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Occupy Wall Street: Not on major media but worth watching!

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weed fiend

This thread is much better now. No more long diatribes from programmed sheeple. Just short ones from programmed sheeple. :D

Remember.... only the sheep really take offense to being called sheep. The rest of us know better and can laugh at the mis-informant without worries. :tiphat:

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:

What's funny is cartoons posing as relevant to the conversation.


weed fiend
wow dag, u sure like to put words in peoples mouths, dont ya?

Most of the time it's the only way to make an argument - his own. Need proof? Look no further than the very next opportunity.

My response about roemer was for DB.
You can tell because HE said he would consider switching... But its nice to know you will be voting for bush's 4th term.
Goldman Sachs thanks you for supporting their candidate.

erase context - insert troll


weed fiend
can you tell me OGD...

if you were able to restructure government (either locally or globally depending on if you would have one world government)to your liking how would it look?

what does "workers' government" look like?

Probably as stark as dag government.


Game Bred
Most of the time it's the only way to make an argument - his own. Need proof? Look no further than the very next opportunity.

erase context - insert troll
ohh did you not say roemer was the only candidate that would get you to consider switching?

my bad..
musta misread


weed fiend
The GOP's Talking Points to Spin Occupy Wall Street

By Erik Hayden | The Atlantic Wire

GOP pollster Frank Luntz has advice for Republicans about how to talk about Occupy Wall Street: don't use the word "capitalism," say "I get it" to the protesters and never use the word "bonus" to talk about executive bonuses. The tips, as Yahoo News' Chris Moody recounted from a session with the Republican Governors Association last week, are vintage Luntz. His book has the subtitle: "It's not what you say, it's what people hear" and he's also helped usher in plenty of language shifts throughout the Bush years, like swapping the term "global warming" to"climate change."
Too bad the $650k study he helped bankroll (his own people) corroborated what the scientific community has said for decades. That's why the candidates have softened their rhetoric while IC stoners are still ragging the e-mails and urbanized temperature test locations.

It's a good guess that the messaging tips for the GOP about the Occupy movement will show up in Republican rhetoric. And Chris Moody arranges his quotes from the session into helpful bullet points. Here are just a few selections from Luntz's advice:
1. Don't say 'capitalism.'
"I'm trying to get that word removed and we're replacing it with either 'economic freedom' or 'free market,' " Luntz said. "The public . . . still prefers capitalism to socialism, but they think capitalism is immoral. And if we're seen as defenders of quote, Wall Street, end quote, we've got a problem."
Ok, so swap "capitalism" with "free markets," then:
6. Don't ever say you're willing to 'compromise.'
"If you talk about 'compromise,' they'll say you're selling out. Your side doesn't want you to 'compromise.' What you use in that to replace it with is 'cooperation.' It means the same thing. But cooperation means you stick to your principles but still get the job done. Compromise says that you're selling out those principles."
Sure, can't compromise with Occupiers. But then:
7. The three most important words you can say to an Occupier: 'I get it.'
"First off, here are three words for you all: 'I get it.' . . . 'I get that you're angry. I get that you've seen inequality. I get that you want to fix the system."
Then, he instructed, offer Republican solutions to the problem.
So, to recap: don't be in favor of compromising, but still make sure you properly feel the pain--vaguely--with the frustrations of occupiers while directing them to GOP talking points and peppering the conversation with the words "free markets."
Lol. In other words - if you can't prove your message is sound after decades of a shrinking middle class, blather em with MORE bullshit AND NOTHING ELSE. They want to make folks think that protesters think capitalism is evil. ROFL. Crime and fraud becomes a way of life at the top. Greed is the evil within capitalism. But human beings, not the system are what gives capitalism a black eye.

These fruit loops can't make a relevant argument. Not because they lack the intelligence. They're like the commercial ion the TV subliminally telling folks what to think. (They don't want "how" to enter the equation because there's no truth to anybody outside the top.) ROFL

The part in red if for folks like dag who think trolling is relevant. I've probably suggested as much a dozen times. But it's what he does.

But remember, it's like preaching to the choir. It doesn't work for folks who know the stuff you're chuckin is baloney.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Luntz is your typical modern day propagandist, but it's not like the blue team isn't doing the exact same thing.

