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Question about Azamax/Azatrol drench application rate?


I was wondering what application rate you guys are applying Azamax/Azatrol when drenching your medium? I'm in coco, if it makes a difference. I have heard as little as 1 ml per gallon all the way up to 10 ml per gallon. What are your experiences? thanks
i use 10ml per gallon to soil drench and to spray leaves.. even after the bug problem i add it to my nutes every 2 week...its a good idea to switch up type of pest control(i use doctor doom and azamax)...the bugs can become less effected from it over time...they develop resistance to everything..muti attack is best


Thanks for the insight my man. So you use 10 ml per gallon too. Did you see any negative results after applying that much? It just seems like a lot. I have a 40 gallon rez, so that would be 400 ml; which would be pretty costly too seeing that a quart is about $80.
you could try 5ml per gal, that way you can up the dose if the problem doesn't go away or the bugs gets adjusted to the azamax..the first time i try anything i use alittle less in what the bottles say to use...its pricey but it works


Active member
Weird..... I've never used more than 1ml/gallon in reservoirs or soilless mixes. Not without causing weak plants that lose branches and leaves easily.

So you're saying 10ml/gallon in soil works fine? What kind of soil?
i use promix and shrimp and seaweed compost... i also used it in happyfrog, leaves look great...i just switch to an aeroponics dwc only been a week they look perfect...the only thing that hurt my plants so far is to much doctor doom spray..that almost killed a northern light..

i water my soil with the same 10ml a gallon mix before i transplant...just to help kill any bugs in the soil...


Hydro-Soil- did 1 ml/gal work for you then? What exactly did you see when you used more, and how much did you use when it happened? I'm still debating how much I should use. Do you guys see any negative signs from the drench in vigor, yield, etc.?


Active member
I will always use it that way... until I find something better.

Stems get rubbery and soft at stronger doses, leaves start to break off easily then branches.

No negative results from 1ml/gallon in hydro and soiless. Stops mites from feeding/breeding for around 30 days when they bite the plant. IMO it's the only way to stop "resistant" mites and keep them out. It also allows me to do flower runs without ever spraying anything. :D

First day of flower on 60 day strains... can go second application on day 20-30 for 80-90 day strains... just allow 30 days before harvest. I'm super sensitive and can't taste it at all after 30 days and once over dosed a plant with a tablespoon per gallon.... still couldn't taste it after 30 days. :D

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:

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