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I love the hottest peppers!



only use many habs if u like it really hot :) dont blame me if it gets too hot :D hehe

i have been doing some wicked meals with the smoked chillies. if u guys like chipotle, u should try to smoke some fat chilies! :D its yummy in almost anything. tortilla wraps with smoked hot chillies, smoked bacon, cheese and some sweet pepper slices is awesome to roll up and and oven bake :)

hot jacket potatoes - slice up oven baked potatoes, put cheese ontop, cover with some crispy fried bacon and smoked chillies and re-bake in the oven again untill cheese is melted :)

other nice one is to first boil potatoes untill they are soft but not over done. drain and let cool down. cut in pieces and roll them in beaten egg first, then in wheat flour with chili powder or chipotle powder. last roll them in bread crumbs. fry in oil untill surface is crispy. these potatoes get crispy on the outside and soft inside - and really spicy.

bon apetite!


High country cat herder
Chicken thighs are marinating in the sauce as I type this, oven is warming up.

I wound up using 15 Habs, 4 Jalapenos, and 1 big jim Anahime chili for a bit more smoky flavor.

I dipped a finger in the sauce,.... made me sweat but tasted great! I'm looking forward to this meal for sure!

P.S. That recipe makes a HELL of a lot of sauce! I'm saving almost half of it! :D :tiphat:

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i wouldnt grow anything in a styrofoam cup. the roots should be in a pot that blocks light, and styrofoam puts out CRAZY amounts of off gasses. on the bottom of most plastic products, is a triangle with a number 1-7 in it. this symbol tells you how toxic that plastic product is. Ironically, most plastics made for our food has high levels of off gasses that it puts out, while harder plastics that store chemicals tend to be less. Whats worse is, some retail water bottles have high levels and thats just dumb. You can smell it when you pop the cap. just put your nose at the cap when you first open and sniff. i can prove it through a simple ph test of water that sits overnight in a plastic milk jug. the ph changes. styrofoam is the worse. I got Giant Bhut Jalokia from Pepper Joes online. he eats them raw in video. hes a pepper nut. i got a bunch of them. Peeter pepper. Grows and looks like a real penis. had to have that. one of the hottest in the world. i also bought White Habanero, Black Jalapeno, and Hungarian Hot Wax. That ones a killer. Some take hella long to come up. Some dont at all. make seeds come up faster by timing the cycle of the moon. get a calendar that shows moon cycles. i do that for light cycle transitions as well. With my Northern Lights in dirt, a 3 week process, timed right by the moon, turns into a 2 or 2.5 week process. i may be crazy, but i think i notice a difference. im on my 30th plant (always one at a time for me) and my 5th year. i only do pot and peppers. and 5 generation, 5 year old, Monsterous Catnip outside, for my buddy.


:) the peter pepper has a maximum scoville rating of 23000 wich makes it weaker than cayenne. but it looks funny hehe.


:) old video and i actually think i remember it as beeing an hoax?! anyway after the testings for guinness book of records first the nagaviper was the hottest, and after that it has been tested and proven that the Trinidad scorpion is the most hottest chili in the world.

i bet next year there will be something new thats even hotter!! hehe - since these records seems to be broken every few months :D


Well-known member
i I got Giant Bhut Jalokia from Pepper Joes online. he eats them raw in video.

had a co-worker who went down to nicaragua in the 80's attempting to do some bizz with the govt.

he brought back some hotties... looked like hab's, but they were HOTTER... he would pop em in his mouth at 8am with coffee... and they were HOT... grew some of the seeds n kept em in pots for about 4 years till we moved.. boy i miss those...


the orange costarican chinensis are hot and nice. i had a lot of them while there :) sweaty experience to have some homemade costarican pickle with chili on the food :) they prepared the local chinensis prettymuch like the mexican do with the jalapeños when they jar them - onions, carrots and lots of chillies in vinegar :)

first time i ate chili down there i almost got a seizure hehe :) so damn hot compared to anything i knew before.


High country cat herder
Thanks BoneCarver! That recipe came out awesome!!!!! :good:



High country cat herder
Figure this is probably the right thread for this,....

Anyone ever seen a Trifoliate pepper sprout? Should I keep em, or ditch them.

Bolivian Rainbow


Tri-color variegated.



yeah i had a few this season, when planting. however i think they grew out of it very early.

keep them!

btw - glad u liked the jerk recipe! :D

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i was under the impression that it was one of the hottest but, i havent grown one yet. last year the bugs ate lots of my money. many seeds came up and went down quick. GDP, a Jack Herrer clone from my friend the 8 year Jack Herrer grower. ate the top off only, at 6 or 7 inches. and several Big Bud seeds never even made it out of the ground. i dug them up to see what was up, and they rooted and were gone at the surface. was all my fault for trying to save on power and use some sun. then, i planted a Bubble Gum seed, right under a friggin bird feeder, thinking the seed grass would make some cover. the birds were on the ground eating the seeds, and my seed, which is on someones windshield right now. that seed was about 25 bucks.


Active member
Lol never harvest seeds and pepeprs without gloves , i think the capsaïcine just penetrates the skin and enters the bloodflow, everything is burning and hot now


when i got piles of chillies to de-seed i use nitril-rubber gloves.


Nitrile rubber is more resistant than natural rubber to oils and acids, but has inferior strength and flexibility. Nitrile gloves are nonetheless three times more puncture-resistant than natural rubber gloves

unlike latex, the nitril gloves dont get disolved from oils they can even handle the capsaicin from super-hots like the trinidad scorpion morouga blend.

if u got a lot of super hots to de-seed - double gloves is a good idea. if u might poke a hole in the glove with a knife etc the pai underneath will most likelly not get pierced. anyway the nitril gloves are resistant and dont break that easy.



High country cat herder


gloves are a good idea :tiphat:

What are gloves? :moon:

When I made my chocolate covered Habaneros,.... I didn't use gloves,... no problems until the next morning when I went to wash my face and got the oils from the night before in my eyes!!!! :eek:


for a few chillies is no point to use gloves. but when u got a few kilos a week to go thru its better to take some care. if not u might end up smearing capsaicin oils all over the place, or on other ppl too hehe

btw - a friend tried a small bite of a smoked trinidad scorpion morouga blend and got quite surprised hehehe just a small piece was too much lol :)


Active member
hehehe i love it how all my friends are so gubblible to believe me when i say these peppers are sweet

i explain to them that long skinny peppers are hot and those rounder ones are sweet

they only fall for it once except some guy who i fooled 2 times

one time with purple peppers and one time with bhuts

btw my left hand(with the hole in the glove) is still hotttttttttt cant grab anything even under my fingernails it burns

i harvested all my pepperseed yesterday