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Northern Lights in 250w HPS Cab!


Thnx guys :joint:

So their getting the chop tomorrow night. All are at about 9 weeks...

A couple more shots...

Ive changed my plan up completely for next run. I was originally going to do a 12-15 plant SOG. Now Im going with my high yeilder I took a cutting from a while back. I ended up getting over 3 oz's off of her in not too big a container. This go Im doing a 1 plant scrog which should produce.

Here's a shot of the clone:

And mature:

I use BURN1's soil recipe with organic nutes.

A shot of the line up...

The fishbone meal worked well last run. I top dressed at about week 6 'cause one of my plants was very hungry.

Tommorow night I plan on doing a nice cleaning of my cab, a repaint, rinse of filters, windex the tube and swap in the MH. If I have any energy left I'll transplant my clone into a larger container and move her in.

Happy Holidays Y'all :joint:



https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=33196&pictureid=786046 Thnx again everyone :rasta:

Ive gotten a couple PM\s lately asking about my ventilation, and how my setup works. I'd like to be able to take credit for it entirely but Disco Biscuit gave me the great idea of a standoff light trap, which works awsome. I thought I explained it on this thread but maybe not, so I'll break it down again.... :joint:

Intake : 2" Passive (4 on Veg, 6 on Flower) , Black PVC 90 deg. elbows, filter material

Heres a shot of the veg side w/ light trap removed...

And flower side with light trap in, cool tube etc...

Exhaust: 174 CFM Vortex (externally mounted), 16" Carbon scrubber, Speed Controller, Cool tube, and 4" ports in Veg and Flower

Pic w/ scrubber not full

Ok now I will explain how it works... :joint:

Classic NGB Style layout (Utility over veg, next to flower)

Veg and flower are connected to utility through 4" ports in the inner walls.

When all doors are shut, through the PVC fittings connected to a false floor, clean air is drawn by the vortex from BOTH chambers into the utility room, through the scrubber and out.

The trick is to get the vacuum pressure distributed the way you want it in your cab. You can always add holes or cover holes on your lower floorimg until you get it right, but its always a way cleaner look when you plan it out right the first time :joint:

Still not makin' sense ya stoner? lol

I need to hand draw an air circulation diagram cause this will explain it better...



Ah, the christmas season. So peaceful. The parking lots. Stressed out people. I try to not be a part of it at all, but my brother and I are going halfers on a Dyson Vacuum for my ma and had to do the trip into town...I tell ya, if you want to pick up women, or get sexy looks more often, carry a Dyson Vacuum box around town. You'll be a hit.


Glad that's over. I hung the plants today. It's a bit more humid in there so I'll let them cure a bit with some humidity for a few days, then take them out to dry elsewhere...

My mother clone is still growing out nicely. Im going to scrog her out under the 250w'er in a healthy sized pot. I've been cooking some organic soil for just the occasion.

And just a couple more pics for the christmas season. A few clones I've got going in my PC case. Only 6500 50w cfls, it works well for clones or vegging. I've flowered in it a few times, its a smaller PC case so you run out of room in a hurry. I grew a lemon skunk all the way through in it, as long as the stretch is minimal you can make it work.

I might open a new general growing thread with my cab. Im going to keep a dominant NL in my garden but wont limit myself to one strain for too long...

HAppy Healthy Holidaze!!!



Im looking to widen my selection in the 'ol garden... Im looking for something compact, decent yeilder, and a lot of fruity like flavour. My last couple indica's have been smooth but lacking in the big flavour category... Any suggestions? Im thinking some


weed fiend
C99 sounds like a winner

I watch labtec's grows pretty regularly. He's grown a few lemon kush varieties that grow compact. His current grow is big but past grows appear more indica.


Active member
C99 is a great choice for any of your awesome cabs MagicChef! I just did a run of C99, but I say that your NL looks very sweet! Do you run your vortex fan at 100% or do you dial it back? If you do what percentage would you say is 'the right one'? Thanks!


NFG- Thanks mang :joint:

Thanks Disco- Ill check out Labtech's for sure...

Depending on the season I run the Vortex at different speeds. Right now being winter it gets day time highs of (7 )lows of (-1) 'ish at night. With a full cab, both sides full I'll run it at about 50-60 %. If its summer time and the temps get into the 30's celsius I run it at full bore. Usually its at about 60%-75%. If I've only got the Veg side going I can drop it down to the bare minimun which still pulls some air. I figure it's always best to oversize your ventilation and use a controller 'cause you can always move less air if need be.



weed fiend
If the slowest setting of the fan is too cool, an incandescent light bulb will increase temps. Might even have to increase air flow if the bulb is too big.
incandescent bulbs throw a lot of far-red light, which can induce stretch in plants, just a thought!
(learned that this semester:biggrin:)


ElPatient11- Yeah your right about the incandescents. They are basically useless as far as useable light is concerned. I would probably consider a heat mat before going to the bulb for temp increases but it would work to increase heat if low temp was an issue. I've got temp control pretty well on lock down by now (knock on wood). At summer's peak it can get up to 35 Deg Celsius here so I invested in a VERY small A/C unit to cool the ambient temp in the room. :joint:


I scooped up some seeds today. Went downtown to buy some gifts and got a wee sidetracked :rasta:

I grabbed some Great White Shark, Dutch Treat, some Manitoba Poison (For outdoors this year) and some Blue City Diesel.

Can I say those names? Or is it the BREEDER I cant mention?
Wanted some C99 but that will have to wait. Im aslo excited on the Dutch Treat. I've smoked some that tasted very orangy.

Not much on the front here ATM. Still got the 3 plants hang dryin' in the Flower side and veggin' one out getting ready to move over under the 250w MH. Im goint to do (1) more run with the NL and try to push it this go. Im sure Ill hold onto a cut or 2 but Im ready to see what some other strains can do for me :joint:

Happy Holidaze y'all...

Pull hard, pass lot's, and always have another one rolled.



Merry Christmas :joint:

I'm recovering from 2 straight days of eating. Had a nice little get together with the family which was nice. :bump:
I just put my harvested NL's into a cure jar today. Weighed out at almost exactly 2 zips. Pics soon.

Just a couple quick shots before I clean and move under 250 MH...

Once Im finished the clean and repaint I'll post some pics :joint:


Merry Christmas Magic, congrats on the harvest man, enjoy the smoke.

Are you satisfied with your dimmable Lumatek ballast? Any problems running certain bulbs with it? I noticed there aren't many options for bulbs (specifically designed for e-ballasts) in the 250w flavor. I'm thinking of picking one up, they're like a 100 bucks at the local shop.


Cloud - Merry Christmas to you as well :joint:

I've been happy with my dimmable ballast so far. I have'nt really used it on the 400 much, I've been going with the 250 mostly. I never really gave it much thought into what type of hps to get. I grabbed hortilux 250w'er and it has done about 4 grows now and I'm thinking I should swap it out. It has done me good, no probs... Right now I'm using a cheap 250w MH I got from work and havent had any issues yet.


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