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is there a vape thread?


ran outta love

For what it's worth, I understand neither of your responses. It's true that I'm not an elementary school teacher though.


Active member
ICMag Donor
I think he means we're allowed to talk about vaporizers as much as we want here. We just can't talk about other forums that have more info on this topic. Now that I know the rules, I won't mention any other forums. I actually read the rules here when I signed up, but I didn't remember that one.

ran outta love

Yea it says differently when you sign up.

8. Spamming: Those who come here and post numerous links to other commercial websites, forums, chatrooms or communities, without actually contributing any content to this website will be banned without notice. It's fine to post an occasional interesting link to another website, in the context of a thread's subject, but to only do that, or to do it repeatedly, is not allowed. If you have your own website, you cannot put the URL in your profile or display it in your signature, for to do so would be advertising and there are approval avenues to follow regarding advertising on IC Mag. Any unauthorized advertisements to any web sites will be deleted and if a member persists in posting un-authourized advertising (Spam)....then that member will be banned.


shut the fuck up Donny
I don't buy that for a second. You listed a series of fantasies and lies and got busted. I'll believe you're upset over being spanked but, if you're honestly saying grade school english is beyond you, perhaps you should stay out of the debate. Shouldn't be too hard as threads like this are not allowed to occur or stay open, right?

Think you might be confusing me with someone else bro.

What fantasies and lies did I post? And busted by who? I've never been spanked on this forum or anywhere else for that matter. If I was, I'd be the first to admit it.

You clearly don't like me, which I find hilarious because I've never really dealt with you before.

If you are going to call me out, call me out for real, don't beat around the bush like a pussy cat.
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Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
What fantasies and lies did I post?

Here's fantasy #1...

So you guys would rather ban the discussion all together because some people have dropped links in the past without you guys profiting in some way off it?

When and where was this discussion banned? It wasn't. We're having the discussion right here, right now. Of all threads to claim vape discussion threads are banned, you did so in a vape discussion thread... where vapes are being discussed.

Here's fantasy #2

But if they paid you to become an affiliate, regardless of the quality of the company, it would be ok right?

Absolutely not. If this were true, LEDGirl would still be here. Is LEDGirl still a member/vendor? No, she is not. IC kicked her money paying ass out the door.

Here's fantasy #3
Think you might be confusing me with someone else bro.

I have you confused with no one. You're the fellow who posted the nonsense quoted above and below.

Here's fantasy #4
You clearly don't like me, which I find hilarious because I've never really dealt with you before.

If you are going to call me out, call me out for real, don't beat around the bush like a pussy cat.

Your obsessive hatred of mods has you convinced this is personal. This is simply a matter of the rules. You broke them, you got spanked in front of the class, it's over. Move on.


shut the fuck up Donny
When and where was this discussion banned? It wasn't. We're having the discussion right here, right now. Of all threads to claim vape discussion threads are banned, you did so in a vape discussion thread... where vapes are being discussed.

Earlier in thread you said:
Paraphernalia sellers have taken advantage of IC in the past, essentially using it as a free sales outlet for their goods. Thus, IC no longer provides forums where such abuses take place. There are plenty of Vape forums out there. Don't hold your breath for seeing one here.

Maybe ban was the wrong word (just like "fantasy" is not the right word for you to use to describe what I've said) but the bottom line is a member asked about where to post about vaporizers and your response was 1) we don't have subforums for it anymore and there won't be any in the future, and 2) there are other forums out there to find out vaporizers. Any normal person would interpret that as 'don't talk about it here, go find it elsewhere'. You then edited my post where I referred the poster to one of the vaporizer forums that you were speaking of and deleted the acronym, I didn't even use the websites full name. Clearly they are allowed in the tokers den, as there are new vaporizer threads every few days.

Absolutely not. If this were true, LEDGirl would still be here. Is LEDGirl still a member/vendor? No, she is not. IC kicked her money paying ass out the door.

I don't know her story but my point was if I owned a vaporizer forum or something like that and approached IC to pay to be a vendor wouldn't the link to that site be allowed to be posted on here?

Your obsessive hatred of mods has you convinced this is personal. . You broke them, you got spanked in front of the class, it's over. Move on.

Again with these intense words. Obsessive hatred? lol. The only real argument I remember with a mod in the past was with Brother Bear which was brief and ended with both of us apologizing to each other.

I'm not the biggest fan of Gypsy because he agreed to pay me to do some work on this site, he asked me to send my name and bank account number so he could transfer funds, but then after I sent the info backed out and didn't respond to any PM's. But hey, I got over it, and at no point were we insulting eachother or saying things like 'you are full of fantasies' and 'obsessive hatred of mods'.

This is simply a matter of the rules. You broke them, you got spanked in front of the class, it's over

lol. How is you editing my post equivalent to spanking? Spanking? Really bro? If it makes you feel better, think it was a spanking.

Now I'll move on :) Gotta go tend to my spanked ass.