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Council Tax, Any ideas on Renting a 2nd property while on benefits


Active member
Yeah sorry for being a dick :jerkit: just the way i am im afraid no excuses. I'd look into some kind of stealth drobe. The right kind of fan controller (eg STR-1) will make for an almost silent grow.

Might even be best if someone else could grow for him as getting another place will be a battle on more than one front. Not only will he have to negotiate council tax etc he'll also need to find a private landlord who's believes he's legit and having moved recently I can say this is easily the most difficult bit. Where I am at least agencies wont touch you unless you can show either 6 months worth of pay slips or 2 years of books if you're self employed, plus references. Almost all landlords use letting agencies these days. Only real way to do it would be to come off benefits and sounds like that's not an option.

spiritual g

Well... I will explain further due to the above comment and the views of some others in this thread, the guy is signed off from work, he is also registered disabled. He cannot grow at his home address as he has all sorts of carers etc coming to his house. He also does not want to lose his sheltered living accommodation due to growing. He lives in a Studio flat. Money wise, renting a small place and growing his own works out cheaper for him than buying from dealers!

Herb benefits as it helps the pain he suffers.. He is not looking to profit, just grow his own and stop relying on friends and dealers.

Thanks for the positive comments, I'm just asking the question on his behalf

im sorry but i am a senior care worker,and if he has a house already how the hell is he going to miracle a new house for a grow?i love my weed like any man and any disabled person should have access to a crop but to need a new house illegitimetly to grow ganja is a bit of a joe to be honest.He can easily have his own crop without a care worker seeing it,in fact we have few rights if any.We do not have the right to wander.WITH your amazing friendship you can make him a cab away from prying eyes quite easily.Please dont use someone suffering as an excuse,and if you were telling the truth imagine if he gets caught and losing both houses....im sorry but you are full of shit.



Where I am at least agencies wont touch you unless you can show either 6 months worth of pay slips or 2 years of books if you're self employed, plus references. Almost all landlords use letting agencies these days. Only real way to do it would be to come off benefits and sounds like that's not an option.

Yep it's a nightmare trying to find a place , even when you get thru all the refs and checks they are still suspicious as hell after you move in ,it takes the piss they make you jump thru so many hoops and they charge you for the privilage with "admin charges" once their done they should leave you in peace but they dont .

I have enough money to pay 6 months rent upfront but i cant give it away cos it seems cold hard cash aint good enough for some folk , plus paying upfront can be a bit ontop aswell i guess.

These buy to let landlords have got the property market by the balls now cos they ARE the property market , if you lucky you can still find private landlords on gumtree ,bargain pages and such but they tend to be slumlords who dont give a shit ,which can be a good thing or a bad thing . Maybe they leave you alone and you never see them again on the other hand they could sell the property without even telling you .


Well-known member
First off i would like to apologise for being callous, but i couldn’t get my head round why you starting this thread.

How is he going to pay rent, electric etc for this other property for at least 3-4 months till the crop is done? If he has got enough money, he should buy the weed.

How his he physically going to do the grow if he is disabled? Don’t say you are going to do it as that sounds fishy to me.

So now he’s got 2 properties and we have got people homeless, right?

The police read this and they feel justified we are all criminals!

When he gets busted he won’t have to worry about 2 properties, just one that serves a lot of porridge.

Oh yeah if you are such a good friend why don’t provide his meds, that’s what i do for 2 of my mates.

You are full of shit

ran outta love

Even if he sells a bit to pay the rent for the grow appartment so fucking what? Obviously he can't get off the benefits and just live off the grow because what'll he do if the grow gets busted and he has no income? If he's seriously so I'll how can you react to this like he's just a lazy bum scamming for free money (then he wouldn't have caretakers come in all the time and could grow at home too, hello).

Legalize it! So he can grow at home without worrying.


The council don't give a shit who's names on the bill as long as it gets paid.

When the bill drops through the door it will say

"to the Present occupier"

This is your green light to make up a name.

Lets say.

MR B Hope

999 lets be avenue.

Return it to the council tax dept, and wait for a confirmation letter that will include your payment dates. ( DO NOT APPLY FOR A SINGLE PERSONS DISCOUNT) ( DO NOT SET UP A DIRECT DEBIT )

go to the post office and get a payment card,hand over your letter and ask the nice lady to put the details in the letter onto the card.( you do not have to prove your the person in the letter to do this )

You can now pay the council tax for this property from any post office in the country.

In 3 months time you will get a letter for the electoral list ( IGNORE IT ) in fact ignore the next 3

9 months into your council tax payments you notify the council that your moving out,

They then send a new letter addressed to the "Present occupier" and it starts all over again.

At no point is the landlord contacted throughout this procedure, as the bill is being paid on the property, so they don't chase anyone.

Should you fail to make a payment, the whole pack of cards can come down at an alarming rate.

