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Question about HYPOCRISY


you asked for a single example..

HBO don't censor..

but just for fun...

9:00 tomorrow...
the rifleman
the sopranao's
the news(multiple channels of violence)
nightmare next door(serial killers show)
Darkness(horror movie)

rifleman= a western really?
sopranos = edited to badly story doesnt make sense(not every bloody half the time to start with)
nightmare next door = lmao
darkness = a shitty subtitled pg13 spanish film, how terrifying

valiant effort dagnabit :wave:, do hbo really not censor btw?


Game Bred
rifleman= a western really?
people being shot and dying. you're right thats not violent:rolleyes:

sopranos = edited to badly story doesnt make sense(not every bloody half the time to start with)
people being shot,stabbed,beaten and run over by motorvehicles
nope thats not violence :jerkit:

the most violent show on TV

nightmare next door = lmao
if that show makes you laugh you have serious issues

darkness = a shitty subtitled pg13 spanish film, how terrifying
violent not terrifying

valiant effort dagnabit :wave:, do hbo really not censor btw?

no they dont
so i guess if it aint a real snuff film it aint violent to you?


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
...go to europe,there's boobs all the time,day or night,the violent stuff doesnt come on till late though....
like i say,if in the first 5 minutes of a movie there hasnt been a boob,an explosion,or an exploding boobie than i lose interest!


people being shot and dying. you're right thats not violent:rolleyes:

see the most graphic & unrestricted violence


people being shot,stabbed,beaten and run over by motorvehicles

see the most graphic & unrestricted violence


the most violent show on TV


if that show makes you laugh you have serious issues

their on youtube please a link to all this

graphic & unrestricted violence

violent not terrifying

a pg 13 film dripping with blood?

no they dont

do you guys have to subscribe to hbo channels? looking at there day time tv listings its pretty obvious why they dont have to censor it, men in black, liar liar and the wild things dont really need it.

so i guess if it aint a real snuff film it aint violent to you?

some of us didnt grow up in a bubble ,wrapped with cotton wool, scared of our shadows and the news


yes, its hypocrisy at its finest :)
humans in general are very violent creatures. right now the western civilization is at a stage of extreme hypocrisy. the westerner wants to appear as what we call civilized, humane, kind and warm-hearted (as long as we ignore the fact that we rely on finite resources of the planet every day, that a great deal of our foods are made in ways which harm animals/the earth, that we often rely on dirt cheap labour of people who have no other choice etc etc it is all true). it is all a game of pretend, if it is the norm to think that some particular action is unjust and wrong, people will go to great lengths to express their dislike of it - while two minutes later, theyd do something much, much worse which just happens to be accepted in the culture.

Id say that with some manipulation in media and some quotes by influental leaders/politicians, you can get a whole society to look down on pretty much anything... the human psyche is very irrational, and it really is "monkey see, monkey do". Todays monkey just happens to think its not a monkey :)
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ran outta love

There was a scene in an old Bond movie where a girl's bum was shown for a couple of seconds. They censored it for modern TV by putting knickers on her with CGI. Kinda funny. Especially since Bond movies are all about killing people while at the same time joking about it like it's nothing.


Active member
to many perky exposed breasts makes my mind wander and i soon loose track of everything else. a couple years ago didnt the russians have topless news reporting on one channel. if not them someone else did. well i know for the first day i prob wouldnt remember what the weather was due to checking out the boobage .


Active member
It is because the same good that keeps people "pure" is the same evil that pathologically live in people who damn everyone else because of it.

It's business, not politics. I am sure everyone who is white and way up there....is totally groovin the their ultra ghetto bass drops by the artists who make them their money.

Anyway, hypocrisy is groovy.

Jesus said he cared about everyone and that's what life is.

Then when he died in the flesh, he proved that shit.

Therefore, he was trying to teach people and sacrificed himself, whether he was magic....or some sort of mathematical anomaly of the universe set to balance an equation like in the matrix.

Every time we shun someone away with bad qualities, it's because we have a nagging feeling we have those same qualities.


Rubbing my glands together
Why can one turn on the TV @ any time of the day (or night) and see the most graphic & unrestricted violence whether it be real or fake (but little kids wouldn't know the difference) but whole boobs (yes, female breasts lol) being blanked out/covered up or not shown @ all even though most of us used to suck on them when we were little!?

Why? Because the nanny state, the same as with the drug war, has decided that we aren't mature enough or capable enough to make up our own minds about what we should or shouldn't see or do. They will just keep on keeping sex or anything to do with it, "dirty". And these same stuffed suits will keep on fronting decency while keeping a girl, or a boy, somewhere in the back and out of site.


stoned agin ...
this ...

or this ...

seems easy enuf to me :)
Hypocrisy, boobs, violence? All this shit is packed in TV for our convenience...just to keep us all entertained & distracted, all the while our corporate governments tighten the noose, & do what they want.


Well-known member
cause the eugenicists that own the networks would rather promote violence and homosexuality, since this will help speed up "depopulation."


you need to get the playboy channel (I know there are other channels)

my buddy has it and it's fun

it's not hardcore porn 24h, that stuff is more at night

there's some educational in there and a lot of humor

and what you want, breasts, of all kind

pretty much all the time :D


Kiss My Ring
do ya feel hypocricized for not getting your titalation?
you can find boobs anytime you feel like it on internut, just stroke the mousey abit...viola...
the only thing hypocritical about them not showing boobs or sex is that they are fooking everyone and they don't want that associated with teats.

did i just say that?


Those who forget history are doomed (ostensibly to repeat it). I guess we were born in a vacuum, because no one remembers the Puritans or the legacy they left us.


My post was deleted here because of a semi nude girlie pic I included. Please accept my apology as I overlooked TOU.

Imagine a well endowed woman gazing down at her lovely, ample breasts. She was wearing a blouse, unbuttoned, and one could clearly see her breasts, nipples and all. Very nice actually.

It was deleted, so I won't do that again. My bad.

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