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Best Strain For Nausea and Pain

Since the wreck I have had much pain and nausea. Some days can't eat at all......have tried many strains and I still don't get what I need. Incisions all the time is what only kills the pain and I don't want that 4 inch needle in my fuckin foot each week for who knows how long.

:thank you:


Green is Gold
I just had a really bad bout of nausea from some bad chicken I ate and I smoked a few bowls of Super lemon haze and I don't feel like throwing up anymore. Bout to drink some tea now and that should quell it completely. But def give the SLH a try it worked for me.


New member
I get daily nausea every morning (no I'm not pregnant, I'm male) due to chronic sinus issues. I have a huge regiment that I follow that seems to be working fairly well. In the morning as soon as I wake up I drink a glass of fresh grapefruit juice and then take 1-B-50 complex, 1-L-Glutamine, 2-Vitamin E, 1- Omega 3 capsule and 1-Apple Pectin. In addition to that I also take 1 Emergen-C packet 20 minutes prior to leaving the house. I repeat the regiment at night also; leaving off the L-Glutamine and instead I have a high protein meal before I lay down and go to sleep (I also keep saltines next to the bed in case I wake up nauseous). The best strain that I have found to instantly kill any nausea is Mr. Nice's G-13xHash Plant and recently his G-13x Haze, these two strains seem to instantly take away the nausea and put me into a better place, they will couch lock the holy living hell out of you but that is actually much better than leaning over the toilet on a daily basis.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
most Indica dom strains will cover pain,Nausea. I just finished The white v2 from Karma. Works very well in both departments.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Maple Leaf Indica gives me some pain relief for knees. Gives me some appetite which is rare for any weed to give me munchies.
I have horrible nausea, so I feel your pain. Sometimes I get so bad I'll be in the hospital for 10 days throwing up violently. I also have intense pain. I don't know everything, and everyone is different, but this is what I have found has worked for me.

DJ short's blueberry is great for nausea, and is easily found, take it late harvested for better pain and nausea control.

Breeder steve sol shishkaberry also works well for nausea and pain.

I recently grew a sweet tooth #3 x ak-47 f6 that was the BEST I've ever had for pain and nausea, if harvested early, later harvested had more pain relieving properties but lost nausea fighting properties. It lacked a little in flavor and smell, so I'm working on that, it might take me a couple of years top get it to where I want it to be.

From what I understand, shishkaberry, sweet tooth #3 and blueberry all have something in common with each other, I'm so stoned on BHO right now I can't recall what it is exactly... I hope this helps.
Northern Lights #5 is great for nausea and pain. i have Degenerate Disc Disease and other spinal problems and NL has always been a close companion. Its a well known strain, hope you can find it.


I love the smell of cannabis in the morning
High CBD strains like Cannatonic and Harlequin will provide real pain relief.

I've never run Cannatonic, though I'm told it's couch lock city.

Harlequin is a sativa, body high for the most part, very little effect up top. I have used it on a couple of people who were nauseated with immediate, positive results. The same can be said for muscle soreness after working out as well as feminine cramps. My wife forces me to run harlequin perpetually for the latter.

Hope that information helps!


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
my sister finds the chems , diesels and kushes work well for her. one of our sfvsours tested at 16% thc and 2%cbd

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