ur mix but hardly any at all. can be used in soil or hydro systems as well as a folar


AN bud blood definitely has its benefits although there are alot of identical products out there that are cheaper(green planet hydroboost). The key ingredient in this stuff is phloxine-G a synthetic flowering hormone which causes a faster initiation and hopefully a tighter and more plentiful flowering. I think the P and K in there are almost inconsequential so little is used. Perhaps they act as a carrier for the hormone? I haven't looked into it that deep. The companies won't mention anything about this little ingredient on the package either.


Active member
yeah i know with the gravity that less is more, ill see about maybe ordering it. I applied some of the bud blood yesterday, i'll let you know if i see any noticable results, so far this never ending summer in my region is what is killing me. i should be at 75 in my room now and temps are stable at 95 every day. I run bottled co2 so it's not a killer but i am realy not happy with it!
all three humboldts own products are freakin awesome. would definitely say try all three. i use purplemaxx and gravity for foliar feeding and the last three maybe four weeks of with ffs nutes til flush. even if you dont get colors, the trichs are ridiculous, and the density is way obvious. ive always used alittle more bushmaster and gravity on my sativa than indicas though. a buddy of mine is using all tree on his masterlow girlies and they are gorgeous. at four weeks into flower they are already the size of my forearm, and look like a bag of sugar has been poured on them. props to dude at eel river hydro for coming up with this shite!

Pot Pimp

bio-forte said:
AN bud blood definitely has its benefits although there are alot of identical products out there that are cheaper(green planet hydroboost). The key ingredient in this stuff is phloxine-G a synthetic flowering hormone which causes a faster initiation and hopefully a tighter and more plentiful flowering. I think the P and K in there are almost inconsequential so little is used. Perhaps they act as a carrier for the hormone? I haven't looked into it that deep. The companies won't mention anything about this little ingredient on the package either.

I know you worked in a hydro store and seem to be doing VERY well with your grows. I saw the A.N. vids and just knocked my socks off - especially the nutrient challenge results. Do you think I'm being suckered by the slick advertising? I don't mind paying a little extra for exceptional results but then I don't want to be a sap either.


Active member
in case anyone cares i used the An bud blood and i saw what i beleive to be a noticable growth spert, niiice. Things are filling out quicker and look fatter then prior, maybe it was just a good watering as everything was kinda dry, but i felt it made a diffrence.


gravity is the bomb i recently got hip to it and it works great use like it says and you will see it work quick it is expensive but you hardly use any at all so it does last.peace out


Registered Cannabis User
The secret to all the stuff like these products is simply plant hormones. Mainly, auxins and cytokinins. You can see the same results if you add increased doses of certain types of cold pressed A.N. seaweed extracts. They contain plant hormones, like zeatin as well as b-vitamins such as B-1 (thiamine), as well as trace elements and amino acids which is just an added benefit. But be careful when dosing with hormones, these products can cause you to lose quality if you add too much. If you overdose too much, your buds will get small and super dense with decreased resin production and bag appeal. If youve ever seen beasters, then thats a good example of what im talking about. You will have to experiment with each strain individually when it comes to PGR'S. They all like different doses.


Active member

Gravity is Paclobutrazol and completely unneeded in a real grow op.

Please, do yourself and the rest of us a favor and find something that uses ingredients fit for human consumption.... Thanks.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:
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Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
well bro I have humbolts purple maxx snow and gravity and i love them both... they work wonderfull but u dont need very much at all as well as you only use it in the last 3 weeks of flowering... never used the other stuff but its 2 yrs old and it was a sanmple then i wouldnt use it but its up to you.. GL


MEGA - Dittoes :tiphat:


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Here is a link posted in another forum by Uncle Ben that concerns Gravity and several other plant growth regulator. Please read befor you smoke any of that shit. I'm just sayin. http://www.integralhydro.com/flowerdragon.html


So for your 2nd post EVER on ICMAG your dissing Humbolt's products??

Hmmm wonder who YOU work for?

And FYI - I've had my boo lab tested and since I flush the FUCK outta my plants with Clerex it came up fairly clean, no not 100% clean but to my satisfaction and to a client who prefers "tested" med's over non-tested. He's happy.


New member
I could really give a shit what you put on your grow I'ts a free country ,,for now anyway but if you have the right to put that shit on your grow then at least tell those who smoke it what's in it, they have the same right to decide what's best for them as you do. and for my 3rd post I'm sayin you can't flush that shit out. In fact in any event the only thing you can flush may be a little excess nitrogen.