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Old vet spraypaints car.....kid catches him and beats him up, then posts video

joe fresh

Active member
no i do not believe this was one of those situations, this was a situation that called for a 3-4 punch combo, lay him on the ground and ask him what he wants to do about it...and continue until he is willing to make amends....

im not saying he didnt deserve it, all im saying is the 3 kids are talking shit to him as he is saying he will fix it...

and in all honesty it doesnt look like much of a beatdown if the guy only has a split lip and a bleeding nose....and where was he running to? his van was parked right next to those kids car he was vandalizing...i dont think he ran anywhere, i do believe the spitting though

anyways all im saying is the kids shouldnt talk so much shit after the fact....

and the guy doesnt look disabled, he looks like he just came out the bar after lunchtime happy hour...


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

ya reap what you sow,

the dumb shit did a dumb shit thing and that kid had every right to his street justice.

Honestly that old man was stupid. In this day and age you just dont F around with another man shit. Period! You never know who you are dealing with. That old man is lucky he didnt get killed. People have been shot for lesser things. Today people just dont give a F anymore. The younger generation has no respect for life and will smoke your ass like a peach optimo filled with some purp!
KRUNCH..you know peeps don't really fear a "straight bay area whooping"......brings to mind effimate males hitting someone with a purse........you gotta go east side and go all "Oaktown" on them w/ your .40 Glock with the extended 25 round clip......lol:laughing:
straight bay area whoopin.lol.that does sound awfully gay...liza minelli and rock hudson type of deal.lol


"i should kill you man, i could do this, or that to you, your lucky you muther fucker i dont fucking kill you"....

this is shit talking....after the man apologized and said he would pay for the damage....

so if he was willing to pay the damage after he got beat then that should be the end of story, but the kids want to talk shit, AND THEN CALL THE COPS...tsk tsk tsk....

the way i deal with things is a fair and straight up honest way, I DONT CALL COPS, i would beat the guy, demand he apologize and fix whatever was broken or damaged....end of story

the only way he gets more beating in my book is if he continues to talk shit and refuses to pay.....

there is no need for all the shit talking, it gets you no where, and into big trouble if you disrespect the wrong person...



He deserved what he got and any extra beatings he recieved would bea reminder never to ever fucking do it again.

If it wa my car i would say fuck the money,,, give me your blood:laughing:


Honestly that old man was stupid. In this day and age you just dont F around with another man shit. Period! You never know who you are dealing with. That old man is lucky he didnt get killed. People have been shot for lesser things. Today people just dont give a F anymore. The younger generation has no respect for life and will smoke your ass like a peach optimo filled with some purp!

was he stupid or mentally ill ?

maybe you are the one who's stupid for not realizing that he is mentally ill ? (no offense brother)

I totally know where your coming from

but there are "stupid" people like you say

and we as a society should protect these people
from themselves and from others

that's how it works

the sheep and the shepherd



Is there video of the vet actually spray painting? Or spitting? Cause right now all it is, is a video of a punk kid admitting he punched an old man. Let the old man pay your deductible plus a but extra, let him tell ya a couple war stories, and move on. Jeez.


I am glad that I don't live in a big city. You "City Folks" be acting all kinds of crazy up there in yall's highrise's, and shit. :)

My equivalent stress level is deer in my garden, or cold rain so I can't go swimming in the river.:)


imagine that it was your mentally ill father

they we're three+ against one

i'm not perfect either, I make mistakes

what i'm saying is, if I did act like that kid, I would not be proud of myself when I went to bed
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Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
First off, the vet is obviously not the brightest bulb. He shouldn't have said shit in that video. He's basically admitted guilt, but of course, he could always say he was under duress and was saying whatever to get those kids to stop beating on him. I wouldn't be surprised if some lawyer nearby hasn't already contacted the vet dude. He's got a case for sure.

The kid did the right thing by kicking the dude's ass. He did the WRONG thing by posting a video of the aftermath and is only setting himself up for a lawsuit, imho. He's got no defense really, so he's fucked if the vet guy decides to run to the cops and charge him with assault and battery.

I understand he was heated, but instead of wasting precious time yelling at the dude, he should have had one of his boys go to the hardware store and grab a can of mineral spirits and some rags. I would have made asshole vet guy pay for the spirits and rags AND I would have had him clean that shit up right then and there.

By the way, even if the spray paint had time to dry a bit, mineral spirits would have removed the spraypaint without damaging the car's original paint job. I should know, I did it last week when some guy I was driving behind ran over a can of spraypaint on the road. The paint went on my windshield, hood and into the grill of my truck (as well as underneath, but who cares about that?).

Took me about 10 minutes to get home, but the mineral spirits worked perfectly. After I cleaned up the paint, I washed my truck with cold, soapy water. You can't even tell it got hit with yellow spray paint anymore. :dance013:

"It's going to cost thousands of dollars to fix this!!" Yeah, sure kid. Maybe you're talking about the court case that guy is going to bring for assault and battery. Next time, keep your head on and stay focused on making things right instead of trying to go viral with your bullshit.



Active member

i think this basicaly comes down to a few things..

Yes the vet was extremely stupid and deserved a beatdown..and yes most of us would love to pummel him into the pavement for doing such a thing...

but come on, most of us arent 16 yr gangbangers...theres a better way to have handled this situation legally....that kid probably thought he would impress his peers with that video and get some props...instead hes going to get a lawsuit.

the verbal assaults of "you're lucky we didnt dump you in a ditch somewhere" are way over the top and every lawyer who sees that probably has their chops drooling.....a jury sees that and they are voting in favor of the vet. a judge sees that and possibly sees an emotional kid making death threats..../the funniest part of the video is when he pans the camera to look his at own face, basically admitting guilt and showing the jury his bloody hand from punching the guy in the face. the evidence in that video is stacked...so much stuff the lawyers can use.

i wanna keep updated with this..it would be interesting to see what happens legally here.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Racist old prick deserved a slapping, broken leg-maybe a bit far,
buuut, young guy deserves to lose in court for being dumbass enough to film his "violent assault" and place it on the interwebs--I mean come on-what a moron.


The navy vet may've done dumb shit, but the kid still acts like an loudmouthed asshole, an attention whore, and a wigga. Fuck him, should've posted the video on wshh.com.
Man california is so different now than the rest of the country when it comes to violence... if a guy was doing that here, the cops would ask you why u didn't try to stop him.

Most likely what will happen when it goes to court which I doubt because its just a fight that happens to be on video, is the judge will nullify the case. The kid now has a spray painted car and the vet got a beatdown as his punishment, case over. Guarantee that vet has no idea this video is online.


In some places in the us, if a robber comes into your home, and get's hurt, he can sue you.

good points taken from the thread the kid started on the evo forum

You are missing something. A formal education (or a simple study for that matter) in the letter of the law. You are not allowed to beat someone down because they spit on or pushed you. You are allowed to call the cops and press assault charges. Self defense only applies when *shock* someone has attempted to inflict harm on you to the point where you feel responding with violent action is the only way to avoid physical harm to yourself. A single spit and push does not legally justify the extent of the beating OP dished out.
Case in point is that the OP is going to go to jail. If it does end up making it on CNN it will make the OP look like complete and utter $HIT for harming a mentally ill VETERAN on the anniversary of Pearl Harbor. He's A dumbass. End of story.

either way you look at it, there was absolutely no reason to beat the $hit out of the guy. take video of him in the act or at least just get his license plate and call the cops.

on an ending note... good job dawg, you just beat up a senior citizen. hella tite!!

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