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nice thoughts about natural hair care, etc...

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read this from another forum i use....hits the spot:

You know, I love this discussion for several reasons. I love the fact that I as a human being have free will, self determination and the duty of personal responsibility. The older I get the more valuable these gifts seem to be. And the more deeply I am in touch with this knowledge the easier it is for me to allow others to be on their own life's journey and not be judgmental of it or feel I need to have a say in their destination. Even with my own kids who are nearing adulthood. As long as I teach them about the aforementioned then I can allow them their own experiences without judgement. There is this quote that is escaping me at the moment but summed up is something like-without mistakes/obstacles there is no growth.

Of course I would be terribly upset if I went to a salon and had my hair destroyed. But ultimately it's my responsibility to educate myself and not allow my impatience to move me to make a poor choice. A salon is not selling you a natural experience. They are selling you an "un natural" service. All of it if you think about it. Cutting, perming, dying, styling? There's nothing natural there, why would you expect that you'd get something wholesome and natural with your purchased dreadlocks. It's hard for me to demonize them when it is our own lack of personal responsibility that allows us to accept their experience without question.

Anyhow. Should someone choose that, it seems to me that that *is* their journey. There is something to learn there that they wouldn't of learned had they just done what I said they should do. I can share my experience, and I can only hope to share my experience without being inflammatory in hopes that I don't take advantage of someone else's fear for my own benefit. My judgement of their journey would be unfortunate. I feel it my duty to not try and diminish their experience by making it seem less valuable than my own.




Even the most primitive of primates practice cooperative and mutual grooming. To suggest otherwise is... Perhaps thoughtless, if not ignorant. While the measures taken by some people are extreme, neither is the practice of personal adornment unnatural. There exists a significant body of archaeological evidence that supports this, including prior to the advent of Homo sapiens.

Speaking of other acts purported to be unnatural, you guys hear about the gay penguins?
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