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Ok, so I emailed my State rep about MMJ...


I emailed my state rep not long ago about MMJ or decriminalization or something like that. I did it through one of the links on a website (NORML, I think) & he responded back.

His response was basically "no to mmj, blah, blah, blah....as a doctor I've seen marijuana ruin many lives, blah, blah, blah". So I checked out his background.....he was actually a doctor in his former life....a freakin'
gynecologist. <-----FOR REAL!!
:laughing: LoL.
I found it odd that he would throw the "doctor credentials" in my face like that. I mean, yeah he may know a lil'about coochies, but he really knows nothing about MMJ. Now, I don't know about you...but weed doesn't ruin coochie....makes It even better in my opinion.

Seriously tho, I know that most people that are negative towards marijuana are only that way because of a lack of real education on the subject. People can only regurgitate what they have been fed & he's just been fed the wrong info.

So, anyway, Imma email this :moon: anusologist :moon: back with some REAL facts....one day...when I get off my stoner azz & type a letter on my own instead of sending him a form letter from a website. :pimp3:


Many things that are fine for people are illegal, the masses don't give a fuck and will enjoy "freedom" as it is rationed out to them, I know how you feel for sure.

Anything can be used / overused / abused to harm ones health, drink enough water and you will die;

The question is where do we draw the line to regulate a persons ability to use material objects to their hearts content? When they step over the line and harm others? When they harm the environment? Truth is we fucking don't know haha.

EDIT: The answer to this question is we DON'T, worry about yourself, be on guard.


I can confirm that weed does indeed make coochie better.


His response reeks of fear - fear of telling you the TRUTH...

If he says the TRUTH - he might tell someone that also knows the truth, but pays HIM to lie...

If the person that pays him to LIE know he is telling people the TRUTH, they will see to it that he no longer gets PAID...

If he no longer gets PAID - he will become just like US...


HE keeps his POWER by getting PAID to LIE...

He will start to tell the TRUTH once he no longer NEEDS to be PAID to LIE...

Or, he's just an IDIOT that could care less because the prohibition on his poison was lifted a long time ago, so fuck us...


Active member
How could he be wrong?

Smoking is bad for you.

Señor Chang

I wrote a similar letter to my one of my two senators.
Their response was typical Nancy Regan war on drugs brainwash.
My one sentence reply was to call him a idiot.
I'm sure the intern who answers and auto responds to the senators emails from his 'non-corporate people' constituents put my name on a short list and hit 'delete'.


I wrote a similar letter to my one of my two senators.
Their response was typical Nancy Regan war on drugs brainwash.
My one sentence reply was to call him a idiot.
I'm sure the intern who answers and auto responds to the senators emails from his 'non-corporate people' constituents put my name on a short list and hit 'delete'.
Oh, yer on a list now - for sure...

I'm on one too - here in Canuckada. Written several polits, using real name and address, telling them exactly what kind of spineless doooshs they are for their stance on mj.

Invited one to give me a call once his career is over so we could continue the chat in person. He was defeated and left politics, but never called.

Fuck 'em...

Good for you, tho'. All of us should take the time...

pine boy

Our representitives are mullets.I got our state senators fliers for a while and one stated that he was now over the department of agriculture.
I sent him a personally written letter asking him specifically what his stance was on agricultural hemp and why I felt it important to farm hemp.Never did I ask him about pot
His reply was that drugs ruin lives and he would not support any policy on marijuana legalization...
One day...:ying:


May your race always be in your favor
The overall flow of ignorance from our politicians is incredible. Spout the anti mmj platitudes like everyone is just stupid and we the pols know best for all of you. Just like low taxes on zillionaires creates jobs. The politicians think we are all stupid, and for the most part they are probably right or at least have really short memories. what a load of bull.


Rubbing my glands together
I wrote a letter to the senate majority leader in my state and got a response. It was delivered by a swat team and the narcotics unit. The message was and I quote, "Shut up."


I wrote a letter to the senate majority leader in my state and got a response. It was delivered by a swat team and the narcotics unit. The message was and I quote, "Shut up."
Fucking narco-thugs...

Tough guys - when it's weed smokers, alone, unarmed, being honest. Jackboots to take on flowers - riot shields against bongs...

Then they go home, drink themselves violent, beat the shit outta wife and kids, and relive their glory days as high school jocks - beating up nerds and stoners.

Getting out photo albums of grandpa and his Prohibition buddies tippin' back at the speakeasys, proud to be in America, "where we don't tell people they can't have a drink, or a gun - and you're gonna fear god, or we'll kick the shit outta your Commie ass..."

Senate majority leader goes to his meth dealer, sucks his renta-boytoys cock, and counts the money from the envelopes the lobbyists from big booze and pharma drop off at his office. Then he goes to church, with his wife of 40 yrs., and listens to everyone tell him how he outta get tougher on the homosexuals and drug addicts...

And he smiles...

Our time is comin', kids - it's comin' - and when WE get the power, they are gonna be sorry...