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Harpers Latest View


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VANCOUVER -- Prime Minister Stephen Harper said Friday he won’t bow to Vancouver civic pressure to relax marijuana laws and subject the drug to a tax.
“That won’t happen under our government,” Harper told reporters at a news conference celebrating $35 million in renovations to Science World. “We’re strongly opposed to the legalization of drugs. Obviously, we’re very concerned about the spread of drugs in the country and the damage it is doing to our kids.”
Four former Vancouver mayors of varied political stripes — Larry Campbell, Mike Harcourt, Sam Sullivan and Philip Owen — this week endorsed a call to end the prohibition on pot, which they blame for contributing to gang violence. The call was later echoed by current mayor Gregor Robertson.



Active member
That i think its so stupid how King Harper thinks that legalizing pot would bring more gangs into Canada. Maybe I don't see the big picture, but the way I see it is that if pot was legal and sold in the liquor stores or in special dispencerys that on top of the extra tax's that could be used to help clean our cities and fight crime. We would also have less people supporting the gangs as they would no longer have a market in marijuana. You don't see the "Mexican Cartels" brewing alcohol. Now I'm not saying to say and Jack Dick and Andy should be able to grow as many plants as he wants. Im think there should still be a limit to how many plants you can personally grow. people i know with cards are only allowed something like 37 indoor and 8 out. so make the same thing legal and anything over illegal. I mean it is legal for me to go buy a wine kit or beer kits and brew them myself... but it is illegal for me to distill alcohol. So add the same laws to cannabis. Its OUR lives, let US live them how WE want!
The U.S. paid for his election..this is his payback..

If i hear any other politician mention " kids or families " i believe i will vomit.

with the proposed crime bill...the families he is trying to protect will be shattered to bits, when thousands of moms and dads go to jail for 6 months MINIMUM for growing more than than 5 plants.

Another way he shows us how he is protecting families :

They are cancelling the national gun registry, because hunters and farmers feel threatened that the government knows how many guns they own

well, the government that we are stuck with..already knows how much medicine we take...a pretty fucking disgusting breach of privacy in itself

but thank fucking god they are relaxing the law on firearms...we were all soooo worried about farmers and hunters and their struggle to fill in a form.

I, Steven Harper, vow to protect children and families by bombing the shit out of Libya.

he is fat - he wears a man wig - his marriage completely on the rocks,what else can he do at night but dream of uniformed men searching through peoples underwear drawers ?

All he needs now are Nine West pumps and his mothers old dress and he could pass for Sarah Palin..( a very very large and bald Sarah Palin )

I sure as hell wished i had knocked over his embryo jar when I was the janitor at the Devil Lab. I actually couldn't reach his, because the VIP embryos from Raytheon and Haliburton were blocking the shelf

the cosmic ballet goes on..
Honestly, A large portion of people want harper out, but he sure isn't not going anywhere.
He is the Stiff, thick metal plate headed man that is going to fuck Canada up.
There is nothing we can do for a long time.

Get off the net, keep your mouth shut, be smart about growing. We can only hope a change in office happens when the time comes.
There is so much wasted time spent on this lost battle.

Tighten your shit up!!! er move I guess.

P.S I dont grow over 4 plants, and I don't sell.I can complain and waste my energy on post's like this haha :moon:
Getting rid of the gun control has nothing to do with farmers......it has to do with it being a waste of money and resource....criminals do not register guns!

Getting hard on pot will increase it's worth and increase gang involvement.....gangs go after easy and fast money. There will be more gangs,beatings,and murder/robberies cause of the new pot laws especially now that blow is half the price it was a few years ago!
Well, No mandatory sentence?!

As far as I know its up to the Judge. Would depend if you have priors or if you're selling??

I live in a fairly gang filled centre, with judges that are not " for the most part " down for tossing hard working, tax paying, clean recorded people ion jail.

Honestly the law has changed recently and I am not 100% sure now, but I do know no mandatory sentence, and with me keeping my nose clean for 26 years I am in a better position then some.


Active member
good to know. well im almost the same as you, not really a heavy gang area. but still lots of "thugs" and "hard cores" around and a few "gangs" as far as i no my record is clean, not really been in to much trouble since turning 18 and even the old trouble was nothing to serious.
Well, No mandatory sentence?!

As far as I know its up to the Judge. Would depend if you have priors or if you're selling??

I live in a fairly gang filled centre, with judges that are not " for the most part " down for tossing hard working, tax paying, clean recorded people ion jail.

Honestly the law has changed recently and I am not 100% sure now, but I do know no mandatory sentence, and with me keeping my nose clean for 26 years I am in a better position then some.

The proposed ( or soon to come ) gives judges NO leeway whatsoever. 6 plants and it's 6 months..
Purely for punishment, since increasing sentences and incarceration rates, NEVER lowers the amount of drug use.

RE gun registry :

There are many opinions, and i feel both sides..i just don't like the way that it became one of the main issues in the election...I would hope other gun owners wouldn't base a vote on this issue alone.