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AF advice


Active member
Hey, Im new to the whole AF thing and just looking for some advice for the seasoned AF growers here. I am thinking everything is going to be the same as with normal plants, but I'm not 100% sure as iv never done AF's before...
So I am going to be running them outside... I want to put them in pots as the need to more them may come up at some point in time... I was looking into smart pots on there site, but $5 for a single 3 gal pot is a little more then I am looking to spend... Are there any cheaper brands out there that are the same idea... I have like 100 pots sitting in a corner, i may just use them, they are plastic ones from wal-mart.. cost around $.98 each. What size of pot you you suggest for AF's outdoors?
Im used to plants that will get 12 feet high and need a 4' 4' hole..

next question... I have been wondering around the AF forums and have noticed some people talking about different techniques to get max yeild off AF's.... What are some of the best techniques? Iv always used LST for my plants and i am thinking some LST will help with auto's, also this last year i was introduced to .. i forget the exact name... but planting the plant sideways and having the main stem under ground so only the branches are out... that worked wonders and will be doing half my plants that way this year... I took a plant (AMS) that was only giving my about an O and a half tops, and got closer to a pound off it... atleast x10 high yield.. not sure if that would work with AF's tho as you cant spend as much time training the side branches and such... but so yeah back to the question.. what techniques are best for max yields?

If it will help with answering the strains are, dinafem fruit, dinafem critical jack, and im also thinking about getting short stuff #1, and paradise seeds pandora... ( I heard pandora has one of the biggest yeilds for AF's sometimes reaching 100 Grams a plants)

Thanks in advance, when the time comes i will post a thread in here to keep updates on the outdoor AF's.. happy to be joining the Auto Flower Crew here on ICMag -KK


Hey KK, try directly seeding autos into shopping bags. You know, the "green" ones that you get instead of paper or plastic. They hold 5 gallons or so, have handles so you can move them. I have a bunch that are actually green so they blend into the environment. This is the only way I have successfully harvested decent amounts outdoors with autos. Good luck


I was thinking today that there should be a sticky for auto tips and suggestions. I am very interested in doing my first grows with autos, since space and security are both an issue in my home. I have read through a ton of threads, and think I have the base plan for my space. However, that can always change as progress is made.
The method of planting you described is one that I have used for vegetable growing. The idea is that with plants like tomaotoes, the little hairs growing on the main stalk turn into roots; more roots, more points for the plant to accept nutrients. It works well with a lot of plants (tomatoes, cucumbers, even some beans). I'm on the fence about whether this would be a good idea for container-grown plants. I would think that in some cases, you may end up with a root bound plant in the pot. But I could be very off base with that theory.
I saw on another forum a planting method for autos that I will employ when it comes time. In a nutshell, you get your plants going in solo cups. In about two weeks, when you are ready to transplant to your 1 or 3 gallon pots, instead of removing the entire root ball from the cup and planting, you cut 1/2 of the bottom of the cup off and plant that into the pot. The thought is that you are disturbing less of the root structure, so you have less of a recovery time for your short-term autos. Has anyone here tried this before?


Hey Kronik!
ronbo gave a pretty good suggestion with the shopping bags, they're cheap and they do the job.
Depending on how you can prep your site and if your site is remote or on nearby territory, you could do raised beds.
I've done 1' by 12' raised beds but only for veggies though.
As far as strain goes, I'd go with and auto that has the best vigorous growth, mold and bug resistance. I don't know many strains but I know auto AK does fairly decent outdoors.
Good luck prepping, I'm gonna go try doing the Johny Appleseed technique and dump 400-500 seeds on top of a mountain and see if there's any ripe plants there by the end of the season :)


large member
ICMag Donor
LST is what I would recommend as it's the least stressful and doesn't impact the limited seedling/veg stage - it's strain dependent however as some do not mind.

Are these outdoors like backyard or further away? I would either be searching out a big branchy AF strain to go, give it a fair pot and let nature take it's course, or plant whole patches of smaller AF's for an outdoor SOG (or multiple small AF's in a big pot)

I liked Ronbo's idea of using a shopping bag.


I could be inept, or stupid, but I have given up on autos OD, except for a couple bags close to the house. Three outdoor seasons, I really really wanted them to work. I have a great little guerrilla spot but the autos just cannot compete and thrive in the wild. They lose their ferocity and get defensive and in the end get moldy. Nothing I could do changed it. Maybe a row in my veggie garden with constant attention, but I can't do that either. I have done autos indoors and they work great. No moms, no veg space, I love it. Just not outdoors.
The new haze crosses that are being talked about here seem to give hope for OD growers. I wish the breeder could talk more openly about his shit but....

La Buena Hierba

Active member
ICMag Donor
dont get me wrong but i always grow big autoflowers outside
the smaller ones you see here a good for indoor mirco growers
i most part do geurillia grows and the noomale autoflowers are no good for that the noormale plant live takes it over and the bigger autoflowers grow way faster and taller and yielere more

here if one of my autoflowering Haze work
as you can see verry good for outdoor but there are more big autoflowers like super auto's
i never grow them but i heard good things

here on of my Autoflowering Asian Haze work that you can buy online

you cant find more here on the auto haze hybride thread


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