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Liquid Propane (LP) CO2 Generator Usage


My question is real basic, but I haven't been able to find an answer on here. What is the typical usage for a propane tank using this type of delivery system? Just want to hear some experiences.. My room is 340 sqf.

Is it safe to keep this in a furnace room? I'm thinking not...

I would appreciate any input!
apparently it's REAL REAL bad to have a propane tank inside your house at all...ever. I just picked up my blu-ox from the propane shop and when they heard that my tank was in the house they freaked right out and told me i was out of my mind.

After this run I'm switching it over to NG, as I understand it's not as dangerous as LP, and if I can't do that at least I'll rig the tank up outside somehow.

Google propane tank indoors...plenty of sources will all say the same thing. Any tank bigger than 1 lb in the house for any reason is illegal and your insurance company aint payin if it goes boom. (Not to mention how you'll feel when you take the neighbors down with you if you're lucky enough not to be home when it goes up).

Happy Happy


Active member
i have had mine indoors for years. i do shut off the valve every night to make me sleep better. i also have an inline leak detector .
Call an electrician and see what he thinks about a 1000w hid lamp in a closet.

There's not a lot in this hobby that we do that doesn't violate a code, law and sometimes common sense.

While I would never suggest throwing caution to the wind, this seems a little over the top.
If a propane tank was so unstable that they can't be safely used indoors under tightly controlled conditions, I think we'd be hearing about rednecks blowing themselves up all the time. I can't remember ever hearing of one of these tanks exploding in my city.

I had a 20 ft hose regulator assembly made at a propane supply shop (think Hank Hill) that is much nicer than the stock hose and allows me to place my tank in a safe, secure place.


Active member
i dont stress the propane tank in the house... you gotta die of something, it might as well be a fiery explosion:)
its a normal grill tank btw... 30# mayb?