Also make sure you add an additional lock to both front and back door just incase the last owner had extra keys cut.


At no point is the landlord contacted throughout this procedure, as the bill is being paid on the property, so they don't chase anyone.

Should you fail to make a payment, the whole pack of cards can come down at an alarming rate.

Also make sure you add an additional lock to both front and back door just incase the last owner had extra keys cut.

Some good advice up there bob, only thing i would say is dont be too sure the landlord wont automatically go to the council behind your back and give them the name you have given him when you take up the tenancy, i have had landlords that have done this in the past. First thing i knew about it tax bill was there on the doormat with my name on! so i would make it clear to landlord from day1 that you will sort out all bills and you dont want him to do anything .

I could be wrong but i seem to remember that you can pay the tax bill on behalf of someone else, (i.e someone can pay your bill for you ) so i suppose it really is a case of them not caring how they get the money .
First off i would like to apologise for being callous, but i couldn’t get my head round why you starting this thread.

How is he going to pay rent, electric etc for this other property for at least 3-4 months till the crop is done? If he has got enough money, he should buy the weed.

How his he physically going to do the grow if he is disabled? Don’t say you are going to do it as that sounds fishy to me.

So now he’s got 2 properties and we have got people homeless, right?

The police read this and they feel justified we are all criminals!

When he gets busted he won’t have to worry about 2 properties, just one that serves a lot of porridge.

Oh yeah if you are such a good friend why don’t provide his meds, that’s what i do for 2 of my mates.

You are full of shit

Cheers fella! :moon:
First off, I started this thread to get the answer, how to pay Council Tax on a 2nd property when a person is in receipt of benefits. Not looking for moral comment on that, leave that in the Tokers Den, eh?!? I'm just trying to help a friend. We got somewhere to rent, just need to sort the Council Tax side.. The friend will be looked after by our LGA..
I've been growing for over 20 years now, was a member of Overgrow and been learning here on IC mag for a few years now, can't understand your attitude?!?
We growers must learn, teach others and Overgrow the fcukin planet!


New member
The council don't give a shit who's names on the bill as long as it gets paid.

When the bill drops through the door it will say

"to the Present occupier"

This is your green light to make up a name.

Lets say.

MR B Hope

999 lets be avenue.

Return it to the council tax dept, and wait for a confirmation letter that will include your payment dates. ( DO NOT APPLY FOR A SINGLE PERSONS DISCOUNT) ( DO NOT SET UP A DIRECT DEBIT )

go to the post office and get a payment card,hand over your letter and ask the nice lady to put the details in the letter onto the card.( you do not have to prove your the person in the letter to do this )

You can now pay the council tax for this property from any post office in the country.

In 3 months time you will get a letter for the electoral list ( IGNORE IT ) in fact ignore the next 3

9 months into your council tax payments you notify the council that your moving out,

They then send a new letter addressed to the "Present occupier" and it starts all over again.

At no point is the landlord contacted throughout this procedure, as the bill is being paid on the property, so they don't chase anyone.

Should you fail to make a payment, the whole pack of cards can come down at an alarming rate.

Also make sure you add an additional lock to both front and back door just incase the last owner had extra keys cut.

You're wrong there. Im a landlord and every time a tenant notifies the council I get notification that the property is empty. Empty properties still have to pay 50% council tax and the landlord has to pay it. All councils keep records of rented properties and their landlord.

Back to the original question though. This rented property is going to cost you about £450 per month or £900 per crop cycle. £900 will get you 5 oz on the street. Does this person really smoke more than 5 or 6 oz every 2 month?

Say they smoke 10 oz every 2 months that is still a very small 400w grow that would only take 9 square feet of space to do it. Im sure you would be able to find someone who would be willing to set up a grow in their spare room for that £900 you were going to spend on rent. That then save you all the council tax and light and heat, plus you dont have to go to the effort looking after it at a property that you dont live in.

So with all that said, I personally think you were planning to grow more than what 1 person would require for personal meds. Thats way too much of a fuck on plus cost to get 10 oz.

Cannabis farms are a massive head ache for landlords these days. Properties used to be checked every 6 months, now its 3 just to stop ppl growing!


Cannabis farms are a massive head ache for landlords these days
Some landlords are complicit Evil,in return for a little of the action and complete deniability should things go wrong.


New member
Well if they are complicate what would they have to complain about?

If you know your tenant is going to put shit loads of 3 foot holes in your wall and ceiling then thats what will happen.


My council taxes were paid on the 1st of every month.

on the 2nd of that month I phoned the council, telling them im moving,

Within 14 days a new "Present occupier" arrives.

I worked on the principal that i still had 14 days to send my application back before the landlord was notified that the property is empty.

In those 14 days, i needed to get a new card from the post office,

I then made a payment on this card.

This payment puts the property in front in its council tax bill, because it was made before the month end.

Therefore no letter to the landlord about the house being empty, as the council records show it as in the black.