In the 60's Progressive became a dirty word so, let's change it to "Liberal." Sounds much better. Never mind it's the complete opposite of what a classic liberal is. How many words for spending projects do we have now? "Stimulus, Investing" Or how about monetizing debt? "Large Scale Asset Purchases" "Quantitative Easing" Those sound very technical and Ivy Leaguish.

Words spewing from the politicians mouths and the words they use to cloak their BS in has rendered language almost useless. Nothing more than empty rhetoric and obfuscation poll tested for mass consumption. All of which advances the agenda of the ruling class (Wall Street). Red team and blue team are equally guilty IMO.


Game Bred
i thought like 2 pages ago someone was all democrat Vs. republican is just a distraction(10k words or less) now were back to cheergirl....

like roemer...

the guy is bush incarnate on almost every issue but the 'ol hufferoo said you should like him....


Game Bred
Luntz is your typical modern day propagandist, but it's not like the blue team isn't doing the exact same thing.

In the 60's Progressive became a dirty word so, let's change it to "Liberal." Sounds much better. Never mind it's the complete opposite of what a classic liberal is. How many words for spending projects do we have now? "Stimulus, Investing" Or how about monetizing debt? "Large Scale Asset Purchases" "Quantitative Easing" Those sound very technical and Ivy Leaguish.

Words spewing from the politicians mouths and the words they use to cloak their BS in has rendered language almost useless. Nothing more than empty rhetoric and obfuscation poll tested for mass consumption. All of which advances the agenda of the ruling class (Wall Street). Red team and blue team are equally guilty IMO.

i believe it's called "newspeak" no?

i mean shit when GWB or clownshoes palin are what passes for "conservative" you know somebody has been fucking with the dictionary...


weed fiend
The GOP's Talking Points To Spin Occupy Wall Street

Eric Hayden

GOP pollster Frank Luntz has advice for Republicans on how to talk about Occupy Wall Street:
Rewording the baloney doesn't change the math.

don't use the word "capitalism," say "I get it" to the protesters
Let's see how this works:

Based on the fact that Luntz relies on bullshit slogans instead of math, I'd say he's a fan of unfettered "I get it".


Those who decry television for programming their brain to buy crap probably never consider what ridiculous steps the Republican party takes to dupe voters.

And what level of IQ does it take to recognize that learning the craft of lies (itself) says the message is bullshit?

and never use the word "bonus" to talk about executive bonuses.
How 'bout dog treats?

The tips, as Yahoo News' Chris Moody recounted from a session with the Republican Governors Association last week, are vintage Luntz. His book has the subtitle: "It's not what you say, it's what people hear"
Textbook swindler.

and he's also helped usher in plenty of language shifts throughout the Bush years, like swapping the term "global warming" with "climate change."
Frank's planning the blame game because even his recalcitrant scientists agree with the community. So there's nothing left but to portray Republicans as defenders of the environment - the same way they tried to say they wanted to regulate F&F (and never did.)

It's a good guess that the messaging tips for the GOP about the Occupy movement will show up in Republican rhetoric. And Chris Moody arranges his quotes from the session into helpful bullet points. Here are just a few selections from Luntz's advice:
1. Don't say 'capitalism.'
"I'm trying to get that word removed and we're replacing it with either 'economic freedom' or 'free market,' " Luntz said. "The public . . . still prefers capitalism to socialism, but they think capitalism is immoral. And if we're seen as defenders of quote, Wall Street, end quote, we've got a problem."
Franks already has a problem and it's congenital. He's a liar.
6. Don't ever say you're willing to 'compromise.'
"If you talk about 'compromise,' they'll say you're selling out. Your side doesn't want you to 'compromise.' What you use in that to replace it with is 'cooperation.' It means the same thing. But cooperation means you stick to your principles but still get the job done. Compromise says that you're selling out those principles."
ROFL - and TPs think they're grass roots. It's just the disgruntled end of the Republican party, not the trunk end.
7. The three most important words you can say to an Occupier: 'I get it.'
"First off, here are three words for you all: 'I get it.' . . . 'I get that you're angry. I get that you've seen inequality. I get that you want to fix the system."
Then, he instructed, offer Republican solutions to the problem.
One monumental problem. Republican solutions only work for the rich. That's why Franks message has none of the typical indicators that would support a message. So he throws more baloney.

