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Old vet spraypaints car.....kid catches him and beats him up, then posts video


Freedom Fighter
The old guy spit on him...that is Battery-- At that point, you can legally protect yourself--
Fuck our pussified society...ppl need to realize we are each responsible for our actions, and that fucker deserved that ass beating--


Active member
The old guy spit on him...that is Battery-- At that point, you can legally protect yourself--
Fuck our pussified society...ppl need to realize we are each responsible for our actions, and that fucker deserved that ass beating--

Amen to that Brother!

"Pussified Society" : ) I use that term at least 4 times a day.

Do we know each other?

joe fresh

Active member
i hate racists, but i also hate young punks that think they are gods gift to the world...

the old man got his beating and then admits he was wrong and offers to pay for the dammage.....end of story

but no the kids want to continue to taunt and talk shit, lucky i was not that old man, i dont talk i act, i would have put those kids in my trunk and drove them out to the country and you know what....

or i would have just rolled them over with my truck....i dont fuck around and cant stand shit talkers, atleast the old man had enough respect to realize he was wrong and ready to make amends for it...

ive beat ppl before, practically scalped them (133 stitched to the top of the head) with a hocky stick....i am willing to go too all end to prove a point to disrespectfull ppl, but when they realize they were wrong and are willing to make amends for whatever they did then you have to give them a chance...

our society is defined by the mercy we have upon each other, with out this mercy we would be nothing more than animals


Green lung

Active member
he was not going to a weapon or anything

the guy obviously has some kind of disorder

tell me that guy was threatening looking to you

and just to clarify, there was no need for THAT kind of violence

I would not be proud of myself.

so what if he is going to a weapon

that's no reason to crush his legs, or beat the fucker like that,

call the police, whatever


the kid had the thirst for blood

no remorse

Just reading this I thought to myself what a huge PUSSY lol.



rule 1 you shouldnt say racist things...rule 2 if its not yours then dont touch it...rule 3 dont video anything hope both parties learned from the whole thing my 2 cents


so what if he is going to a weapon
that's no reason to crush his legs, or beat the fucker like that,

What do you suggest...hugs, tea and scones followed by flower arranging with the Vicars wife down in twiddlebrook cottage?

Doubtful in the same situation that you would be so passive..


Freedom Fighter
i hate racists, but i also hate young punks that think they are gods gift to the world...

the old man got his beating and then admits he was wrong and offers to pay for the dammage.....end of story

but no the kids want to continue to taunt and talk shit, lucky i was not that old man, i dont talk i act, i would have put those kids in my trunk and drove them out to the country and you know what....

or i would have just rolled them over with my truck....i dont fuck around and cant stand shit talkers, atleast the old man had enough respect to realize he was wrong and ready to make amends for it...

Sure...he apologized...AFTER he pushed the guy and spit on him....then he got his ass beat, and got all apologetic!! His intentions were to vandalize the car, then slip away like the coward he is--
The young guy wasn't a shit talker...he was fucking MAD!!

joe fresh

Active member
Sure...he apologized...AFTER he pushed the guy and spit on him....then he got his ass beat, and got all apologetic!! His intentions were to vandalize the car, then slip away like the coward he is--
The young guy wasn't a shit talker...he was fucking MAD!!

"i should kill you man, i could do this, or that to you, your lucky you muther fucker i dont fucking kill you"....

this is shit talking....after the man apologized and said he would pay for the damage....

so if he was willing to pay the damage after he got beat then that should be the end of story, but the kids want to talk shit, AND THEN CALL THE COPS...tsk tsk tsk....

the way i deal with things is a fair and straight up honest way, I DONT CALL COPS, i would beat the guy, demand he apologize and fix whatever was broken or damaged....end of story

the only way he gets more beating in my book is if he continues to talk shit and refuses to pay.....

there is no need for all the shit talking, it gets you no where, and into big trouble if you disrespect the wrong person...



Green lung

Active member
So what this guy just let the Nazi car drivers get off scott free?

Or is He waiting for D-Day anniversary to take care of those BMW's and Mercedes?



Self preservation is not an excuse it's a reason and a good one at that :tiphat:

Quick question?
How was the car owner supposed to know the other guy was trying to run and not trying to get a weapon from the car?

It's the first thing that would cross my mind in that situation, I'd rather beat the guy to a pulp than let him get to a weapon that may or may not be in the car....simple as that.

That would be a lame excuse. Why would you keep pursuing him to his car if you were worried about a weapon? I am surprised so many of you condone this type of violence against someone who is obviously disabled..


Freedom Fighter
That would be a lame excuse. Why would you keep pursuing him to his car if you were worried about a weapon? I am surprised so many of you condone this type of violence against someone who is obviously disabled..

