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Herman Cain, Rick Perry, & Ron Paul Support State MMJ Laws


Game Bred


weed fiend
Nice try. You know I'm talking about your imaginary radio commentary, or your imaginary interpretation of. That's what you're unable to cite (and can't expect anyone else to.)


Game Bred
id suggest you go to neal boortz's website and become a podcast subscriber.
then you can listen to the hundreds of times he has filled in for the host and listen for yourself.
can't do all your homework for you.

maybe your sons of anarchy friends can loan you the money to subscribe?

there you can hear thousands of hours of hermies positions on a myriad of issues when callers asked questions?

or you could just implicitly trust the huff.


weed fiend
Why would I care to pay for one of the most offensive, lying shock jocks in the business? Why offer the insanity of paying for the information (Cain's opponents) are offering for free to the general electorate?

News flash - Neal Boortz is the radio equivalent of pro wrestling.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
i hate to get in the middle of you two and your love/hate relationship but....

huff post > faux news

almost every news outlet is more accurate...

in fact,

comedy central (stewart and colbert) > faux news

after all, faux news did sue for the right to lie to it's viewers


weed fiend
Why don't you point out the inaccuracies? Or recognize there are none. No opinions made, only references to places, dates and whoever said whatever about weed.

Or, you could pay Neil Boortz to wait for Herman Cain to guest host and maybe, just maybe he'll opine on weed.

(OK, just kidding about the last part.)

It's real easy to promote the narrative. Try making an example of inaccuracy or suggest someone else we should be listening to. I've already got Neil Boortz written down on my list of 'journalists' to follow. Right alongside

Rush Limbaugh
Alex Jones
Michael Savage
Larry Elder

... and a few more.


Game Bred
Or, you could pay Neil Boortz to wait for Herman Cain to guest host and maybe, just maybe he'll opine on weed.

(About the last part - just kidding.)
i don't think he is guest hosting anymore(i don't listen to terrestrial radio)but he did at least once a month for ten years or so...
there are plenty of soundbytes from him on lots of issues..
i've often wondered why the media has not hit him with these?
there are some pretty "wild"(for presidential candidates)quotes from the show.
it seems it would be simple enough for them to pull?
i've heard him espouse pro choice stances and pro same sex marriage stances while on the show(maybe one has to agree with the host?)
you would think media outlets would be all over this stuff as flip floppery but they remain oddly silent.
maybe they have to pay boortz for exerpts? but i dont think so.

any ideas why?


Active member
Obviously these guys will say whatever they need to to about herb and 'state's rights' to get elected.

So what about Buddy Roemer? Why is he getting no play with the pubs? Even some of you 'independents' in here don't mention him. He is the only guy who gets less press than Paul.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Not one of these guys will be president. It will be Romney or maybe Gingrich, so no pot progress from the top.


i hate to get in the middle of you two and your love/hate relationship but....

huff post > faux news

almost every news outlet is more accurate...

in fact,

comedy central (stewart and colbert) > faux news

after all, faux news did sue for the right to lie to it's viewers

i knew you were one of those douche nozzles......and yeah i'm being fair and balanced........almost too the point where it might as well just fucking all go to hell so i can watch worms like you squirm!!!

TT :tiphat:


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
i knew you were one of those douche nozzles......and yeah i'm being fair and balanced........almost too the point where it might as well just fucking all go to hell so i can watch worms like you squirm!!!

TT :tiphat:

wow, i feel exactly the same way...

i kinda want to see it all crumble down to so people like you will fall off you high horse...

GP :tiphat:

only difference is i have enough class not to call you names ;)


yeah i know bitch.......you got somthing for the cops!
just like fuckin with you ass hats!

TT :tiphat:


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
no problemo Trooper, wouldn't the world be boring if we were all the same...?

in the meantime google 'fox news sues for the right to lie' if you want more balance :D

the truth of the matter is our politicians suck and our media sucks....


Kush, Sour Diesel, Puday boys
you're better off reading AP, Rueters or the gaurdian or watching bbc news.

now to put this thread back on topic.

Ron Paul doesnt just say he would do something about the drug war, he ACTUALLY helped introduce into congress a bill to permanently end ALL federal regulation over marijuana.

We dont need to find the most fringe candidate, or wish that a guy we like would do something about it(obama in 2008 anyone?).

Ron Paul is actually consistently in the top three without ANY media coverage. how about you go vote for him in your states primary?(google it, it takes about 5 seconds)


Active member
The reason Ron Paul sounds radical to Washington insiders and the media is because he won't repeat the Big Lie.
He knows the crooks have taken over the country's money supply in 1913 and that most of the financial and economic malaise since then stems from this one irrefutable fact.

Inflation isn't a bug...it's a feature in the program to rob you of your wealth by slow erosion.
Why is it that normally intelligent people casually accept the ridiculous idea that a dollar today is worth less than a penny than a dollar in 1913.
Qui bono?
Hint: It ain't the guy on the bottom of the supply line.

Since I'm not a big fan of smoke and mirrors passing for reality, I'll be more than happy to see Ron Paul in the big seat. I won't expect miracles but at least I'll know who he would be working for.

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