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Mango, Whitefire OG, HeadBand, Chemdawg S and a few others!!


Cured Trim Nug PICS!

Cured Trim Nug PICS!


MANGO Pics!!! Were for sure running this strain again for full season, very good producer. After a good cure it has a hint of Mango smells and tastes. Very Dense Buds, Overall 9 out of 10 I would rate it for growing. For smoke 7.7 out of 10 its really tasty, smells real good, looks awesome, Just doesn't have a high of THC % I assume.

Pretty Good strain, very tasty, a great stoney high, potent, nice bag appeal. 7 out of 10.

Querkle pretty impressed with this strain, almost top shelf smoke, it has a fruity taste, great bag appeal, good stoned high. 8.4 out of 10


Whitefire OG pretty good strain it does not produce to well but what it does is PHIRE! Easy to grow finish's kinda early for being a white strain must be the OG in it. We wont being running this again next year I think its more of a indoor only strain. Great buds though its dense but fluffy a elbow of WIFI looks like its double then a elbow of Mango.

Thanks for tuning in on this season, please feel free to ask anything, and give advice, or criticize. Oh and stay tuned for cured trimmed pics of the Chem S, and Headband.

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Active member
Great looking outdoor nuggies man! Yeah, I am quite impressed with the Querkle myself!! Good work my friend... :smoker:


Thanks for following the grow Spocannabis, yeah I will try to figure out how to add you to my contacts, funny I know a decent amount about cannabis but sometimes I can be a straight ratard about computers haha.

Hope everyone enjoyed this thread, next year is going to be bigger and better then ever! Also stay tuned for our Grow Lab 240 4000 watt grow, I started a thread on the indoor soil section, were getting more clones TODAY, HURRAY!


that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
Hey Man, did you guys limit the size of the plants at all? Was it a late start? Those plants in the ground look amazing, but they seem to be shorter then most of these monster cali medical plants I've seen. Just curious, and congratulations.


Limit the size of plants now we just got a late start everything was in pots by late may. We did not have any plants in the ground we had a hoop house, and full season plant count was around 500 but were care givers for people that cant grow. Shorter actually they were a lot taller then I would of liked, next year I will spend hours each week training each plant, if you keep them short their easy to maintain, a lot more main colas instead of one. Also we had the headband & white fire OGS triple and doubled up, big mistake.... We also got by for the whole season with around 2000k in nutes, we way under fed them, and way under watered we had the worst water pressure I would water for 10 hours straight no joke at least a couple of times a week. Next year is going to be a lot more dialed in

Mr Apricot

you say you tarp those greenhouses for 12/12. Is it normal tarp or lightproof poly? Those are some of the nicest outdoor nugs ive ever seen.


spreadin da love
looks great man.. hope my season looks that well this year.. think we will only do one house and the rest outdoors... I'm lookin forward to it.


When does headband finish outdoors? How is its mold resistance? I am thinking about trying the strain this year, but im not sure if it can handle my climate. Let me know I would appreciate the info!


Active member
awesome grow man love to see those big cali outdoor plots..

a few things...since you were already over plant count you shold have done all 200 gallons and shot for 3-5lb per plant....since you are already going balls to the wall might as well go for the big yields...

so everything was handwatered? damn that sounds intense! im sure a nice drip irrigation system would work good for you next year...


Weed4All yes with all of the patients we grow for it goes within a year.

odogy:Yeah multiples for the most we did that for a reason, just looks like a well trained plant that was topped early.


Mr Apricot Yes its called a hoop house, among other things. Its just like turning the lights off for indoor to flower them. The only problem is you need a out take for late flower and need a generator.


teddybud indoor is nice but just costs so much more for a lot less. I prefer to grow indoors but you know how it goes cant refuse a job in this economy. Ill try to follow your grows just been busy.


Crf it depends on how much direct sunlight they get IMO around 8 to 9 weeks from showing pistils is average I would say.


Prop215 If it was my decision I would have I only had so much say in it you know, although I was their constantly and was the master grower funds were short from working with the wrong people.


Plastochron Yeah wifis are decent sense its such potent bud but generally I look for a bigger yielding strain for outdoors.