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Love Potion 1


Throbbing Member
Lemon G = Love Potion #1, or so i've been told. Pronounced lemon flavor and an uplifting, social effect.


Very Nice Flowers :tiphat:

Lean Green

Operating Outside the Law
ICMag Donor
awesome LG. I see some similarities to the G13/BK x BH here in this pic. I'd say that Blockhead male breeds with a twinge of structural dominance, no?

Maybe I should get around to some of my Super G beans as well now that folks are up and paying attention again...

And for those that keep asking...Reefer sold the LP#1 line to GW Pharma. All rights. THAT is why you can't find it anymore...


That's not the LP#1 x Blockhead Frank, I planted my last 3 LP#1's and wound up with two females. The other one looks more sativa like in structure but smells the same as the plant pictured.
I have pics of the LP x Blockhead in my old gallery, if you want to see them. In that cross, the Blockhead dominates in smell and taste. Crazy ass mango/grapefruit aromas.


There are some amazing photos in here, you guys have some great strains,excellent grow's.:tiphat:

I am having problems in the room, I'll post some pics soon. Whitefly infestation, and discovered ph pen was way off. Pulled mom's out of pots and the majority of the roots are dead on my Grapefruit Fly, Blue Cheese, Thai Lights and G13. Anyway here is an update on the SMCG x LP cross, 4 of 9 popped so far.



Great thread!

Anybody got pics/info on LP#2? I don't mean the #2 pheno of LP#1, I mean the separate strain LP#2. From what I understand LP#2 is lemonhead LP#1 x with multiple males from a different (better?) SMCG line.

I have found a few reviews of LP#2, mostly positive, but I am particularly interested in hearing the opinion of people that know LP#1 real well, like the folks in this thread.

So, all you LP#1 connoisueurs, how does LP#2 compare to LP#1?

Thanks in advance.

Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
Nice to see this thread up. Was gifted 4 seeds from a friend and got 1 to come up out of the 4. Best smelling plant in the garden at the moment. The seed originally came from somewhat recent stock, I think like 2007 or 2008, not sure.



I love the structure and smell of this plant so far. I'm hoping I can find a few good males out of the Neville's haze and Tom Hill's haze I got in veg right now. I would love to put that pollen to work with the clones from this girl.



Well Im working on the whitefly infestation with canola and neem oil and castile soap, corrected the tri-meter ph monitor (will replace with a bluelab soon) and the SMCG x LP is coming along fantastic. 6 of 9 sprouted, of those 6 2 would not break their pod open sooo they had to go. Here are the remaining 4...

Also still looking for an F13 or F13 cross.


What are the flowering lights?

4 1k HPS they will be going into 3 gallon, all perlite, hempy buckets

:plant grow: still looking for an f13 or f13 cross


well its been 2 weeks since seeds went into the cups to germinate, today they went into 3 gallon hempy buckets where they will stay for 4 weeks in veg, I'll take 3 clones off each. The first set will be for sexing if required, 2nd for collecting pollen, 3rd for testing and evaluating which mom and dad I'll be keeping.

Looking for an F13 or F13 cross

Lean Green

Operating Outside the Law
ICMag Donor
Kinda surprised this thread is still here

Kinda surprised this thread is still here

I was playing around with this picture and forgot to save the original, so this is what you all get. I just chopped these two this morning. They went longer than I anticipated so they are flush a little more than necessary;) the plant on the right is the one I showed earlier in the thread. Taller plant is more lemony and the shorter one is more like the Skittle pheno

Lemon pheno


I must admit I gave these a bit too much nutrient for the seedling stage, however they are coming along fine, I will adjust from 1 tsp maxibloom/gal to 1/2tsp for the next week

I'm really excited about these, I must admit however I want to hunt down Lean Green and abduct his Love Potion. That is just a gorgeous expression of the LP...



Well as I posted in SOTF forum I want to puke, cry and scream. I had a whitefly infestation a few weeks back and what started showing up is this

My understanding is that it is a virus, I'm not sure which one but from everything I've read I'm going with Hemp Streak Virus, I am going to have to throw everything out... I want to cry and I'm man enough to admit it. Ohhhh Love Potion you elude me...


Damn. Do you really have to cull everything? No chance it's something in the medium? Sorry man.


Damn. Do you really have to cull everything? No chance it's something in the medium? Sorry man.

Thanks KSP, it's an all perlite medium so I very much doubt it, it really does look exactly like many of the issues in the Mosaic virus thread, although I doubt it is the Mosaic virus and am leaning torwards the Hemp Streak. I want to create seeds so it just will not work to keep them going. I have 7 seeds left so I am going to give them to a very close friend and let him work them. Sh eye t!!!!


Thanks KSP, it's an all perlite medium so I very much doubt it, it really does look exactly like many of the issues in the Mosaic virus thread, although I doubt it is the Mosaic virus and am leaning torwards the Hemp Streak. I want to create seeds so it just will not work to keep them going. I have 7 seeds left so I am going to give them to a very close friend and let him work them. Sh eye t!!!!

Well I'm sorry it didn't work out for you. Hopefully your friend can help out. Good luck man!

Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
Hello everyone,

I see they haven't shut this thread down yet. It's all about the plant, man.

Thought I'd share some more recent pics of the Love Potion #1 plant that I'm growing. Getting some good smells off of this girl: light citrusy funk, a little sour, a little sweet. One of the best smelling/looking plants in the room at the moment.

These shots were taken at 4 weeks of flower...



