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Hey indoor growers (noob content)

I'm going to be putting the hps bulb in on Tuesday and they are all about due to be watered. My question is once I start my 12/12 light schedule can I start feeding the bloom nutrients immediately?


I'm a victim of fast women and slow horses
Well I just feed Maxibloom..but when were you thinking you should start? Come on lol...yeah start your bloom nutes..flush first if that's your preference


Man a lot of things make a difference..veg time, genetics. nutes..the grower. It's impossible for anyone to tell you what you're going to get. I'd suggest the first thing you get is patience. Learn as much as you can..maybe you're not a nube, hell I don't know. Read, read, read here. Yeah everyone says that, but it really does make a difference. Look at different styles of growing, different nutes.. Organic or not..hydro, soil.. man it all makes a difference. Lights.. indoor, outdoor, time frame. It's just not as easy as asking how much you'll get.
Some guys here get crazy amounts of yield in cabs so small you wouldn't believe it, and with cfl's.. so you just have to do your homework..and then ask questions when you just can't find the answer by searching. There is an ass load of info here, just don't be afraid to work a little yourself.
Not bagging on you at all, we're glad to have you. Learn as much as you can and then ask for help...it's all here.

Warped is completely right, no one can guess. The only thing better than reading is to get stuck in and learn from your mistakes. I read an absolute ton, and still do, but things happened in my last grow that you can only learn from experience. Would recommend read as much as you can on a given matter, from several sources then make your own opinion based on that research. But nothing substitutes just getting stuck in :) and when you learn things from experience they will in turn build on or change said opinions

Freaking out right now guys...i started my 12/12 sunday night at midnight so had dark from 12 am- 12 pm then light from 12 noon to 12 am but last night 2 days after i started doign this i just went in there and realized i left the ceiling light on in the room and the vents to my tent were open.. :( did i just ruin my crop already 2 days into 12/12? i went ahead and shut the light off so really it just got an extra 4 hours of light when it should have been dark ...im really worried all that time vegging is wasted and im going to get seedy bud now? am i okay or is there anything i can do???!
Hey guys! Its been a little while since ive last checked in mostly cuz i have been a little lazy but finally took some more pics tonight and want to show you guys some updated visuals of how the little ones are doing. Ive started my 12/12 light schedule on the November 6th so they have been in that phase for about 10 days now and they are already starting to get some hairs growing on them. :) Last night i messed up and totally forgot to shut off the light to the room that my tent is in :( im really hoping it doesnt stress them out to the point of herme but my fingers are crossed x Anyways as far as feeding ive been basically feeding medium strength which in my case with the fertilizers im using is 2 tsp of grow and 3 tsp of plant energy. i did just finally feed them the first time with the bloom yesterday. The pictures im going to be posting are a little tough to see because of the hps light but i hope they are good enough to give you guys a glimpse of how things are going and maybe you could throw some pointers or tips in there for me as well :) thanks again and enjoy!














and some photos of round 2 started





What is that law where if something could go wrong then it will...murphys law yeah thats it...soooo I have my timer for my lights set midnight to noon is dark and then my lights come on at noon til midnight. Problem is I went in around 230 expecting my lights to be on and they werent..upon further inspection I noticed my bulb was messed up. The inner tube inside the bulb was still in tacked but wasnt connected to the main bulb it was loose and the end was broken. I don't know how this happened but im assuming it was just a poorly made bulb and my warranty should cover it. Does anyone know if the extra 3 hours of dark are going to effect my plants in a negative way at all? Once I found out the hps was defective I replaced it with the only other bulb I had which is the metal halide bulb. Both of which are plantmax brand will the metal Halide be okay for a few days? Of course this had to happen at a time where i have no money and can't afford to travel the 2hr round trip to get the replacement until i get paid on Wednesday. Thanks in advance for the help!
Haha thanks ganzas, its been a stressful month so I'm going to go ahead and grab 3 :) BTW thanks for the input and sticking around to watch! :)

who dat is

Cave Dweller
Looking good man, nice to have them in flower huh? You got some crazy tall broads going in there don't you? :yes:


Active member
that looked like a pretty good deal...Rev. Rick is a good guy, everyone that knows him knows he loves his cornucopia nutes!! :p sweet deal tho.
Thanks guy for the comments! It's nice to get some feedback from some more experienced growers!

Mr Ected, definitely man, times flying by and ill be looking forward to sampling these girls soon enough the lemon scent is incredible...mouth watering even but boy do they stretch! My light is as high as it can go so if they get any taller ill have to tie them down some.

Who dat is, thanks bro its definitely nice to see them finally flowering. It seems like there is noticable growth every day andim always excited to check out the daily progress and yes they are some tall ladys haha just how I like em ;) I'm not 100 percent but I think it was one of your threads saying you were into Phish as well? Always good to meet new phans! Do you plan on hitting up any of the msg shows? Im only doing the 31st but i can't wait!

Ticalion Stalion, thanks man I definitely agree! Im very happy with the purchase and your right Ricks the man! Such a good dude, as is peter...real friendly knowledgable guys! This is my first go with these nutes but the way things are going ill be using them again next round :)

Well, off to bed but tomorrow ill try and do another update of the girls. :)

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