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Feds To Grant Exclusive Cannabinoid License To Pharma Firm

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
Why am I not surprised?

The U.S. federal government's Department of Health and Human Services seems about ready to award exclusive rights to apply marijuana as a medical therapeutic. You read that correctly: "exclusive rights."

You may recall that Toke of the Town columnist Ron Marczyk pointed out that the U.S. federal government, a few years back, took out patents on "cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants," even while officially denying that cannabis has any medical value.

Well, turns out they weren't just holding onto that patent for the fun of it. The latest piece of the puzzle to fall into place is the announcement last month in the Federal Register.

After years of inaction, it seems they are "contemplating" the grant of an exclusive patent license to practice the invention embodied in its U.S. Patent to a company called KannaLife Sciences, Inc., which has offices in New York.

​"It is a grave injustice that patient association in California are now facing a coordinated and comprehensive attack by the DOJ, while one pharmaceutical company in New York stands to profit tremendously from the monopolization of medical cannabis thanks to the HHS," UMMP posted.

Much more in the full article here.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^Since monopolies are illegal there will be a court case are two addressing this issue. It will either be shut down or it will lose exclusive rights.

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
This doesn't fit the definition of an illegal monopoly. There's nothing wrong with a company holding a patent and being the exclusive producer of a particular product. That's the whole point of patents. Patents are even mentioned in the Constitution under the powers granted to Congress:

To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;

What is wrong however would be Congress signing over a patent held by the US (i.e., the people) to a single company. Not being a lawyer, I'd think that the federal government holding a patent would not be allowed. In effect, we all own that patent.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
This spells the beginning of the end of legal dispensaries. Big Pharma is about to take over. They have been working on mj cannabinoid patents for many years

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor

Also they cant patent thc. It's like patenting oil. it is a natural substance. If they want to patent a synthetic chemical go ahead, no one will want that shit.


yeah, but if you have followed the fda, for several years they have been allowing exclusive patents to companies for gmos,, which wends up giving them monopolization because when a gmo is planted near regular crops, the gmo crosses over, then the company sues the farmer of the regular crop for patent infringement if he saves and regrows his own seeds. even though the farmer did not want their gmo bullshit. all the fda has to do is grant pharma an exclusive strain right, and it all over for the rest. everyaone grows for pharma or else!

Grass Lands

The wheels on the bus go round and round...round and round...round and round...come everybody sing it with me...The wheels on the bus go round and round...round and round...round and round...
The value of the Cannabis plant as an industry, without factoring in the value of Cannabis as a food or medicine, was estimated to be in the billions in 1938 by an article published by Popular Mechanics Magazine at that time, so its no wonder why one of Monsanto’s major shareholders would have in interest in advocating for one of the main tenants of prop 19, which is to “Make cannabis available for scientific, medical, industrial, and research purposes” and to “adopt a statewide regulatory system for a commercial cannabis industry”. Prop 19 is doing nothing less then opening the floodgates for Monsanto and other petro-chemical, GMO seed and pharmaceutical corporations to commercialize, regulate, control and tax Cannabis through genetic engineering, patenting and licensing.

Monsanto and the Drug Policy Alliance are not the only entities leading the charge to regulate Cannabis through genetic engineering. As published in the September 2009 issue of the Journal of Experimental Botany, Researchers from the College of Biological Science of the University of Minnesota have identified the genes in the Cannabis plant that produce tetra-hydro-cannabinol (THC), claiming in a press release that it is “a first step toward engineering a drug-free Cannabis plant”. George Weiblen, an associate professor of plant biology and a co-author of the study, said “Cannabis genetics can contribute to better agriculture, medicine, and drug enforcement”.


Active member
this is pretty sickening already.
the only true fix is full leaglization,the rest is just somone/group ,trying to corner the market.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
yeah, but if you have followed the fda, for several years they have been allowing exclusive patents to companies for gmos,, which wends up giving them monopolization because when a gmo is planted near regular crops, the gmo crosses over, then the company sues the farmer of the regular crop for patent infringement if he saves and regrows his own seeds. even though the farmer did not want their gmo bullshit. all the fda has to do is grant pharma an exclusive strain right, and it all over for the rest. everyaone grows for pharma or else!

it wont happen because people like me will chop their fingers off till they agree to stop, and if they don't then we burn down every facility they have.

Not much would make me violent, but that would.


weed fiend
Check your Sherman anti-trust act. It's a shell of it's former self after enforcement defunding in the 1980s and Courts rulings ever since to maintain watered-down anti-trust laws.

Before 1980, Exxon Mobil and BP Amoco never imagined merging.

The goal is zero anti-trust regulation and it's proponents are still acting today.

(TOTT) After years of inaction, it seems they are "contemplating" the grant of an exclusive patent license to practice the invention embodied in its U.S. Patent to a company called KannaLife Sciences, Inc., which has offices in New York.

But we still honor Patent laws. Anybody happen to know whether a Patent owner has the legal right to award license to given manufacturer? Last time I checked, patent owners may do this.


Freedom Fighter

Also they cant patent thc. It's like patenting oil. it is a natural substance. If they want to patent a synthetic chemical go ahead, no one will want that shit.

No, but what they can do, is patent the synthetic...and make the raw form illegal...just like opium--
I've been afraid of this since the start of MMJ--


people still buy synthetic drugs on the black market all the time whats your point, there are multiple opiate drugs out there, that doesnt stop heroin from being the biggest money making drug in the us, whether its the real deal or oxys doesnt matter. when will the fear mongering end its getting really old you people sound like paranoid schizos.


weed fiend
Patents and generics

Depending on a number of considerations, a company may apply for and be granted a patent for the drug, or the process of producing the drug, granting exclusivity rights typically for about 20 years.[34] However, only after rigorous study and testing, which takes 10 to 15 years on average, will governmental authorities grant permission for the company to market and sell the drug.[35] Patent protection enables the owner of the patent to recover the costs of research and development through high profit margins for the branded drug. When the patent protection for the drug expires, a generic drug is usually developed and sold by a competing company. The development and approval of generics is less expensive, allowing them to be sold at a lower price. Often the owner of the branded drug will introduce a generic version before the patent expires in order to get a head start in the generic market.[36] Restructuring has therefore become routine, driven by the patent expiration of products launched during the industry's 'golden era' in the 1990s and companies' failure to develop sufficient new blockbuster products to replace lost revenues.[37]



It's because we didn't pay them enough - if we had only paid them enough, they wouldn't have sold us out to the highest bidder...

Shit - if we'd only come up with big bucks, they'd have sold US the rights to enjoy a free herb...



Freedom Fighter
people still buy synthetic drugs on the black market all the time whats your point, there are multiple opiate drugs out there, that doesnt stop heroin from being the biggest money making drug in the us, whether its the real deal or oxys doesnt matter. when will the fear mongering end its getting really old you people sound like paranoid schizos.

WTF are you talking about?? First off...I was referring to it being illegal to grow Poppy, unless you are contracted to do so-- And yes, I see them attempting that with cannabis possibly--
Second...Heroin is not even close to being the biggest money making drug-- Don't make me break out links!! Lol!!


weed fiend
One doesn't have to be a proponent of the system to recognize how it works.

IMO, holistic medicine is the only approach that will save users the right to grow their own, unless we pursue non-medical legalization. Pharma doesn't likey holistic medicine and will seek to buy legislation to keep growers from self medicating.

It's more than ignorant lawmakers granting the wishes of fat cats. The fat cats buy primaries that eventually buy the lawmakers they want.