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What are some hazardous "security" plants?


Active member
I want to line about 25 yards worth of my property line that i share with a neighbor with some thorny bushy type plants that would make traveling across the line much harder. the property line is basically a small dry creekbed that is lined with lots of vegetation, but not thick enough to stop travel....

im also going to place a tall wooden fence, but i want the area leading up to the fence to be thorny and inaccessible. for a ripper to even hop over the fence, he would have to bushwack through the bush, creating noise that will hopefully alert the dogs...

something that is hardy, doesnt attract too many predator insects that might harm the crops...preferably thorny and very thick growing, thinking maybe blackberry bushes or something like those.


Well-known member
Black Berry/ Raspberry Bushes, work great.
They veg pretty quick, and grow upwards to 10ft.
They don't require a-lot of water, pretty low maintenance shrubs.

Just make sure, you get the ones with thorns. There are varieties that are breed thornless.



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
My Holly plant is painful as hell to trim without gloves and requires little water. Thinking of removing it, it is a pain.


rose bushes are pretty easy and thorny as fuck.

my homie has some lining his backyard and coming home drunk one night we jumped into the backyard to go inside. unfortunately i forgot about the rose bushes and got tangled up for a good minute
If it is poorly draining then stinging nettles would probably thrive there. Drawback to those is that they are easily defeated by long pants and long sleeves. I cultivate a local dew berry that is impossible to wade through, much more so than blackberry plants I see.

Ganja D

Some good suggestions. I'd go with the Roses as they seem more normal in a residential setting. Black Raspberries are more wild and grow like weeds.


Active member
roses came to mind first, pretty, easy, lots of people have them and those stingers are nasty.


I will have to find the name some how..But it is dark purple with little leaves and lots of thorns.landscapers sell it for foundation planting...sucks ass to plant..very pertty..bears no fruit or flowers for neighbors to pick ..you are not gonna push through this sharp needled shit.

We planted them under bedroom windows..keep the daughters in and the peckers out...good luck


Active member
i think i have some of those in my backyard, like rosebushes minus the roses, just leaves and thorns...lots and lots of thorns.


Active member
Yep, blackberry and raspberry would help. There is a place I fish that has them, but they are kind of all tied together with this vine type weed. It makes it almost impossible to go through because you can't just bend or move around the thorny vines out of your way, because they are tied with the weedy vines.
...or poison ivy...:)


Scarlet Firethorn, a pyracantha species, is widely available, evergreen, grows fast, and will fuck you up if you mess with it. Each individual branch begins as a 3 inch hard, very sharp harpoon. I have 2 around my bedroom windows and they will deter a buffalo. As a benefit, they produce large clusters of orange red berries that the birds like.


Scarlet Firethorn, a pyracantha species, is widely available, evergreen, grows fast, and will fuck you up if you mess with it. Each individual branch begins as a 3 inch hard, very sharp harpoon. I have 2 around my bedroom windows and they will deter a buffalo. As a benefit, they produce large clusters of orange red berries that the birds like.
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My Holly plant is painful as hell to trim without gloves and requires little water. Thinking of removing it, it is a pain.
First one came to mind - neighbour has one next to my driveway - Oww, owww, fucking owwww. Grows thick, actually really nice looking, hack the shit outta it, it grows "like a weed".

Or the Scottish orchid - stinging nettles. Like freakin' Triffids - get swiped by one on bare skin, you NEVER go near 'em again...

Big Burdock plants too - pain in the ass, ankles, wrists, itchy velcro...


Good advice here, roses or berry bushes. I would take a fast growing variations with big, BIG thorns. Stop's you dead in your tracks, like natural barbed wire, and atleast the berry's you can easily propagate yourself.


I like privet (liguster) its a evergreen. grows like a tight wall.
height up to 7 meters. grows at a sunny spot as well as in the shadow.


My choice would be a nice several bands of thorn bushes with saw grass and brambles inbetween.
A few nice deep trenches for the brambles to grow over will add a nice surprise, leave the ends open for animals to get out tho.

Mr Jay

Well-known member
Himalayan blackberry, hands down winner. That thing will be a monster in no time and get's thick as hell. Fair warning though, you'll almost never get rid of them once they're established.