I think whats key in your situation is the property,s empty, and the councils computer system automatically sends you the letter.

you never receive a letter for being in front with your payments.

People do sub let rented accommodation, so a name change on the council tax mid tenancy is not uncommon.

It used to take me six hours, to take down six tents,

2 dehumidifiers + ducting,

2 Air cons + ducting.

All the filters + all the lights and ballast,s

Load the van.

Hoover up, open the windows, and burn 3 slices of toast.

Move the van to a house thats just bin inspected,

repeat the last 6 hours but in reverse,

put the plants that were vegeing in the other house into flower within 7 days of their move,

Giving you at least 86 days 12/12 with no chance of an inspection.

Wait 21 days for the landlord to make good any faults found during inspection on the house you've just emptied.

Then you re-fill it and start again with clones from the other house that will be at least 28 days old.

Ive never come across a landlord that didn't notify you when an internal inspection was due.

This is your call to clean up and leave no sign of your activities,

If its not your property and it will get inspected, then imo you must grow in tents.

The rules may be different now, but this method in the past served me well.
My council taxes were paid on the 1st of every month.

on the 2nd of that month I phoned the council, telling them im moving,

Within 14 days a new "Present occupier" arrives.

I worked on the principal that i still had 14 days to send my application back before the landlord was notified that the property is empty.

In those 14 days, i needed to get a new card from the post office,

I then made a payment on this card.

This payment puts the property in front in its council tax bill, because it was made before the month end.

Therefore no letter to the landlord about the house being empty, as the council records show it as in the black.

I think whats key in your situation is the property,s empty, and the councils computer system automatically sends you the letter.

you never receive a letter for being in front with your payments.

People do sub let rented accommodation, so a name change on the council tax mid tenancy is not uncommon.

It used to take me six hours, to take down six tents,

2 dehumidifiers + ducting,

2 Air cons + ducting.

All the filters + all the lights and ballast,s

Load the van.

Hoover up, open the windows, and burn 3 slices of toast.

Move the van to a house thats just bin inspected,

repeat the last 6 hours but in reverse,

put the plants that were vegeing in the other house into flower within 7 days of their move,

Giving you at least 86 days 12/12 with no chance of an inspection.

Wait 21 days for the landlord to make good any faults found during inspection on the house you've just emptied.

Then you re-fill it and start again with clones from the other house that will be at least 28 days old.

Ive never come across a landlord that didn't notify you when an internal inspection was due.

This is your call to clean up and leave no sign of your activities,

If its not your property and it will get inspected, then imo you must grow in tents.

The rules may be different now, but this method in the past served me well.

That's some great info. Cheers Bob :)

Important to note private renters, by law, landlords have to give you at least 24 hours notice before coming to your property!!
Tents are a must, easy to put up and pull down, so you don't leave a mess, eh!! :)


Active member
Important to note private renters, by law, landlords have to give you at least 24 hours notice before coming to your property!!

Yeah but what are you supposed to do when they don't give you the notice? My landlord called at 11am the other day telling me she was coming round with a mortgage surveyer at 4pm and if i wasn't going to be in she would let herself in. When you're over a barrel like that not much you can do apart from move 3 tents a room full of gear in 4 hours then burn 3 slices of toast. Talk about squeaky bum time.
Thanks for all the positive replies, some great info there :)

To sum up..
1. U really need a 'friendly' landlord
If not, make sure your landlord knows that you know your rights as a tenant. Explain that you have had landlord problems before..
Use grow tents where possible to eliminate mess and because they are easy to put up and put down.

2. Either use a working 'friends' name on Council Tax
If not, either just make up any old name, register, pay ( see Bob's post above )
or you might have a friend living abroad who doesn't mind you using their name..

Main point, pay all your bills on time!!


I am actually looking for a house at the moment Oop North as its only £500 a month for a 3 bedroom,the only problem is the agencies are asking for references?Bit sticky that one.....


Yeah but what are you supposed to do when they don't give you the notice? My landlord called at 11am the other day telling me she was coming round with a mortgage surveyer at 4pm and if i wasn't going to be in she would let herself in. When you're over a barrel like that not much you can do apart from move 3 tents a room full of gear in 4 hours then burn 3 slices of toast. Talk about squeaky bum time.

You might want to check out what your rights as a tenant are. For one the landlord has to give you 24hours notice that they are coming round and the reason must be good enough for a visit in such short notice i.e gas safety check. Also the landlord CANNOT enter the property without your approval.


Active member
Like husky said always make clear your rights. They cannot give you less than 24hrs notice if they call and try give you less tell them they cannot enter the property, you need give no other reason than that its your right to it. They know the rules don't let them make out like you are being difficult. They made what ever appointment for someone to come and knew it was not with their right to do so. Simple. Landlords are often bullies and over pressume. Make sure you remind them that you are paying all this money to live in a house as if it was your house not as if staying in a hotel room



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