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LOWES should be ashamed............

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Active member
I cannot believe LOWES gave in to pressure, and pulled their ads from that show, All American Muslim. Or that Americans are so damned prejudiced, that they actually called for a boycott of Lowes, and that Lowes caved to the pressure. I cannot believe this is happening. Seriously, I am afraid of terrorism, not Muslims. The fact that a major company like Lowes, is so closed minded, and racist, is fucking disgusting. I do not feel like Muslims are terrorists, I feel like terrorists are terrorists. Big business shapes alot of the views of the public, cause of marketing, and Lowes should be ashamed!!!!!


Active member
Show us the hole report and not just your rants. Some Muslim organizations you just can't back. We need more info please.


Active member
well, you could say, all religious are kinda nuts :) (im giving you a big tease here)

but yeah...connecting all muslims with terrorists is about as ridiculous as connecting all christians to bombing iraq and afghanistan (presided over by a president that was very christian in word)

though, its kinda difficult feeling sorry for the religious, that is one group of people that has caused untold sorrow and harm.


Active member
sorry I didn't poat the article, but copying and pasting links are beyond my extremely limited typing skills, lol. I am a one fingered typer....but Babba posted a link. Thank you Babba!!! I am not ranting, I am furious!!!! This is anti-muslim sentiment at it's worst. Call me paranoid, but maybe because big business, and govt are partners.......they want to peole to mistrust muslims.......gotta keep middle America on board with the war on terror. And pulling ads because of the religion/race/sexual orientation, is a disgrace. A new low for Lowes!!!!! It really sucks that a show trying to show America that Muslims are just like the rest of us, trying to pay bills, send the kids to college, and keep a roof over their head. they are here for the American dream, and because of the actions of asshole extremists, they have to suffer ostracism, racism, and hatred. Isn't that why America was started? For the freedom to do you?? Lowes is a good example of bad behavior, and there is alot of that going on, in this very great country we ALL call home!!!!


weed fiend
Bigotry influenced Lowes long-term decision. Greed influenced their short-term decision, as in their next quarterly report. Lowes executives might be as greedy as their protesters are bigoted. However, Lowes is forced to play greedy for market share. The higher the bar is raised, the more Lowes et al compromise their decisions for profit.

The richer the top gets, the more the working class struggles economically. All this economic stress festers the hate that many feel but don't necessarily wear on their sleeve in strong economies.


Active member
100% right DiscoBiscuit!!!!! You are a wise man...wanna run for president? Maybe with you as boss we could get something moving in the right direction!!!!!!


see what happens when you try not to offend a certain group? you piss everybody off

please, work to end political correctness. remember not every motive is racially motivated.


ICMag Donor
Bigotry influenced Lowes long-term decision. Greed influenced their short-term decision, as in their next quarterly report. Lowes executives might be as greedy as their protesters are bigoted. However, Lowes is forced to play greedy for market share. The higher the bar is raised, the more Lowes et al compromise their decisions for profit.

The richer the top gets, the more the working class struggles economically. All this economic stress festers the hate that many feel but don't necessarily wear on their sleeve in strong economies.

Thus causing reason to control the angry populous...enter martial law...



Active member
Show us the hole report and not just your rants. Some Muslim organizations you just can't back. We need more info please.

Plenty Christian organizations can't be backed either



weed fiend
Why is this necessarily an organization? What if it's regular Muslim American citizens who want to live in peace by demonstrating they're regular Americans - whether in or outside the American Muslim community? Do Christian Muslims get better treatment than Islamist Muslims?

If one isn't a minority, they might not be as likely to take offense over someone looking a gift-horse in the mouth. If one isn't a minority, chances are they don't face personal scrutiny of heritage and or appearance.

How long might one be willing to do all the right things before feeling disenfranchised by folks who simply fear? What if some of those who fear also harbor debilitating hate?

Muslim Americans might not be interred like Japanese Americans during WWII. But enough misunderstanding and fear, even hate imposes barriers as well.

We not only owe it to ourselves to remain steadfast against terrorism, we owe the Muslim world our understanding that they're not the focus, anymore than we're a bunch of Tim McVeighs, et al.


ICMag Donor
lowes is a business. if business is suffering or will due to an action on their part then they will try to reverse that action to keep profits up. what isnt there to get? im not saying it is tactful but it is business.

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
i dont think they should have a MUSLIM show PERIOD. go over to the sandbox in the middle east and see if their watching "all muslim american". i bet ya they arent.

i know people are gonna hate this, but, send them raghead bitches packing. if we were to go to their country they would chop your fuckin hands off it you didnt wear a sheet over your face. what do we do here when they dont adapt to our country? NOTHING.

we make a fuckin show about it.......... keep AMERICA full of AMERICANS

p.s. we shouldnt be worrying about what lowes does/did, we should be worried that TLC would even put a show like this on the air after all the shit thats gone down in the last 10years. i say boycott TLC

Mods please remove this idiots post calling people "RAGHEADS" stupid loser...i bet your str8 trash....keep crying about having no jobs in America...you fucken idiot....your just too stupid watching TV and playing Video games to get educated and caught up with the rest of the world... Str8 Trailor Trash


Yeah, what he ^^^ said.

Religious persecution is alive and well in America. Look at how people react to Sister Wives (still, no one's threatening boycotting advertisers as far as I know). I agree with the original poster on this subject, and so many others. I have my personal feelings about the people depicted in the program, but those are *my* personal feelings and that should not affect whether or not the show should be aired, or whether or not the people depicted have a right to choose whatever religion they choose.

There's too much to say about the rest of it.


weed fiend
i dont think they should have a MUSLIM show PERIOD. go over to the sandbox in the middle east and see if their watching "all muslim american". i bet ya they arent.

i know people are gonna hate this, but, send them raghead bitches packing. if we were to go to their country they would chop your fuckin hands off it you didnt wear a sheet over your face. what do we do here when they dont adapt to our country? NOTHING.

we make a fuckin show about it.......... keep AMERICA full of AMERICANS

p.s. we shouldnt be worrying about what lowes does/did, we should be worried that TLC would even put a show like this on the air after all the shit thats gone down in the last 10years. i say boycott TLC

How old are you?


I can't believe people go insane when someone refuses to believe in their religious fantasy. 10,000,000 followers still do not make it true. If it is not logical, it is likely bullshit. We can see the results of the spirit of life in all living things. But this pie in the sky bullshit is simply some control freak trying to blow sunshine up ignorant people's asses for money and imagined power. If your god can disappear and reappear for me, then I will start to take notice. Until then.....
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