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New Sunlight Supply Sun Hut (best tent on the market)


i picked one up today for a try at some organics. a couple things i didnt like some of the poles were bent, no instructions, missing screws and some of the poles didnt want to snap together. by the time i got it together i wanted to kill someone. now that its altogether i really do like it. i went inside and had my girl zip me in and its pitch black. like 40 amp already said this is what really matters that when the plants are in a dark cycle its dark. i dont really care if i can see a little light through the zipper when a 1000 watt is blazing inside. anyway thanks to 40 amp for this thread it helped me decide on the tent i wanted i looked at all of them and im happy with my choice.


40amp is right on. i am new to the tent biz, but not the game. I have seen my fair share of tents, but never used them. The stability is absolutely undeniable. I weight appox 145lbs, I can hang on the side of the tent off the ground, with minimal weight inside, I don't recommend it, but it won't break. The bars hold. Also I have fallen back with all my weight inside the tent ( by accident), and it was pretty much was like falling into a solid wall. It shook a bunch, but no damage or misplacement.

As far as CO2 goes, it is possible to run air from outside the tent, through the light, and back out the tent. Have the filter exhaust in the separate 4 or 6 inch filter vents (4x4 or 4x8 respectively) in the corners. You will have to get a digital timer with at least two plugs with separate timing possibilities. Set the timer so the filter will go off the same instant the CO2 goes on. Depending on your situation you may be able to leave the filter off for a couple of hours while the CO2 runs. If turning off the filter is a problem for any amount of time, then I recommend not using CO2. Also the light hood should be sealed for supplemental CO2, the Aurora 6 works good, with hotspots too! I am sure there are others.

Using a 1k in a 4x4can be great except for possible heat issues. Also, the 4x4 and 4x8 are actually bigger than that, so if you are trying to squeeze them into a tight space, make sure you find get down to the inch.

I am glad to know that someone thinks that the product I bought blindly is the superior one. Thanks 40amp


40 Amps To Freedom - i liked your review so much that i'm gonna buy one of these tents. what kind of fan do you use to vent and how is it set up? can u post pics? sorry if you already covered this, :)


New member
would it be silly to think you could sleep in a room with a 4x4 Sun Hut being vented with a 6 inch vortex on a speed controller?

i have no clue what a 6 inch vortex sounds like and i want to get some insight before i order all this stuff


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
You could sleep if you had ear plugs of some sort or used possibly a new invention which I am sure I saw a commercial for that looks like headphones kind of that eliminates sound? I think when I saw it advertised it was meant for use on planes so people who fly a lot could sleep?

Even if you could not sleep if you are not financially sound and growing on this scale would improve your life leaps and bounds possibly opening up opportunities of moving to a larger place several months of fucked up sleep seems more than worth it to me....which fucked up sleep seems to be a natural part of this 'job' as a result of unjust laws surrounding it.


You could sleep if you had ear plugs of some sort or used possibly a new invention which I am sure I saw a commercial for that looks like headphones kind of that eliminates sound? I think when I saw it advertised it was meant for use on planes so people who fly a lot could sleep?

Even if you could not sleep if you are not financially sound and growing on this scale would improve your life leaps and bounds possibly opening up opportunities of moving to a larger place several months of fucked up sleep seems more than worth it to me....which fucked up sleep seems to be a natural part of this 'job' as a result of unjust laws surrounding it.

CMH bulbs and S&P Fans.

Or whisperline fans ;) id sleep like a baby


the shit spoon
I'm going to get two 4x4's with a 600w in each. Sunlight Supply strives for quality usually in my experience.

But I'm seeing price discepencies searching around.. as low as $179... and read that some are selling other shit as "the same model" So I'm worried about where to get them. I usually order from discount-hydro but they only have DarkRooms.

So question.. Where can I order from that is reliable, professional, reasonably priced, and MOST IMPORTANTLY uses nondescript covert packaging like discount-hydro?

Also I'd like to run two lamps flip-flopping off the same digital ballast, I wonder if that's possible/healthy for the ballast/bulbs?


Golden Coast
by the time i got it together i wanted to kill someone. now that its altogether i really do like it.

i felt same way after putting up my 4x8 alone lol

unless you have super sensitive strain tents wont cause hermies

i turn 60wtt incandescents all the time for yrs during off cycle to check stuff no hermies ever


Registered Med User
I'm going to get two 4x4's with a 600w in each. Sunlight Supply strives for quality usually in my experience.

But I'm seeing price discepencies searching around.. as low as $179... and read that some are selling other shit as "the same model" So I'm worried about where to get them. I usually order from discount-hydro but they only have DarkRooms.

So question.. Where can I order from that is reliable, professional, reasonably priced, and MOST IMPORTANTLY uses nondescript covert packaging like discount-hydro?

Also I'd like to run two lamps flip-flopping off the same digital ballast, I wonder if that's possible/healthy for the ballast/bulbs?

^ wut he said. Where do I get one?

Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
I've been using a 4x8 Sun Hut silver for a year or so now and I have to report that they are total trash.

The stitching is terrible, coming loose all over the place, especially the front zipper.

Only good thing about it vs. competitors is the strong metal frame you get for the price, but imo, no price difference is worth dealing with the shoddy workmanship on the cover.


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
im not big into tents but im thinking of getting two more for some seed projects. I always heard secret jardins are the best and ive always had horrible luck with anything from sunlight... do you still love these tents 40??? im just wondering i havent took time to go through the whole thread


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I've been out of tents for a good bit now but I still have mine in storage and never had any problems with the stitching like bongjangles mine were and still are solid but this was just my experience /shrug I would say that this review is quite old compared to how quickly the tent market has exploded...So many new brands I have no clue what to recommend now nor have I tried any of the new ones.


Well endowed member
mines been moved a couple of times and is falling apart. The stitching is all coming apart and the zippers are breaking. Good for about a year before the heat and light stress kills em.


Registered Med User
just got a secret jardin after numerous positive reviews. I accidently bought a steet version back in the day so was cool off um but now that I got a real one.... best tent hands down.