Maybe to stop him from getting to a possible weapon--
How is he "obviously" disabled?? Looked a li'l rattled from being beat, but that is all I got from it--


i hate racists, but i also hate young punks that think they are gods gift to the world...

the old man got his beating and then admits he was wrong and offers to pay for the dammage.....end of story

but no the kids want to continue to taunt and talk shit, lucky i was not that old man, i dont talk i act, i would have put those kids in my trunk and drove them out to the country and you know what....

or i would have just rolled them over with my truck....i dont fuck around and cant stand shit talkers, atleast the old man had enough respect to realize he was wrong and ready to make amends for it...

ive beat ppl before, practically scalped them (133 stitched to the top of the head) with a hocky stick....i am willing to go too all end to prove a point to disrespectfull ppl, but when they realize they were wrong and are willing to make amends for whatever they did then you have to give them a chance...

our society is defined by the mercy we have upon each other, with out this mercy we would be nothing more than animals


No you wouldn't... your leg was already broken, face broken, and they LET you back into your car.

Unless you have a GUN - they win.

That being said - I agree with all points you made, just pointing out that in this situation, not gonna happen.


joe fresh

Active member
No you wouldn't... your leg was already broken, face broken, and they LET you back into your car.

Unless you have a GUN - they win.

That being said - I agree with all points you made, just pointing out that in this situation, not gonna happen.


ive never been in a fair fight all my life...ive never fought 1 on 1...ive always had the bad luck of taking on bullies and small gangs of up to 8....not saying ive won all of these but i do know how to deal with a crowd now, if you know what im saying....

ive always stood up for the weak, the disabled, the poor, and the ones who cant fight for themselves...

and yeah 3 guy would of beat me and let me back into my car...then guess what im starting the car and running over the 3 and their car.....

when i get mad i loose all value including my own life, i could care less it means nothing untill the other guy(s) understand wtf im trying to tell them, once they understand and have calmed down(after persuasion) i let them be....because they learned their lesson...

if a dog jumps on the table and take some food, you smack him good and he wont come back...you dont smack him and yell and chase him in the corner, he will bite you good one day

Zen Master

dont go around vandalizing someones car (that is thousands in a high quality repair, not taking it to the hole in the wall shop to 'get wiped off') and not expect consequences, regardless of age or physical stature.

would he have said "sorry, I'll pay for the repairs" if he hadn't been caught? hell no.

apologizing after doing something malicious in intent means fuckall, we aren't 3rd graders on the playground that don't know any better, this is a grown ass man.

how would this vet react if he came out of the store and saw a 'gook' vandalizing his Ford?
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ive never been in a fair fight all my life...ive never fought 1 on 1...ive always had the bad luck of taking on bullies and small gangs of up to 8....not saying ive won all of these but i do know how to deal with a crowd now, if you know what im saying....

ive always stood up for the weak, the disabled, the poor, and the ones who cant fight for themselves...

and yeah 3 guy would of beat me and let me back into my car...then guess what im starting the car and running over the 3 and their car.....

when i get mad i loose all value including my own life, i could care less it means nothing untill the other guy(s) understand wtf im trying to tell them, once they understand and have calmed down(after persuasion) i let them be....because they learned their lesson...

if a dog jumps on the table and take some food, you smack him good and he wont come back...you dont smack him and yell and chase him in the corner, he will bite you good one day

I hear ya man - and I agree with you - always stand up for the weaker, etc. "Fair" fights are rare, as we all know.

Just saying in THIS situation, some old racist fuck got caught in the act of vandalizing (tagging! hahah) a young guy's car, purely based on the fact that it was a Japanese car on the anniversary of the Pearl Harbor attacks. Unfortunately for him, the tables were turned - usually its a few punks vandalizing a car for shits and giggles - you're right, then all rules are out and scalps fly.

In this case - in MY opinion - the kid (s) really didn't do anything wrong here, if anything they did the RIGHT thing.

What would you have done if you walked up to YOUR car and some man (race/age/etc irrelevant) was vandalizing your vehicle with essentially racial slurs? Like you said above - in certain situations, even your life doesn't matter - it's on. Is this one of those situations?

The old guy was caught, confronted, he then spit, pushed, and tried to run away from the guy whose car he JUST WAS VANDALIZING. According to the law (and your 'rules'), what this kid did was absolutely justified.

Not only did he immobilize the old fuck by slamming the door on him so he couldn't leave, he gave him a bit of a lesson as well. That being said - kid needs to learn how to punch.... you punch with the index and middle knuckles idiot... not the ring and pinky fingers.

Notice who got arrested and who is in jail with MULTIPLE charges? The old racist fuck.

We both know cops suck major ass, but in this case the cop actually recognized the signifigance of this man's actions. Unfortunately, this is a HATE crime (like it or not :tiphat:), and the kid's actions are completely justified.

I'm a white male, btw, and if the tables were flipped - I promise you the outcome would have been the same. Men handle their business - and then let the help (pigs/cops) pick up the mess (racist scum).

That's exactly what happened here, as evidenced by the racist scum offering to 'exchange numbers' whilst waiting for the police. HAHA what is this, a hit and run?

Anyway..... not trying to start up an argument with ya - just saying that most MEN would have handled the situation in the same exact manner... except many would NOT have called the cops and 'handled' it themselves. Personally, I prefer a little 'justice' and then let the help clean up the mess, just like what happened here.
