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Ready to transplant before 12/12


New member
Im ready to transplant to a final home and was wondering how much of this and that I should use for the soil. I am using
Fox Farms Ocean Forest
Chunky perlite
Earthworm Castings
Epsoma pelletized dolomite lime (I couldnt find and powdered).

Im going from a 1 gallon to an approx. 3 gallon pot. Currently Im in a mix of FFOF and Fertilome Ultimate Potting Soil with no perlite or anything else. Im adding lime as my PH was fine for a while, then it tanked to 5.5 after about 3 weeks and after a flush it went up to 6.8. After a feeding (6.5ph solution) and 6.8 watering, it tanked once again so I would like the added lime to stabilize the PH through flower. I know FFOF contains the oyster shell to buffer so I want to know how much lime would be over doing it (Im guessing 1TBSP/gal would be alright?) Here are my estimations for what I have, please let me know if Im under/overdoing it anywhere.

8 cups Ocean Forest
4 cups earthworm castings
4 cups perlite
1 TBSP pelletized lime (crushed up a bit with a hammer)

Im using the lucas formula with floranova bloom. My tap water has a high ph of 9.2, and the FNB drops it top around 4-5. With my plan to amend my soil with lime, I should PH my mix to around 6.1-6.3 and let the buffers in the lime bring it up correct?

Thanks for any advice!

there goes edro

Well-known member
Personally I might use 3 cups of the perlite, but eveything else looks on da money to me. Stay safe and happy growing.


New member
Thats what I ended up doing. Thanks for the advice. Am I on the right track with adjusting my nutrient mix at 6-6.2 to keep the ph around 6.7 with the lime in the soil or should I go a bit lower?