So, to recap: don't be in favor of compromising, but still make sure you properly feel the pain--vaguely--with the frustrations of occupiers while directing them to GOP talking points and peppering the conversation with the words "free markets."
And if you don't compromise, "feel the pain" is more bullshit.

The funny thing is, Frank and his fellow bunk chuckers won't go away. The conversation, along with the country's direction will go away from them. It'll take another 50 to 75 years to forget that folks like Frank will resurface to spew the goo.


weed fiend
If you're a fan of lifting the top at the expense of the bottom, literal interpretations of 'Republican' and or 'conservative' don't hide the strategy.


Game Bred


weed fiend
Paul needs a new pair of boots. He's waiting for the day he can color coordinate with his presidential carpet bag.

When you get tired of spitballs, try Frank's advice - spin the baloney.


Luntz is your typical modern day propagandist, but it's not like the blue team isn't doing the exact same thing.

In the 60's Progressive became a dirty word so, let's change it to "Liberal." Sounds much better. Never mind it's the complete opposite of what a classic liberal is. How many words for spending projects do we have now? "Stimulus, Investing" Or how about monetizing debt? "Large Scale Asset Purchases" "Quantitative Easing" Those sound very technical and Ivy Leaguish.

Words spewing from the politicians mouths and the words they use to cloak their BS in has rendered language almost useless. Nothing more than empty rhetoric and obfuscation poll tested for mass consumption. All of which advances the agenda of the ruling class (Wall Street). Red team and blue team are equally guilty IMO.

when i was younger there was a marine/viet nam vet vet that lived close to us. his stance on government was that they should stay the fuck out of our lives as much as possible and that as individuals we should be able to do what we want unless it hurts someone else.

people use to call him a liberal (when he was not in the room). he is no longer with us, and it's a good thing because if he heard himself being called liberal these days ....... i would not want to be the one who said it

red and blue have played us all against each other ..... those clowns have been on the same team for years.

treasonous lying cocksuckers each and every one


weed fiend
when i was younger there was a marine/viet nam vet vet that lived close to us. his stance on government was that they should stay the fuck out of our lives as much as possible and that as individuals we should be able to do what we want unless it hurts someone else.

The problem you run into is everybody's idea of not hurting others is relative. Somewhere around this, the idea, "we are a nation of laws, not men" won the compromise of our founding fathers.

The idea that freedom means whatever you choose is no longer free for whoever you effect. That's the onus of ratifying the Articles of Confederation to the Constitution. Under the AOC, states could not arbitrate amongst themselves and they couldn't effectively trade with each other because their individual ideas of freedom restricted those they imposed "their" freedoms on.

Any organization has to have organization. If states can't effectively arbitrate amongst themselves, how does one expect to arbitrate with the next individual with only relative opinions of freedom?

people use to call him a liberal (when he was not in the room). he is no longer with us, and it's a good thing because if he heard himself being called liberal these days ....... i would not want to be the one who said it
That's good. Because you don't typically see liberals relying on the literal interpretations they know are tempered with the next opinion. Liberals typically know they're free to swing their first. But unlike freedom fighters, liberals know the swing has to stop short of contact (or it's no longer free to those getting hit.)

Freedom isn't a one-way street. Freedom has to be applied to the recipient if it's expected to belong to the deliverer. Since these circumstances often clash, freedom becomes an aspect to restrict (along with restricting fallout) or an aspect to exploit i.e. you're more free than swing, you're free to strike.

Unrestricted freedom gets a bit uncivilized. Somalia comes to mind.

red and blue have played us all against each other ..... those clowns have been on the same team for years.

treasonous lying cocksuckers each and every one
They're a reflection of the country's power that has shifted from one individual-one vote to 1% has 40% of the wealth. If I want to win an election to thwart your policy, I'm going to play the money game if that's what it takes. It's unfortunate and needs reform so neither of us risks being co-opted.

It warms the heart that folks recognize the bad side of laws. Humans aren't perfect and sometimes make logical mistakes.

IMO, it's intellectually dishonest to equate a body authorized to fix problems as inherently corrupt when a far wealthier and arguably more powerful interest so influences their decisions.

Before you get to government individuals who make their own mistakes, perpetuate fraud, even commit crime, there's 40% of the power concentrated in 1% of interest.
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